If you’ve made it far enough to have defeated the Garden Knight, then you’ll be able to find the Fire Rod in Tunic. As the item is a little bit out of the way, we’ve taken the liberty of preparing this handy step-by-step guide for you. Follow these instructions and you’ll have your very own Fire Rod in Tunic in basically no time at all.
You won’t be able to get the Fire Rod until you have made your way back out of the West Garden area and hit the golden tuning fork on the left-hand side of the Overworld with your sword. When you do this, you’ll let out its mystical energies, both earning yourself the “Bong!” achievement and unlocking the next part of the adventure. Once that’s done, you’ll need to make your way back through the grassy starting areas until you get to the golden pair of double doors called the Sealed Temple.
It’s time to unseal the doors, so go up and try to open them again with your action button. This time you’ll succeed, and you’ll be able to go inside, although it will look a bit different from the last time you were there. Mostly because it now has actual rooms and architecture, instead of being an incorporeal space and time void where some sort of almighty fox deity lives. Someone’s been redecorating, I suppose?
Anyway, make your way through the temple’s rooms one by one, and then eventually, you’ll end up back outside on the rocky top part of the ever-mysterious building. Walk for a bit, climb the ladder and then head to the golden monolith to your left. You won’t be able to interact with it for now — that’ll come later, but you will be able to find and collect the Fire Rod to aid you in your perilous adventure going forward.
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of the walkthrough, and should now have a Fire Rod of your very own!