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Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga The Battle of the Jedi Level Guide

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Published: April 6, 2022 7:02 PM

There are six Kyber bricks to unlock in each level of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. One for completing the level, three for filling up the stud gauge all the way to True Jedi, one for collecting all minikits and one for completing all three level challenges. In this Battle of the Jedi Level Guide, we'll show you how to get all of the minikits and challenges, as well as outline what characters are unlocked by completing the level The Battle of the Jedi in Episode II.

The Battle of the Jedi Minikit Locations: Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

The Battle of the Jedi Minikit #1

The Battle of the Jedi - Minikit 1

Right at the start of the level, there's a minikit in the back of the room (opposite end of the room from the door you're trying to go through) You'll need a scavenger with a net gun to climb up to it. Shoot the points on the wall with your gun and then platform up to the minikit to get your first one of the level. 

The Battle of the Jedi Minikit #2

The Battle of the Jedi - Minikit 2

In the second area of the level, there will be a golden patch on the way. Select a bounty hunter character and use their gun to blow it up and reveal the minikit that is hiding underneath. 

The Battle of the Jedi Minikit #3

The Battle of the Jedi - Minikit 3

Inside the dark cave area you can find another one of those blue cracks that requires a scavenger character with the green gun thing to get rid of it. Inisde, is another minikit.  

The Battle of the Jedi Minikit #4

The Battle of the Jedi - Minikit 4

In the room where you catch up to Dooku, turn around to your left when you enter the room. Here, you can use a villain character to enter a code into the terminal and reveal a buildable object. Build it to gain access to a turret, and to spawn 4 geonosians. Either take them out with the turret, or whatever weapon you prefer, and once they're all dead you'll get your minikit.  

The Battle of the Jedi Minikit #5

The Battle of the Jedi - Minikit 5

In the same room as the last minikit, you can see a pile of grey furniture in an alcove of the room. Destory it to reveal the level's last minikit. 

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga The Battle of the Jedi Level Challenges

  • The Dark Side - pretty simply, you just have to reach Dooku in less than 5 minutes, which is almost impossible not to do unless you're taking your time. If you're really stuck, you can skip the dark cave area by head to the left and destroying some of the pipes to create a climbing point. 
  • Bug Zapper - To get this challenge, you have to not take the shortcut and go through the dark cave instead. Inside, you'll have to build something to continue, make sure you're building the light trap and you'll get the challenge. 
  • Forcing Them Out - For this part it's pretty easy, use the force to pick up a battle droid and a Geonosian warrior and throw them off the stage, or just use the force to fling them into each other. If you're struggling to find the battle droid, head left after you cross the bridge in the second area and take the shortcut. Thre are battle droids in the areas between. 

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga The Battle of the Jedi Character Unlocks

There is a whole host of characters to be unlocked for finally finishing off Episode II: 

  • Jango Fett (Clone)
  • Yoda
  • Clone Trooper (Commander)
  • Clone Trooper (Luitenent) 
  • Clone Trooper (Sergeant) 
  • Count Dooku
  • Palpatine (Senator)

Finished mopping up the Battle of the Jedi level? Check out more guides below:

More Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Guides

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Will has been writing about video games professionally since 2016 and has covered everything from AAA game reviews to industry events and everything in… More about William

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April 5, 2022 (Calendar)
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