Tunic Broken Golden Obelisk Guide

Tunic Broken Golden Obelisk Guide

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Published: March 16, 2022 1:03 PM

Tunic is a game where players get to explore the dangerous and mysterious world. As this small Fox you'll face all kinds of challenges, many based on your reaction time or how well you can take a sword to the face, but there are also a number of challenges that will put your mind to the test. One of these challenges is the broken Golden Obelisk that you'll encounter in the Lower East Forest. Once you travel to Lower East Forest you'll encounter the broken chunk of the bottom of this Golden Obelisk. In this Tunic Broken Golden Obelisk Guide we'll help you along your journey to piece together this puzzling structure.

This article will begin spoiler-free at the top, but if you go down to the bottom you'll be able to find the solution

How To Solve the Golden Obelisk puzzle

In order to solve this broken Golden Obelisk puzzle, you'll need to travel the world and find each of the pieces of the Obelisk. There's no way to return the pieces to one so instead, you'll need to take photos or draw each of the obelisk pieces.

The Obelisk Locations are as follows:-

  • Lower East Forest
  • There are two pieces in The Overworld
    • West Overworld on the Beach heading towards the West Garden
    • On the Middle section of the Beach tending towards the East
  • Near the entrance to the West Garden
  • Near the entrance to The Swamp

Once you've obtained each of the Golden Obelisk pieces you can start to jigsaw them together. You should be able to create a pattern that you can tap our with your dpad.

Tunic Spoiler Warning

If you're not interested in solving the puzzle for yourself and just want to know how to fit all of the pieces together and solve the puzzle then look no further.

Tunic Golden Obelisk Puzzle Solution

Below in an image showing the Obelisk pieced back together with some editing magic, as well as the path that you'll have to tap out with your dpad/arrow keys. Start with the diamond in the center and follow the path while standing on the platform in Lower East Garden.

Down - Right - Down - Left - Up - Left - Down - Left - Up - Right - Up - Left - Up - Right - Up - Right - Up - Left - Up - Right - Down - Right - Down - Right - Down - Left - Down - Right - Down - Left - Up

Broken Golden Obelisk

Once you have completed the puzzle and activated it successfully a chest will appear. Once opened you'll release one of the 20 Fairies. If you want to find out where the other 19 are then be sure to check out our Tunic 20 Secret Fairy Guide.


Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Andrew Shouldice
Release Date
March 16, 2022 (Calendar)
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