Catching Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is a lot of fun, but there's no bigger rush than seeing a Pokemon spawn and it not be its normal color. Shiny Pokemon are a rare breed that will display different colors, it won't have any gameplay advantages or disadvantages but they're cool to have. In this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Shiny Hunting Guide, we'll go over how to effectively seek out these Shiny Pokemon.
What are the chances of finding a Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
The rate for encountering a shiny pokemon is roughly 1 in 4000 for it to spawn as a shiny variant. Shiny variants can have a massive difference, such as a regularly blue Azurill appearing as a green Pokemon, or a very slight difference, like a slightly different fur shade on a Persian.
Do Shiny Pokemon appear as Shiny when they spawn?
Yes, the Pokemon will visibly be shiny. As you're roaming the world it's always worth checking out what Pokemon are spawning around you. You don't need to interact with a Pokemon for you to be able to tell that it is Shiny.
As a lot of Pokemon will spawn in groupings it makes it easier to spot which is the Shiny Pokemon when you can compare it to the others in its grouping. If a Pokemon doesn't look right to you it's worth initiating a battle. When you start a battle if it lets off stars that tells you that it is Shiny.
Do Shiny Pokemon make a sound when they appear?
No, Unlike Pokemon Legends: Arceus, where you'd be able to hear a special chime and see stars appear when a Shiny Pokemon appeared, in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet they no longer give any additional sign that they're shiny. This reinforces my point even further that you should always be taking a quick look at each of the groups of pokemon that spawn around you in case one of them is shiny you don't want to miss it.
Do Shiny Pokemon disappear if I save and restart my game?
No, if you have a Shiny Pokemon in front of you that you're afraid that you might accidentally knock out or will run away from you then you should immediately save your game. If you aren't able to catch the Pokemon you should return to your Switch Home Screen, quit the game, and load it up again. The Shiny Pokemon should still be there when you load up your save file allowing you to attempt to catch it again.
Will your Pokemon attack Shiny Pokemon if you're using Auto Battle?
One of the new features of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is Auto Battling where you send out a Pokemon from your party and it will attack whatever Pokemon are in front of it, or collect items it comes across. It has been confirmed that if a Wild Pokemon is Shiny your Pokemon will refuse to attack it.
Knowing that your Pokemon will refuse to Auto Battle a Shiny Pokemon is also a good way to confirm if the strange Pokemon that you're looking at is or isn't a Shiny Pokemon.
How can I increase the chances of encountering Shiny Pokemon?
As with previous Pokemon games, there are a number of ways to increase the chance of encountering a Shiny Pokemon.
- Obtain the Shiny Charm
The Shiny Charm is an item in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that will cut the chance of encountering a Shiny Pokemon by 1/3 dropping it to ~1:1300. In different generations this increased chance in encountering a Shiny Pokemon has been applicable to Wild Pokemon encounters, Breeding Pokemon, or both. At the moment the full scope of the Shiny Charm's abilities are still being investigated.
- Breed Pokemon using the Masuda Method
The Masuda Method is a returning breeding method where by breeding two Pokemon that originated from a different region the chances of a Shiny Pokemon hatching are increased. The region difference is on what copy of the game they came from, it does not relate to different regions in the Pokemon World.
An additional way that you can increase Shiny encounters is by breeding with a Pokemon that is already Shiny. This can offer you help in getting another Shiny Pokemon, but might not be as helpful if you're specifically hunting for a Shiny Pokemon that you don't already have.
- Making special sandwiches
A new feature of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is the Pokemon Picnic. While at your picnic you can create a variety of sandwiches that will offer a variety of boons. The standard boons might increase the level of experience you get from certain Pokemon or boost your catch rate but there is also a way to make sandwiches that will improve your chance of encountering a Shiny Pokemon. This power is called Sparkling Power.
The effects of these sandwiches only lasts for 30 minutes of a time so it's expected you won't be able to do this all the time, especially based on the required materials, but it's going to do a lot to force some Shiny encounters.
How to make the best Shiny Pokemon Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Gbatemps user The_Time_Is_Nigh with help from Nanikos have already managed to find what is likely the most efficient way to Shiny Farm with sandwich creations. The purpose of these sandwiches isn't just to increase the chance of a Shiny Pokemon appearing with Sparkling Power but also main sure that more of the type of Pokemon you're searching for appear with Encounter Power.
The biggest hurdle before you're able to start this specific Shiny Pokemon hunting process is that you must have completed the full story and obtained the True Ending.
After completing the game you'll get access to Tera Raids that are 5-Star or higher. These raids have a chance of dropping Herba Mystica in the five varieties of flavour; Bitter, Salty, Sour, Spicy, Sweet. The other ingredients that you're after can be purchased from shops in-game including Deli Cioso, Sure Cans, and the Aquiesta Supermarket in Levincia
Perfect Shiny Sandwich Recipes
Each Recipe will get you Sparkling Power lv. 3, Encounter Power lv. 3, and Title Power lv. 3
Shiny Type |
Ingredients |
Normal |
1x Chorizo, 2x Salty Herba Mystic |
Fire |
1x Basil, 1x Salty Herba Mystica, 1x Sweet Herba Mystica |
Water |
1x Cucumber, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Grass |
1x Lettuce, 1x Salty Herba Mystica, 1x Sour Herba Mystica |
Flying |
1x Prosciutto, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Fighting |
1x Pickles, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Poison |
1x Noodles, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Electric |
1x Yellow B. Pepper, 1x Salty Herba Mystica, 1x Spicy Herba Mystica |
Ground |
1x Ham, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Rock |
1x Jalapeno, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Psychic |
1x Onion, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Ice |
1x Klawf Stick, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Bug |
1x Cherry Tomato, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Ghost |
1x Red Onion, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Steel |
1x Hamburger, 1x Salty Herba Mystica, 1x Sweet Herba Mystica |
Dragon |
1x Avocado, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |
Dark |
1x Smoked Fillet, 1x Salty Herba Mystica, 1x Sweet Herba Mystica |
Fairy |
1x Tomato, 2x Salty Herba Mystica |