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Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga The Copa-Khetanna Level Guide

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Published: April 20, 2022 5:16 AM

There are six Kyber bricks to unlock in each level of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. One for completing the level, three for filling up the stud gauge all the way to True Jedi, one for collecting all minikits and one for completing all three level challenges. In this guide, we'll show you how to get all of the minikits and challenges, as well as outline what characters are unlocked by completing the level The Copa-Khetanna in Episode VI.

The Copa-Khetanna Minikit Locations: Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

For collecting all 5 minikits in the level The Copa-Khetanna you'll unlock the Rebel A-wing (Micro).

The Copa-Khetanna Minikit #1

The Copa-Khetanna minikit 1

Hit the four surveillance droids using the canon off the bow (the front of the ship).

The Copa-Khetanna Minikit #2

The Copa-Khetanna minikit 2

Once you can reach the back part of the ship after fighting Boba Fett, use a Bounty Hunter to destroy the two gold boxes there. Use the parts to add to the giant canon and then aim it and pull the lever, a minikit will shoot down to the deck of the ship.

The Copa-Khetanna Minikit #3

The Copa-Khetanna minikit 3

All the way at the back of the ship where R2 is, destroy the sand castles and everything else around the big square in the floor to build a slot for a Gonk droid. Head back to the area where you first started and shoot the target on the mast, which will give you the gonk droid that you need. On the way back, you’ll need to use a Jedi or a Sith to stack the boxes to ride the gonk to get back to the highest area as you cannot use the grapple to get up with it (or if you have a Gonk character unlocked, that’s easier). Even easier, of course, is force lifting the droid up.

The Copa-Khetanna Minikit #4

The Copa-Khetanna minikit 4

Where the broken railing is at the back of the ship, grapple down and then run along the edge and you’ll find a minikit.

The Copa-Khetanna Minikit #5

The Copa-Khetanna minikit 5

There is a grapple bar on the mast, have one character grab it and then send another one down to where the floor has dropped and you’ll find a minikit.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga The Copa-Khetanna Level Challenges

  • Boba Fett? No Sweat! - Destroy one of Boba Fett’s rockets while it is still in the air. The easiest way to do this is with one of the canons on the ship, rather than via lightsaber or blaster.

  • How Do YOU Like it? - Hit Boba Fett with a deflected bolt. Basically use a Jedi or a Sith and let them hang around with their lightsaber out until it hits back at Boba Fett, which shouldn't take much time at all.

  • Trick Shot - Hit Boba Fett with a thrown lightsaber while he is in the air. In the second phase of the fight, hold down your throw button until it’s locked on to Boba Fett and let it fly.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga The Copa-Khetanna Character Unlocks

For completing the level The Copa-Khetanna for the first time, you'll unlock the following characters:

  • Leia (Jabba’s Palace)
  • Han Solo (Carbonite Shirt)
  • Jabba the Hutt

For continuing the story through to the next level you'll also unlock

  • Imperial Lambda-Class Shuttle

More Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Guides

| Former Staff Writer

Courtney Ehrenholfer is an aspiring novelist and screenwriter, and current journalist who greatly enjoys video games, especially those of the point and… More about Courtney

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Traveller's Tales
Release Date
April 5, 2022 (Calendar)
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