Tunic Unlock the Mountain Door Guide

Tunic Unlock the Mountain Door Guide

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Published: March 18, 2022 11:00 PM

Tunic is filled with so many puzzles that even collecting the Instruction Manual together is one of the largest puzzles in the game. You might have run across every page in the book through your regular play session but will find that you're missing Page 1. That's because Page 1 of the Tunic Instruction manual is trapped behind the locked door of the mountain. In this Tunic Unlock the Mountain Door Guide we'll teach you the process for unlocking this door so that you can try to unlock it yourself, or if you just want to know the solution we'll have it listed below.

How do I unlock the Mountain Door in Tunic?

The secret to unlocking the Mountain Door is by learning the song of the Golden Path. This Golden Path is tied to all of the boxes on Page 49 of the Tunic Instruction Manual. When first opening this page you'll be greeted with a grid of numbers with some of the local language scrawled around the side of the box.

Each of the numbers within the boxes refers to a page number, each page listed has a hidden pathway on it that when assembled like a jigsaw puzzle will allow you to create a pathway to follow.

Page 12 example

To use the first step as an example we see Page 12 of the instruction manual has a gold box on it where the blue instruction lines run through. This pattern can then be applied to The Golden Path to indicate that the first two steps are Up and then Left. Using the pages you've unlocked you can then descypher the Golden Path. If you find you're missing some of the pages be sure to take a look at our Tunic Instruction Manual Collectible Guide to find the pieces of this puzzle that you're missing.

If you're just interested in seeing the full solution then you can check underneath the break to see a version made up of each of the page segments, and a clean version.

Tunic Spoiler Warning

Tunic Mountain Door Solution

You can use the below image to make sure that you have the correct Golden Path to unlock the Mountain Door and obtain what might be your final page. Be sure to read the hint on page 1 to know where to go once you've completed the manual.

Page 49 Complete


Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Game Page Tunic
Andrew Shouldice
Release Date
March 16, 2022 (Calendar)
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