Tunic, the adventure game about a little fox wearing a tunic is now out and with it, you can dive directly into action. Across the game's sprawling world, you'll encounter all kinds of collectibles. In this Tunic Under The Well and Dark Tomb Collectible Guide, we'll cover the locations of all of the collectibles we've found so far in the Under The Well and Dark Tomb area of the game.
What can I do with each Tunic Collectible?
There are a number of different collectibles to be found in Tunic. Each has a different purpose, such as improving your fox stats or helping you learn about the game. Our Guide hub has a section about what each Tunic Collectible does in detail. We cover both Tunic Fairy Solutions and Locations and Tunic Secret Treasure Solutions and Locations too! We've also got a Tunic Instruction Manual Pages Location guide!
Below, you'll find the locations for Instruction Manual Pages, Magic Potions, Upgrade Items, Ability Cards, and Gold Coins!
Tunic Under The Well Collectibles | Locations Map

Under The Well - Instruction Manual Pages
- Page 33/34/35 - (Under The Well) In the room directly after the Fox Shrine you'll see these pages just to the left of the doorway
Under The Well - Magic Potions
- In the room directly before the pitch-black room, where you fight many of the flying skull enemies, do a dodge roll into the wall in the north between two pillars. A doorway will appear. Head through and a chest with this will be to your right.
Under The Well - Fox Statue
- In the room directly before the pitch-black room after you climb the ladder there will be a chest. The Golden Fox Statue is contained within.
Under The Well - Pink Powder
- In the first room of the Well head down the stairs and open the chest sitting on the sandbank for this collectible.
Under The Well - Gold Coins
- In the room directly before the pitch-black room, where you fight many of the flying skull enemies, do a dodge roll into the wall in the north between two pillars. A doorway will appear. Walk around the ledge in the new room, it will be above the Fox Statue, and you'll find a chest with this coin.
Tunic Dark Tomb Collectibles | Locations Map

Dark Tomb - Instruction Manual Pages
- Page 30/31 - (Dark Tomb) Directly after you defeat the boss of Beneath The Well this Page will be in front of you.
Dark Tomb - Magic Potions
- In the Spike Trap Maze Room head down the stairs and then make your way to the North corner, just behind the staircase. There will be a chest with a Partial Magic Potion.
Dark Tomb - Fox Statue
- After leaving the final room of the Dark Tomb and ending up in the Purple Obelisk room at the ground level you can search the chest right next to it for this collectible.
Dark Tomb - Ability Cards
- Sword Peril Ring - This will increase your attack damage when in critical health
After interacting with the two skeleton heads in the main room a stone block with a chest on it will slide back to reveal a way down. Instead walk to the far side of the chest to find steps hidden in the background. Get this chest for this item.
Dark Tomb - Gold Coins
- Progress through until you reach the room with the Sight Traps when you're on the same floor as them. Instead of exiting through the South-East walk to the North-East corner to find a dark passageway. Head to the end and you'll get a prompt to open a chest and find this Gold Coin.
That's it for our Tunic Under The Well and Dark Tomb Collectible Guide, check out more guides below: