If you're looking for Super Alloy in The Planet Crafter, our guide has got you covered! I'll tell you how to find it (and how to craft it, too).
What is Super Alloy Used for in The Planet Crafter?
Super Alloy is used for many of the most important mid-game and late-game Buildings in The Planet Crafter. In fact, virtually every Tier 4 object (and many Tier 3 objects) requires it as a Crafting ingredient.
It can be found in several places in the game world, but I've rarely seen it resupplied through meteors. You can also mine it with Ore Extractor in certain locations.
You can also craft Super Alloy in The Planet Crafter. However, you'll need to unlock the Advanced Crafting Station by progressing Terraforming. You'll also need to have access to Aluminum to make it - a single piece of Super Alloy takes 1 Iron, 1 Titanium, 1 Silicon, 1 Magnesium, 1 Cobalt, and 1 Aluminum.
Where to Find Super Alloy in The Planet Crafter
Here are all the places you can find Super Alloy in The Planet Crafter that we know of.
As with the other ores, this list doesn't include Storage Chests that you can find on the map; please refer to our Maps and Locations Guide for specific coordinates. Ice Caves may also block some locations, too.
Sand Falls
Mineable with Ore Extractor?
A large, open valley featuring sand continuously pouring over a cliff like a waterfall. Super Alloy is found behind the sandfalls, and Osmium, Sulfur, and Aluminum are all nearby.
Broken Pillar Cave
Mineable with Ore Extractor?
Yes (T2)
A cave that's partially blocked by a natural stone pillar.
Maze Canyon
1420:5:560 (approximate center, it has multiple entrances)
Mineable with Ore Extractor?
A series of tight, maze-like canyons; Super Alloy can be found on the upper cliffs. There is also some Aluminum on the canyon floor.
Thanks for reading our guide on how to find Super Alloy in The Planet Crafter. Take a look at our other guides, too!