All Articles about Stunlock Studios

A vampire sitting on a throne and holding a skull in V Rising

V Rising Sales Top 5 Million as Stunlock Promises Major New Update

V Rising has reached another major new sales milestone, according to developer Stunlock, and there's a big new update in the works for the game as well. Per a press release, V Rising has officially…

January 9, 2025 | 10:13 EST

A vampiric monster lifting his arm up in V Rising

V Rising PS5 Release Date Revealed for Next Month

Stunlock Studios has announced the V Rising PS5 release date, with the much-feted vampiric survival game landing on Sony's console next month. After launching in Early Access all the way back in May…

May 20, 2024 | 08:46 EDT

A vampiric figure with pages swirling around her in V Rising

V Rising 1.0 Patch Notes Revealed as Full Release Finally Arrives

V Rising 1.0 is finally here, and as you can probably expect, a pretty hefty set of patch notes for the update has also been released. Stunlock's vampire survival game launched earlier today, having…

May 8, 2024 | 08:55 EDT

A vampire about to launch an arrow from atop a steed in V Rising

V Rising 1.0 Global Launch Timings Revealed Ahead of Tomorrow's Release

Stunlock Studios has announced the global launch timings for the upcoming V Rising 1.0 update, and it looks like no regions will be waiting until May 9th to play. Back in March, it was revealed that…

May 7, 2024 | 11:15 EDT

A vampire holding their hand out towards a book in V Rising

V Rising Difficulty Levels and More Detailed Ahead of Launch

Stunlock Studios has released a new dev diary ahead of next week's V Rising 1.0 launch, detailing what you can expect from the game's new difficulty modes, as well as what will happen regarding…

May 3, 2024 | 10:13 EDT

A sinister vampiric figure with the text "V Rising Update 1.0" beneath him

Full V Rising Update 1.0 Details Revealed, and It Looks Huge

Stunlock Studios has revealed full details of what you can expect when the hotly-anticipated V Rising update 1.0 drops next month. A new official website dedicated to the update reveals that it's…

April 11, 2024 | 11:28 EDT

Simon Belmont wielding the Vampire Killer whip in the V Rising Castlevania crossover

V Rising Castlevania Crossover Will Let You Battle Simon Belmont

Stunlock Studios and Konami have announced a V Rising Castlevania crossover, bringing a legendary vampire hunter to the open-world survival game. Per an official announcement, this crossover, which…

March 26, 2024 | 09:04 EDT

A vampire rising from the crypt in V Rising

V Rising 1.0 Release Date Set for May on PC, Later This Year on PS5

Stunlock Studios has announced the official V Rising 1.0 release date, and it's landing later this spring for PC. Unfortunately, however, you'll have to wait a little longer for the game to arrive on…

March 13, 2024 | 09:25 EDT

A vampire rising from his crypt while surrounded by flames in V Rising

V Rising Halloween Event Brings Free Decor DLC And More

Stunlock Studios has announced its plans for a V Rising Halloween event, and if you like to decorate your castle with creepy accouterments, you're in luck. While it's true that the Halloween event…

October 19, 2023 | 10:33 EDT

A vampiric figure sitting on a throne, resting his elbow on a skull, and looking menacing in V Rising

V Rising 1.0 Will Bring An Engine Overhaul, A Progression Rework, And More

Stunlock has released a new V Rising 1.0 dev blog that looks forward to what you can expect from the game's full release next year. In the blog, Stunlock says the first thing it's focusing on with V…

September 28, 2023 | 08:40 EDT

An imposing-looking character with some chemical augmentations in V Rising

Next Big V Rising Update Will Be 1.0, Stunlock Confirms

Stunlock Studios has confirmed that the next major upcoming V Rising update will be the game's long-awaited 1.0 release. According to the studio, this update will require "a similar development…

June 20, 2023 | 08:48 EDT

Doctor Blackbrew rising above a lightning circle in the new V Rising Secrets of Gloomrot gameplay trailer

V Rising Secrets Of Gloomrot Gameplay Trailer Reveals Your Vampiric Steed And More

Stunlock Studios has released a new V Rising Secrets of Gloomrot gameplay trailer. The major update is scheduled to land in mid-May, and it's bringing all kinds of ghoulish new content with it,…

April 26, 2023 | 08:16 EDT

A banner advertising the V Rising update Secrets of Gloomrot, which is coming in May

First Big V Rising Update Reveals The Secrets Of Gloomrot In May

Stunlock Studios has announced the first major V Rising update. Secrets of Gloomrot will bring an entire biome for you to explore, and as the name suggests, it'll be full of twisted secrets for you…

March 8, 2023 | 08:48 EST

Two vampires looking intimidating in front of previews of the new magic system in the free V Rising expansion coming this May

Major Free V Rising Expansion Rises From Its Coffin In May

If you're a V Rising fan, it is time to rise once again from your coffin, as the scent of a new dev update is in the air. Stunlock has revealed more info on the upcoming free V Rising expansion: it's…

February 9, 2023 | 09:46 EST

A vampire sitting on their throne amid a gloomy castle environment in V Rising

V Rising Sales Cross The 3 Million Threshold

Stunlock Studios has announced that V Rising sales have hit yet another major milestone. The figure is particularly impressive given that the game is currently only available on PC via Steam, and it'…

January 26, 2023 | 08:41 EST

V Rising Halloween Event header showing off two vampires ready to fight.

V Rising Halloween Event Brings Spooky Chaos Next Week

The V Rising Halloween event was only a matter of time, really. I mean, if any game were to receive a Halloween update, it would be V Rising, right? Anyways, the V Rising Halloween event adds some…

October 20, 2022 | 11:35 EDT

The player raising a servant from a coffin in V Rising

V Rising Dev Diary Details Future Updates Including New Biome

Stunlock Studios has shared a V Rising dev diary in which they go into the future of the vampire survival game. Future V Rising update plans include a brand new biome, potentially exciting new castle…

September 1, 2022 | 09:40 EDT

Two players raising spirits from coffins in V Rising

V Rising Sales Cross 2.5 Million As Devs Promise More Updates

Stunlock Studios has announced that V Rising sales have crossed the 2.5 million threshold (presumably after being invited to do so). This is just the beginning for the vampiric survival game, though…

August 8, 2022 | 12:30 EDT

V Rising 1.0

Stunlock Discusses What V Rising 1.0 Will Look Like

While still in Early Access, V Rising has been growing its player base as they continue to develop the game. During a recent interview, one of the game's devs talked about working towards the future…

June 20, 2022 | 03:33 EDT

V Rising

V Rising Update Includes Dismantling, Bug Fixes, and Balance Changes

The latest V Rising update has a bunch of new features, bug fixes, and balance changes that should shake up the meta a bit, with the most useful giving players the option to dismantle floors and…

June 16, 2022 | 11:21 EDT

V Rising Fishing Guide - cover

V Rising Fishing Guide

Our V Rising Fishing Guide will tell you how to unlock Fishing, how Fishing works, and the best places to find Fish, rare Hats, and more! How to Fish in V Rising You can Fish in V Rising by…

May 7, 2024 | 04:51 EDT

A player sitting on their throne in V Rising

V Rising Offline Mode Added In New Update

Stunlock Studios has added the V Rising offline mode that players have been clamoring for. Now, you can play the game alone or with your buddies via LAN, and you can set various custom conditions for…

May 25, 2022 | 08:09 EDT

V Rising Steam Deck 1 Million Sales cover

V Rising Steam Deck Support Working Via Proton Experimental, Sales Cross 1 Million

Unofficial V Rising Steam Deck support has arrived through the use of the Proton Experimental Beta and this popular vampire game has now sold over 1 million copies. V Rising has proven to…

May 24, 2022 | 03:40 EDT

V Rising Offline Play cover

V Rising Offline Play Coming This Week

Stunlock Studios has announced that launching V Rising offline play has been made a priority and that it will launch this new feature "as soon as possible." V Rising is the latest game…

May 18, 2022 | 03:55 EDT

Guide header

V Rising Server Setup and Config Guide

This V Rising Server Setup and Config guide will tell you the basics of setting up a server and how you can change the rules of the game with ServerGameSettings.json. How to Set Up a V…

May 18, 2022 | 08:07 EDT

V Rising Vampire Power Guide cover image

V Rising Vampire Power Guide

Players in V Rising have access to a number of Vampire Powers, with the collection increasing as you defeat more bosses. In this V Rising Vampire Power Guide, we’ll list every power available so far…

May 7, 2024 | 04:50 EDT

V Rising Spells Guide - Cover Image using a spell

V Rising Spells Guide | How to Unlock Magic

Our V Rising Spells Guide will tell you how Spells work, what each Spell does, and how you can unlock new Spells in the Spellbook to fight your enemies. Vampires are rather magical creatures and…

May 7, 2024 | 04:44 EDT

V Rising Weapons Guide header

V Rising Weapons Guide

V Rising’s world of vampires and monsters can be a tough place to survive, meaning you must get used to combat quickly. Thankfully, there are a lot of weapons to choose from, letting you fight NPCs…

May 17, 2022 | 10:43 EDT

V Rising Horse Guide - Cover Image Vampire Standing Next to a Dominated Mount

V Rising Horse Guide | How to Get a Mount

Before the advent of automobiles and engines, many people used animals such as horses to traverse distances quickly. Even today, we use horsepower to describe the power an engine produces (though a…

May 17, 2022 | 10:28 EDT

V Rising Base Building Outer Walls

V Rising Base Building Guide

V Rising allows you to create your own Castle, which functions as your base of operations. A Castle allows you to hide from the searing light of the sun, securely store your possessions, and…

May 17, 2022 | 10:26 EDT

V Rising Solo Guide - cover

V Rising Solo Guide

This V Rising Solo Guide will tell you how to go it alone in the terrifying world filled with vampires, deadly monsters, and zealous human warriors. Can You Play V Rising Solo? Yes, you can play V…

May 17, 2022 | 10:26 EDT

V Rising Blood Types Guide header image

V Rising Blood Types Guide

As you’d expect from a game about vampires, blood plays an important part in V Rising. You must think about which victims to suck blood from, with the types of blood each relating to different play…

May 7, 2024 | 04:40 EDT

V Rising Hearth Decorated

V Rising: Slaking a Thirst for Adventure

V Rising has been described to me as something like an unholy union of Diablo and Rust. In it, you play as a vampire who has recently awoken from slumber and will need to fight, build, and control…

May 17, 2022 | 10:28 EDT

V Rising Clan Guide - cover

V Rising Clan Guide

In this V Rising Clan Guide, I'll tell you everything you need to know about joining a clan and working together with your friends to conquer a server! How Clans Work in V Rising A V Rising Clan…

May 17, 2022 | 10:26 EDT

V Rising Map and Locations Guide - cover

V Rising Map and Locations Guide

In this V Rising Map and Locations Guide I'll show you boss locations, Important Loot item locations, Cave Passage locations, and more -- including the new Gloomrot Update content! V Rising Map |…

May 7, 2024 | 04:36 EDT

V Rising Crafting and Unlocks Guide - cover

V Rising Crafting Guide | Where to Make Items

This V Rising Crafting Guide will tell you how crafting works, how to unlock more crafting recipes, and which workbenches you need to craft items! A big part of V Rising is crafting your own items…

May 7, 2024 | 04:54 EDT

V Rising Guide - cover image

V Rising Guide | Tips and Tricks for Beginners

This V Rising Guide will help you understand the basics of the game, explain the HUD, and get you started on your journey to become lord of all vampires! Vampires will probably never go…

May 17, 2022 | 10:27 EDT

V Rising Vampire Game
Game Page

V Rising

Awaken as a vampire. Hunt for blood in nearby settlements to regain your strength and evade the scorching sun to survive. Raise your castle and thrive in an ever-changing open world full of mystery.…

May 9, 2022 | 11:16 EDT

V Rising

Become the Next Dracula in V Rising

Created by the Battlerite developers, V Rising is an MMO that has players struggling to become the most powerful vampires in an open-world survival game. V Rising will have players building and…

May 5, 2021 | 09:18 EDT

Battlerite Review Header

Battlerite Review - The Thick of the Battle

About a year ago, we gave our initial impressions of Battlerite, the spiritual successor of Bloodline Champions from Stunlock Studios. While being rough around the edges, the game showed potential…

November 14, 2017 | 01:00 EST

pestilus_banner battlerite

The Lord of the Swarm is Coming to Battlerite Tomorrow

'Tis the season to be jolly, as the song goes. What better way to feel jolly than throwing fireballs and arrows at each other in a virtual arena? According to Stunlock Studios, adding swarms of nasty…

December 13, 2016 | 05:54 EST

Game Page


Battlerite is the spiritual successor of Bloodline Champions. It's an arena-based PvP brawler where the action is fast, skill is important and fast decision making matters.

December 6, 2016 | 04:11 EST

Battlerite Winterpatch

Battlerite's Winter Update Coming Next Week With a New Champion

Battlerite, the PvP arena brawler from Stunlock Studios, just came out from a free weekend and they closed it with a blast. During the free weekend, Battlerite managed to put together some impressive…

December 6, 2016 | 04:00 EST


"BattleRekt" Tournament Announced by Next Generation Esports

Battlerite development team Stunlock Studios has just announced in a press release that it will be partnering with Next Generation Esports to produce the "BattleRekt" tournament, which starts its…

November 11, 2016 | 01:36 EST

ezmo battlerite

New Battlerite Update Bringing A New Champion

Battlerite, Stunlock Studios' second chapter in the Bloodline Champions series (currently in Early Access), is receiving a new update, tomorrow November 10th. This update will add a few interesting…

November 9, 2016 | 01:20 EST


Battlerite Preview - Continuing the Bloodline

Back in 2011, MOBAs were a relatively new thing. Sure, Defense of the Ancients had been around for a while already, but with League of Legends being relatively young, Heroes of Newerth getting the…

October 21, 2016 | 10:00 EDT