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The Planet Crafter Blueprint Microchips Guide

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Published: September 8, 2024 10:57 PM

In this The Planet Crafter Blueprint Microchips Guide, we'll explain where to find Blueprint Microchips and what they're used for in the game.

What Are Blueprint Microchips in The Planet Crafter?

Blueprint Microchips are a special item that can unlock useful pieces of equipment, Buildings, and decorations. Some of the most useful items in The Planet Crafter can only be unlocked through Blueprint Microchips.

How Do You Unlock Blueprint Microchips in The Planet Crafter?

You can unlock Blueprint Microchips at the bottom of the Screen - Blueprints display. The Blueprint Chip is consumed when a new blueprint is unlocked. If the Blueprint Chip is not consumed, you've unlocked everything. Don't throw away the excess Blueprint Chips, though -- more unlockables may be added in future updates!

It should be noted that the unlock order appears to be a little random -- I've gone through the process twice and noticed slight variations. I've listed one full run of the whole system in order below, but you might unlock things in a slightly different order.

Where Can You Find Blueprint Microchips?

Blueprint Microchips can theoretically be found in any of the Storage Chests that spawn in the game world, but your best chance of finding them is to explore Derelicts.

There are two Derelicts (and a bunch of Storage Chests) only a few short minutes away from the default starting area. Check out our Map and Locations guide for specific coordinates. You could find enough Blueprint Microchips to unlock everything in a couple hours at most if you were really motivated on unlocking everything.

Finally, you can find Blueprint Microchips in Long Range Wrecks through the Portal. These will typically be found in the vault room of the Long Range Wrecks with the higher Rarities.

The Planet Crafter Blueprint Microchips Guide - Derelict

The Planet Crafter Blueprint Microchips Guide - List of Unlocks

These are all of the items that you can unlock with The Planet Crafter Blueprint Microchips. These items unlock in the following order based on my experience.

1. Microchip - T1 Mining Speed

This is a piece of Gear that decreases the time to mine ore by 10%, effectively giving you faster mining. You'll need to find Aluminum before you can build it, though -- check out our Aluminum Guide to learn where you can get this rare resource!

2. T1 Agility Boots

This is a piece of Gear that lets you run 15% faster while it's equipped. This requires Fabric, though, so you'll have to find some -- check out our Fabric Guide to learn where you can get it!

3. T2 Agility Boots

This is an improved version of the Agility Boots that lets you run 30% faster. The crafting recipe requires Agility Boots T1 (among other items).

4. Microchip - Compass

This is a piece of Gear that adds a Compass to the top of your HUD.

5. Microchip - T2 Mining Speed

This is an improved version of the Mining Speed chip that decreases mining time by 20%.

6. Living Compartment Corner

This is a corner piece with a built-in window that makes your Buildings look nice.

7. Recycling Machine

This lets you break down crafted items into their component resources. It works with a surprisingly wide range of items, too -- it can break Super Alloy back down into its base components and it can turn Water into Ice.

8. Microchip - T3 Mining Speed

This is an even better version of the Microchip - Mining Speed that decreases mining time by 30%.

9. Area Lamp

This is a nice light that illuminates an area with a softer glow and less intense beam compared to the Outdoor Lamp. You can change its color, too.

10. T1 GPS Satellite

This is a Rocket that unlocks the ability to view a map of the immediate area on a Screen - Mapping. You'll need to unlock the Launch Platform before you can launch a rocket into space.

11. Shredder Machine

This is a buildable that can completely destroy items.

12. Screen - Mapping

This allows you to see a map of the surrounding area relative to where the screen has been placed. You'll need to have launched a GPS Satellite T1 Rocket before you can use it, though.

13. T2 Jetpack

This is an improved version of the Jetpack that lets you fly a little higher and faster.

14. Microchip - T4 Mining Speed

This is the best version of mining Gear; it decreases mining time by 40%.

15. T3 Agility Boots

This is the best version of the Agility Boots -- it allows you to run 45% faster than you could without them.

16. T2 GPS Satellite

This is an improved version of the GPS Satellite Rocket that allows you to zoom further out on Screen - Mapping.

17. Display Case

This is a piece of furniture that allows you to display up to 6 items on a two-tier shelf (3 items on top and 3 items on the bottom).

18. Big Living Compartment

This is a Building that looks like a 2x2 combined unit of Living Compartments, but the interior space is much more open. Ideal for things like Farms.

19. T3 Jetpack

This is the best Jetpack that you can get. It's a damn sight faster than running, that's for sure.

20. Microchip - T2 Torch

This is an upgrade for the flashlight (Torch) with a bigger and brighter light.

21. T3 GPS Satellite

This Rocket lets you zoom even further out on Screen-Mapping, showing approximately one-third of the game world on the map screen.

22. Map Information Rocket

This Rocket shows icons for Resource caves on the Map Screen.

23. Fence

This allows you to build a guardrail anywhere on (or in) your Buildings. Good for preventing yourself from falling off of ledges.

24. Microchip - Construction Menu Filter

This hides the lowest-tier items in your Building menu. For example: if you've unlocked Drill T5, equipping this Microchip will hide Drill T1, Drill T2, Drill T3, and Drill T4.

25. Microchip - T2 Deconstruction

Allows you to get Circuit Boards by using the Deconstruct Tool on certain debris in shipwrecks and other locations.

26. T4 GPS Satellite 

Expands the range of Screen - Mapping and allows you to scroll the Map.

27. Drones Visualization Rocket

Shows Drones on Screen - Mapping.

28. Microchip - T2 Blueprint Pinning

This allows you to pin up to 2 Blueprints on the HUD.

29. Microchip - Map

This allows you to view the Map from anywhere in the world.

30. Interior Wall

An additional wall that you can build to change the interior appearance of a compartment.

31. Flare

A disposable light source that you can drop on the ground. You can change its color by interacting with it and you can remove it by using the Deconstruction Tool.

32. Microchip - T3 Torch

A further upgrade for the flashlight (Torch).

33. Microchip - T3 Blueprint Pinning

An upgrade that allows you to pin 3 Blueprints on the HUD.

34. Microchip - T3 Deconstruction

You can deconstruct objects even faster.

35. Vehicle - T2 Equipment Increase

Gives you a total of 8 additional slots in the vehicle equipment container.

36. Vehicle - Unlimited Oxygen

Gives you unlimited oxygen when you're inside of a vehicle.

37. Vehicle - T2 Speed Increase

Further increases the speed of your vehicle.

38. Vehicle - T2 Inventory Increase

Increases the size of your vehicle inventory to a total of 48.

39. Spacesuit Displayer

Allows you to build a piece of furniture that can display spacesuits.

40. Vehicle - T2 Lights

This allows you to increase the lights of your vehicle even brighter.

41. Vehicle - T3 Inventory Increase

Increases the size of your vehicle inventory to a total of 64.

42. Explosive

Allows you to craft Explosives which will destroy rubble in Portal Worlds and elsewhere.

43. Vehicle - T3 Speed Increase

This allows you to increase the speed of your vehicle to the maximum.

44. ?

This unlocked something; unfortunately, the pop-up did not display on screen and I'm not sure what item #44 is.

That's the end of the list as of the Rover Update — and the end of our The Planet Crafter Blueprint Microchips Guide. Why not check out some of our other guides while you're here, too?

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Miju Games
Miju Games
Release Date
March 24, 2022 (Calendar)