There are six Kyber bricks to unlock in each level of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. One for completing the level, three for filling up the stud gauge all the way to True Jedi, one for collecting all minikits and one for completing all three level challenges. In this guide, we'll show you how to get all of the minikits and challenges, as well as outline what characters are unlocked by completing the level Stay on Target in Episode IV.
Stay on Target Minikit Locations: Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Stay on Target Minikit #1

Towards the beginning of the level, keep an eye out on your right for a tiny Tie Fighter that'll go flying past carrying a miniikt on the right. You have to go quite far in the trench before it appears, but its' also pretty fast so watch out for it.
Stay on Target Minikit #2

Just after you collected the last minikit, a small transport probe will come flying past with another minikit, on the left this time. Shoot it down to collect the second minikit.
Stay on Target Minikit #3

The third minikit of the level is in the arena section with the Falcon and Darth Vader's ship. As you're flying around, you'll see the same Mini Tie Fighter from the trench (or a very close copy.) Shoot it down for another minikit.
Stay on Target Minikit #4

On the walls of the same arena form the last minikit you should be able to see a shining square panel. Blow it open for another minikit.
Stay on Target Minikit #5

Still in the open section of the level, you'll find four different satellite dish towers with lights on. Take all 4 of them out and you'll gain another minikit.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Stay on Target Level Challenges
- Clever Flying - In the final arena section with Darth Vader and the Millennium Falcon, wait for Vader to actually get a lock-on on your ship, then tap the dodge button at the last minute to break it to get this challenge.
- Hope That's Insured - During the opening trench run section, make sure you destroy at least 10 turrets to get another challenge in the bag.
- That's Not Going to Buff Out... - Back in that final arena with Darth Vader, make sure you spend a fair bit of time shooting Vader's ship and do a bunch of damage to it. You can't actually destroy him, so just keep shooting until the challenge pops. If it's taking to long you can use some of the proton torpedoes gathered around the level.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Stay on Target Character Unlocks
Congrats on beating the first part of the Orig Trig. For your troubles you'll unlock a couple of decent character costumes:
- Luke Skywalker (Rebel Pilot)
- Luke Skywalker (Ceremony)
- Wedge Antilles