Tunic Ruined Atoll, Frog's Domain, and The Great Library Collectible Guide

Tunic Ruined Atoll, Frog's Domain, and The Great Library Collectible Guide

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Published: March 16, 2022 1:03 PM

Tunic, the adventure game about a little fox wearing a tunic is now out and with it, you can dive directly into action. Across the game's sprawling world, you'll encounter all kinds of collectibles. In this Tunic Ruined Atoll, Frog's Domain, and The Great Library Collectible Guide, we'll cover the locations of all of the collectibles we've found so far in the Ruined Atoll, Frog's Domain, and The Great Library area of the game.

What can I do with each Tunic Collectible?

There are a number of different collectibles to be found in Tunic. Each has a different purpose, such as improving your fox stats or helping you learn about the game. Our Guide hub has a section about what each Tunic Collectible does in detail. We cover both Tunic Fairy Solutions and Locations and Tunic Secret Treasure Solutions and Locations too! We've also got a Tunic Instruction Manual Pages Location guide!

Below, you'll find the locations for Instruction Manual Pages, Magic Potions, Upgrade Items, Ability Cards, and Gold Coins!

Tunic Ruined Atoll Collectibles | Locations Map

Tunic The Ruined Atoll Collectibles Map

Ruined Atoll - Magic Potions


  • Get the Key from behind the green mountain to the North-East of this area. Follow the beach directly south from here and you'll find the door it goes to. Once inside climb up the ladder to reach a chest with this Partial Magic Potion.

Ruined Atoll - Fox Statue

  • Climb up the grassy tower in the North-East of the area. Instead of taking the final ramp up to the Obelisk instead move clockwise around this level to end up on the brick bridge heading south. There's a chest here past the hookshot point.

Ruined Atoll - Blue Mushrooms

  • On the Bridge between the central landing and the north Fox Shrine there will be a Husher standing on a chest with this mushroom in it.

Ruined Atoll - Ability Cards

  • Magic Echo - This allows your reclaimed Echo to also restore some MP
    From the central platform walk South towards the Gate and other buildings. Walk North-East from the Northern side of the gate and through the archway. Head up a ladder and you'll find this chest.
  • Tincture - This will increase your damage, but lower your defence
    Head North from the South-West Obelisk tower. As you continue up the beach along the western side of the beach you'll see an Envoy protecting a passageway. Dodge roll past and you'll find the chest here.


Tunic Frog's Domain Collectibles | Locations Map

Tunic The Frog's Domain Collectibles Map

Frog's Domain - Magic Potions


  • After obtaining the Magic Jar return the Northern room of the dungeon where you previously obtained the Pink Flower. Hookshot the hook in the West corner and walk further west to find the frog changing room. The chest here contains the Partial Magic Potion.

Frog's Domain - Jagged Tooth

  • Progress through this area until you reach the room with the open Golden Door. This tooth/nail is in the chest to the south of the door.

Frog's Domain - Pink Flowers

  • From the Fox Shrine head out the North-West exit and take a right up the corridor. In the next room head up the ramps and kill the two frogs, the chest near the table has a Pink Flower in it.

Tunic The Great Library Collectibles | Locations

Unfortunately you never receive a map for this area so the collectibles and their locations will be listed, but you might have to do a bit more searching...

The Great Library - Instruction Manual Pages

  • Page 38/39 - (The Great Library) Continue through the Great Library until you get to a laboratory of some kind. You'll see beakers and chalkboards. These pages will be in the glass dome to the Upper Right.
  • Page 40/41 - (The Great Library) Continue through the Great Library until you get to a laboratory of some kind. You'll see beakers and chalkboards. These pages will be in the glass dome to the left.
  • Page 50/51 - (The Great Library) Continue through the Great Library until you get to a laboratory of some kind. You'll see beakers and chalkboards. These pages will be in the glass dome to the North.

That's it for our Tunic Ruined Atoll, Frog's Domain, and The Great Library Collectible Guide, check out more guides below:

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| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

More Info About This Game
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Game Page Tunic
Andrew Shouldice
Release Date
March 16, 2022 (Calendar)
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