Tunic Secret Treasure Guide

Tunic Secret Treasure Guide

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Published: March 18, 2022 11:44 PM

Tunic is filled with all kinds of surprises from challenging combat, to unique worldbuilding, and a plethora of puzzles that lie beneath the surface. There are disassembled Golden Obelisk, Secret Fairies, and also a set of 12 Secret Treasures. These treasures are the penultimate puzzle in Tunic, as far as we're aware. In this Tunic Secret Treasure Guide we'll take you through how to recognize each of the Secret Treasure locations, as well as where to find them if you want a shortcut.

What are the Secret Treasures in Tunic?

There are 12 golden treasures that are hidden around the world. Some are just off the side of your screen, some are hidden in button presses on the wall, and others you'll need to be thinking about every part of the Tunic environment in order to make appear.

Where do the Secret Treasures go?

There's a hint on Page 22 that shows a diagram of a door as well as the hidden hallway from the back of the Old House. This shows you that in the same room that you retrieved the Shield from you can head South-East through a hidden tunnel and enter a room with 12 pedestals. Each is the resting place for a different Secret Treasure.

How can I get more hints about the Secret Treasures?

Directions to obtain all of the Secret Treasures are hidden on the different pages of the Tunic in-game Manual, they are normally indicated to using blue pen on top of the regular designs. Obtaining Page 45 will also give you clearer directions giving you an illustration of the room and which page corresponds to which of the Secret Treasures.

Listed below is each of the Tunic Secret Treasure locations, what achievement they unlock, and what happens after you collect them.

Tunic Spoiler Warning

Tunic Secret Treasure Unlock Requirements

  1. Mr Mayor - Found Secret Treasure #1
    Travel to the first room with a door you unlocked, this is the door towards the East Forest. In this room is a pattern on the wall, use the Dpad to trace the path starting in the bottom left to open the door. Walk through to find this treasure.
  2. A Secret Legend - Found Secret Treasure #2
    To get this treasure is a bit tricky.
    Travel to the Cathedral at night. After entering through the front entrance (you should be in the large chapel room with the Fox Shrine) head to the room West of you. In this library room with the ladder dash into the back wall to open a doorway to a secret room. Dash into the back wall of this room to unlock a secret passage, cross the light bridge and unlock the door at the back of the room. Follow this path to show you where a secret ladder is at the front of the Cathedral.
    Return here during the day (sleep in the bed in the Old House to swap between day and night) and follow this path back to get the chest that was previously obscured by the light bridge.
  3. Sacred Geometry - Found Secret Treasure #3
    This can be solved with the hint on Page 53
    From the Windmill look at the patterns on the sails, the single white mark is the start and the double white mark is the end. When the Rope comes across the sails you move from inside to outside
    Down - Left - Left - Up - Up - Right - Right - Left - Down - Right - Up - Down
  4. Vintage - Found Secret Treasure #4
    This can be solved with the hints on Page 51 and Page 1, travel to the section in the Overworld that has the small island beach and pathway. On the Overworld Map page the sandbank path will display as Golden.
    After standing in water for 60 seconds with the game sound off open Page 1 of the Instruction Manual and a new message will appear underneath the developer message. It says: The softest feather, Corrected eleven times, Departed once more.
    Stand in the location indicated on the page in the Overworld and press Down - Right x11 - Left x12
  5. Just Some Pals - Found Secret Treasure #5
    This can be solved with the hint on Page 39.
    Travel to the South-East portion of The Swamp and find the four golden skulls. There will be a small puddle with a single gravestone in front of it. Roll all four Golden Skulls into this puddle and the Secret Treasure will appear.
  6. Regal Weasel - Found Secret Treasure #6
    This can be solved with the hint on Page 53
    Travel to the base of the Golden Obelisk in East Garden and head South-West and then North-West. You'll see an enemy high on a ledge that you can't reach. Attack with the Magic Blade and Fire Rod at the same time to create a ranged ice attack freezing the enemy. Then use the Magic Jar to Grapple towards it and open the chest.
  7. Spring Falls - Found Secret Treasure #7
    To obtain this Secret Treasure you need to have found all 20 Fairy Chests and return to the secret room behind the waterfall for this chest to appear.
  8. Power Up - Found Secret Treasure #8
    Pages 28 and 34
    Outside the Old House there's a windchime that plays a tune, pausing as it repeats. The notes will always be in sets of two. They will be rising, falling, at the same time, or at the same tone. Using the key on Page 34 you can then translate those different tones to directional inputs.
    Up - Down - Right - Up - Down - Left - Up - Down - Left - Right - Down - Left - Right - Up
  9. Back to Work - Found Secret Treasure #9
    This can be solved with the hint on Page 11
    Travel to the location shown in the picture, this is the beginning of the game. Then use the circles and dots on the box that says "Prize/Treasure" to make this treasure chest appear.
    Right - Down - Left - Up - Left - Left - Down- Right - Right - Down - Down
  10. Phonomath - Found Secret Treasure #10
    Travel to the Ruined Atoll and head as far South-West as you can. There's an island that you can teleport dash to that has a rock that looks like a Thwomp from Super Mario. In front of him is a chest with this treasure.
  11. Dusty - Found Secret Treasure #11
    After obtaining the ability to teleport dash return to the Hero's Grave in the Forest Fortress. Follow the rock path to the North and you'll enter a room with four piles of leaves. Destroy them and a chest will appear. Inside the chest is a broom.
  12. Forever Friend - Found Secret Treasure #12
    Can be found by following the secret shortcut in the Teleport room and opening the chest. Travel to the teleport hub using the golden floor plates. Teleport Dash between the teleporter near where you first wake up on the beach, and the teleport points to the north of it, but half-way through that path teleport to the left. The dotted line on Page 41 of the Instruction Manual should make it more clear

What happens after I collect the Secret Treasures in Tunic?

After collecting six of the Secret Treasures a glowing portal will appear in the center of the room. Entering it will take you to a pillar with 12 different statues around a hill in a clock-like fashion. This is the final (maybe?) puzzle of the game, the Glyph Tower.

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| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Andrew Shouldice
Release Date
March 16, 2022 (Calendar)
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