There are six Kyber bricks to unlock in each level of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. One for completing the level, three for filling up the stud gauge all the way to True Jedi, one for collecting all minikits and one for completing all three level challenges. In this guide, we'll show you how to get all of the minikits and challenges, as well as outline what characters are unlocked by completing the level Assault on Echo Base in Episode V
Assault on Echo Base Minikit Locations: Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
For collecting all five minikits in Assault on Echo Base you'll unlock the Imperial Star Destroyer (Micro).
Assault on Echo Base Minikit #1
The first minikit is floating under an overhang. It's a tight squeeze but you can just zip right under.
Assault on Echo Base Minikit #2
Minikit 2 is in an ice block. Blow it up with your lasers to free the kit and snag it.
Assault on Echo Base Minikit #3
There's a bunch of two wheeled vehicles flying around that look like bikes, if you blow six of them up you'll earn a minikit. Not to worry, there are more than six of them available.
Assault on Echo Base Minikit #4
After the AT-ATs appear you'll be able to head to the second area and grab this minikit on your right side as you go in.
Assault on Echo Base Minikit #5
Also after the AT-ATs appear, you'll find another overhang in the new area with a minikit underneath that you can fly by and grab.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Assault on Echo Base Level Challenges
AT-ATrick - Fly through the legs of an AT-AT. This is fairly self explanatory, try to keep an eye on the timing of their movements so you don't crash.
Show Off! - Trip up the AT-ATs without the tow cable breaking. It’s a delicate balance, you need to stay close to the AT-ATs while you’re looping the cable around them but not so close that you crash into them. You don’t have to hit all of the circle targets in order to qualify for the achievement, so concentrate more on looping the cable than on hitting those.
Rogue Squadron, Form Up! - Complete the level without being defeated. Best to do this one in a run all its own, ignore other challenges and minikits and just complete the level as fast as you can to avoid taking damage.