Do you want to find Aluminum in The Planet Crafter? Don't worry, I've got you covered: I'll tell you all the places you can find it in the game world in this Planet Crafter Aluminum Guide!
Aluminum Uses in The Planet Crafter
Aluminum is used for mid-game and late-game Crafting. It's also one of the components used to make Super Alloy.
While there is a finite supply of Aluminum on the ground, more of it can respawn from meteorites impacting on the ground. You can also mine it with an Ore Extractor in specific locations, but it cannot be crafted.
Where to Find Aluminum in The Planet Crafter
Here are all the places you can find Aluminum in The Planet Crafter that we know of. Keep in mind, however, that this list does not include Storage Chests that you can find in the world; please refer to our Maps and Locations Guide for specific coordinates. Also note that some locations may be sealed off by Ice Caves.
Falling Sand Caves
- Coordinates
- 930:39:910
- Can be Mined with Ore Extractor? - No
- Cave Description - A large cave system with sand falling from the Cliffs above. Also has Iridium and an Ice Cave that leads to Sulfur, Osmium, and Super Alloy.
Sulfur Valley
- Coordinates
- 952:29:1422
- 731:50:1120 (Blocked by Ice Cave)
- Can be Mined with Ore Extractor? - No
- Cave Description - A side entrance to Sulfur Valley, circumventing the Ice Cave in Falling Sands Caves. Also features Sulfur (hence its name) and is nearby areas with Super Alloy and Osmium.
Maze Canyon
- Coordinates
- 1420:5:560 (approximate center, it has multiple entrances)
- Can be Mined with Ore Extractor? - No
- Cave Description - A series of tight, maze-like canyons. The upper cliffs have abundant Super Alloy.
Aluminum Spires
- Coordinates
- 942:27:94 (approximate center, it has multiple entrances)
- Can be Mined with Ore Extractor? - No
- Description - Large, metal rock formations near the starting area.
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