Our Zero Sievert Makeshift Camp Map and Locations Guide will tell you what you can find in the area and where to use the Laboratory Keys.
What You Need to Know About the Zero Sievert Makeshift Camp
The Zero Sievert Makeshift Camp isn't all that different from the Forest. There are various enemies roaming around and loot to collect as usual. What makes this location stand out, however, are two distinct differences.
Firstly, this is the first map where you'll encounter multiple factions roaming around and interacting with one another -- Bandits, Crimsons, and Soldiers can all be found at various places throughout the map.
Secondly -- and much more importantly -- the Makeshift Camp is home to the Laboratory, a massive dungeon of sorts filled with deadly mutants and loads of useful loot. You'll need a key to get in (and a second key to get to the really good loot in the Supply Room). Don't explore it lightly -- the enemies inside can be pretty tough!
Zero Sievert Makeshift Camp Map
The above map is one possibility of what you can get when the map is generated. The lower-left grey area is the Offices and the top-right grey area is the Laboratory.
Zero Sievert Makeshift Camp Locations
Here are the locations that can be found in the Zero Sievert Makeshift Camp.
Random small Cabins are peppered throughout the map and may or may not be occupied.
Chemical Crystal Field
You can find Chemical Crystals here. The area is radioactive and hazardous.
Fire Crystal Field
You can find Fire Crystals here. Watch out for the radiation and spouts of fire!
Fortified Camp
Fortified Camps can be occupied by Bandits, Crimsons, or Soldiers. There's a small amount of loot outside and inside.
Junkyards typically have Tools or Electronics and can be populated by Bandits, Crimson, or Soldiers.
The Laboratory is a large structure with a lot of loot -- and a lot of danger.
The exterior of the Lab is protected by 3 Electrical Entities that can do a massive amount of damage to you if they get too close. (Fortunately, they can be shot and killed.)
You cannot actually progress into the Lab without the Entrance Key. Once inside, you'll find that the Lab is filled with Mutated Spiders and other horrors. There is also a Supply Closet with a lot of loot, but you'll need a special key for that, too.
Mr. Junk's Sewer
Mr. Junk's Sewer is indicated by a ladder poking out of the ground, usually near the road. Inside is a man named Mr. Junk. Complete his Task by retrieving a ring and he'll give you access to his junk storage. He'll also sell you some pretty nice junk.
You can kill Mr. Junk to get Mr. Junk's Key and gain access to his stockpile, but it's a better idea to complete his quest so you have another vendor available.
This is a building filled with a number of small offices and occupied by Bandits. Unfortunately, it appears that the entrance to this area sometimes does not spawn correctly and you may not be able to actually get inside.
Zero Sievert Makeshift Camp Enemies
Here are the enemies you can expect to find throughout the Makeshift Camp.
Arman is a lone warrior with unique armor and a Wintar BK traveling the area. He has a fair amount of loot including a number of useful Medical Supplies. You're in for a big payday if you can kill him -- emphasis on if.
As on most maps, Bandits can be found in certain areas, most notably in the Offices and the various Fortified Camps.
A massive creature with a big mouth for a face. It hits hard and can take a lot of damage. This serves as the de facto boss of the Laboratory.
A large, alien-like creature. It can be found in the Laboratory near the Laboratory Supply Room.
Electrical Anomaly
A glowing ball of blue energy that protects the exterior of the Laboratory by doing damage to anyone who strays too near. Despite what you might think, you can kill it. It will drop an Electric Crystal on death.
Ghouls can be found at random structures in the map. They're easy enough to fight solo, but they can sometimes be found in groups.
Infestations are essentially Ghoul nests. They will keep spawning Ghouls until you kill them.
Mutated Spider
Mutated Spiders are found within the lab. They are shockingly fast and can occasionally be found in small groups. Check each room in the Laboratory carefully or you might end up getting ambushed.
Where to Use the Laboratory Entrance Key in Zero Sievert
You can use the Laboratory Entrance Key in the foyer of the Laboratory on the Makeshift Camp map.
Where to Use the Laboratory Supply Key in Zero Sievert
You can use the Laboratory Supply Key deep inside of the Laboratory on the Makeshift Camp map. The Laboratory Supply Room has over a dozen crates filled with loot.
Where to Use Mr. Junk's Key in Zero Sievert
You can use Mr. Junk's Key to access the Junk Stash in the Makeshift Camp in Mr. Junk's Sewer.
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