Abiotic Factor Resources Guide - Cover Image Anvil Power Supply Unit and Oil on a Bench in the Cafeteria of Office Sector Level 1

Abiotic Factor Resources Guide | Find Crafting Materials

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Published: October 11, 2024 6:11 AM

This guide will tell you how to get the Abiotic Factor resources you'll need to craft useful items and build defenses for your base.

There are tons of crafting materials to collect in Abiotic Factor, but not all of them are easy to find. Keep reading for more details on the important items you need to survive!

Filing Cabinets and Medium Storage in Abiotic Factor

How to Get Abiotic Factor Resources

Here are all of the Abiotic Factor resources we've found so far.

How to Get Anomaly


You can get an Anomaly by equipping a Test Tube on your hotbar and interacting with the glowing orbs of light that appear in the GATE Facility at night. Anomalies are used in a handful of crafting recipes and they can be traded to The Blacksmith for Rebar.

How to Get Anteverse Gel


You can get Anteverse Gel by traveling to The Mycofields and collecting it from the purple rocks. Anteverse Gel is used to make Antithermite, a critical item required to unlock Rise and the Security Sector.

How to Get Anteverse Gem


You can find Anteverse Gem throughout the Adjustment Wing in the Cascade Laboratories Sector; it's typically located within special white boxes that contain it. Smaller quantities can be subsequently found in the 

Furthermore, you can trade Anteverse Wheat for Anteverse Gem in unlimited quantities by visiting the Trading Kiosk on the upper floor of the Adjustment Wing.

How to Get Anvil


You can find an Anvil in multiple locations throughout the Manufacturing West sector. There is one anvil in the vents above the Cafeteria behind the spinning fan blade that shuts off at night and another Anvil in a storage room on the third floor of the Offices Sector.

Anvils can occasionally be found elsewhere, but you can reliably purchase them from The Blacksmith Trader in the Manufacturing West Sector by giving him a Security Bot CPU. One Anvil can be scrapped into 20 Metal Scrap, so this is a good source of renewable Metal Scrap as well.

How to Get Apple


Apples can be found on the apple trees in Canaan. All of the apple trees are contained within the farm area of the town.

How to Get Axle Grease

An Axle Grease container on a crate in Abiotic Factor

You can get Axle Grease on the Train in The Train Portal World which is accessed toward the end of the Manufacturing West. Axle Grease is one of the resources you'll need to progress your objectives in Manufacturing West. Axle Grease can also be found in Canaan.

How to Get Bio Scrap


You can get Bio Scrap by killing alien creatures. You can also get Bio Scrap by dismantling certain other biological items such as food items, rotten food, and Human Brains.

How to Get Book


You can find a Book in offices on the second level of the Office Sector and, generally speaking, in office-like areas that you find elsewhere.

The Library in the Flathill Portal World is an excellent source of Books in large quantities, but you'll have to outrun several Composers to collect them.

How to Get Box of Screws

Two Box of Screws on a carpeted floor next to some broken crates and a power plug in Abiotic Factor

You can find a Box of Screws in Office Sector Level 3 and beyond. A Box of Screws can typically be found in storage rooms and industrialized areas. Screws are used to make ammo for the makeshift guns and for some of the better defensive structures, so make sure to get these whenever you can!

Critically, you can also craft a Box of Screws from 2 Metal Scrap. You will need a lot of this item to build robust defenses, so it's a good idea to farm for Metal Scrap in quantity as it's easier to find lots of Metal Scrap than it is to find a Box of Screws.

How to Get Briefcase

A Briefcase on a sofa on the train in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Briefcase by going through The Train Portal World late in Manufacturing West; several Briefcases are spread throughout the train. You can also find a Briefcase in a side office in the Office Sector Level 2 that is secured by a Level 2 Keypad. Briefcases can occasionally be found in other office-like areas.

A Briefcase can be used to make a reusable, area-of-effect healing item, so you'll always want to pick one up if you see one.

How to Get Cafeteria Tray

A Cafeteria Tray on a tall round table in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Cafeteria Tray in kitchens, cafeterias, and other areas involving food. Although they only have a few uses on their own, you can scrap Cafeteria trays to get Plastic Scrap.

The Flathill Portal World is a good source of Cafeteria Trays; a few can be found on the balcony food court connecting the library to the final office building.

How to Get Canister


You can get a Canister by dismantling a Fire Extinguisher. Canisters are used to make an Air Compressor which, in turn, can be used to make a new ranged weapon.

How to Get Car Battery Charger

A Car Battery Charger on the floor of the train in Abiotic Factor

You can find a Car Battery Charger in The Train Portal World in the latter half of Manufacturing West. Several Car Battery Chargers are available in this area, and you'll need them to complete your objectives in Manufacturing West. You can also use them to get the ability to recharge your powered devices.

Car Battery Chargers can also be occasionally found in the Security Sector.

How to Get Carapace


You can get Carapace by killing the small bugs in The Mycofields. You must sneak up on the bugs and kill them with a melee attack; if you spook them, they'll run away and disappear.

Carapace is used to craft Carbon Plating, a critical component for several useful items and pieces of equipment such as the armor you'll unlock from The Labs.

How to Get Case Fan

A Case Fan on the floor in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Case Fan by destroying a computer tower. Computer Towers can be found throughout the game in office areas, and you can get a decent quantity of renewable Case Fans by exploring the Flathill and Rise Portal Worlds. Case Fans are used to make many items relating to power.

How to Get Cement Bag


You can find a Cement Bag throughout Manufacturing West. Occasionally, you'll find pallets that you'll have to dismantle to get a few Cement Bags. A smaller quantity of Cement Bags can be found in the Security Sector.

You can purchase a single Cement Bag in exchange for a single piece of Metal Scraps by trading with The Blacksmith in Manufacturing West.

How to Get Chain


You can find Chain in the latter half of the Manufacturing West sector. It can also drop from the crates marked with black and orange stripes found in Manufacturing West and later Sectors.

The Train Portal World is the earliest possible renewable source of Chains that you can access, although each trip will only give you a few Chain at a time.

How to Get Circuit Board


You can get a Circuit Board by destroying a computer tower and certain other electronic items. Computer Towers and electronic devices are found in offices and labs throughout the GATE Facility.

How to Get Cloth Scrap


You can get Cloth Scrap by picking up loose cloth items such as clothes and aprons. You can also get Cloth Scrap by scrapping most clothing items at the Repair & Salvage Station.

How to Get Cog

A Cog on the Ground in Abiotic Factor

You can get Cog by destroying the blue vertical pumps found in the Hydroplant.

How to Get Coil

A Coil on the floor in Abiotic Factor

You can get Coil by destroying computer monitors. They also drop when you kill Security Bots and you carve up their corpses. Coils are used for many important machines, including the battery for storing Power and the Portable Stove for cooking. You should always grab them when you can!

How to Get Coil Winding


You can get Coil Winding by destroying the miniature transformers found throughout the Hydroplant. You can also get a Coil Winding by destroying the G.A.D.D. Defense Bot in the Hydroplant Sector.

How to Get Cooking Pot


You can find Cooking Pots in kitchen areas throughout the GATE Facility. You can also find a Cooking Pot that respawns in the office of the grocery store in the Flathill Portal World.

How to Get Corrupted Corn

A piece of Corrupted Corn in Abiotic Factor's Canaan Portal World

You can get Corrupted Corn by harvesting it from the corn stalks in the Canaan Portal World. It's easy to miss, so make sure to thoroughly look at all of the corn stalks in the farm area of Canaan.

How to Get Cracked Shoulder Light


You can get a Cracked Shoulder Light by killing Order soldiers in Manufacturing West and later areas of the game. There is no guarantee that an Order soldier will drop a Cracked Shoulder Light.

How to Get Desk Leg


You can get a Desk Leg by destroying most pieces of furniture such as coffee tables, sofas, and desks. Desk Legs aren't used for much beyond the early-game weapons, so don't hold onto too many of them in your storage.

How to Get Desk Phone

A Desk Phone on a desk in Abiotic Factor

You can find a Desk Phone sitting on top of a desk in most office areas throughout the GATE Facility.

How to Get Diode


You can get a Diode by trading Axle Grease to the Blacksmith in Manufacturing West. Diodes are used to craft some of the more advanced tech needed for The Labs.

How to Get Duct Tape


You can find Duct Tape lying around in industrial-themed areas and storage rooms. You also can find it in and near white toolboxes.

Just like in real life, Duct Tape is used in a wide variety of crafting recipes. You can also use it to repair some items from your inventory if you're nowhere near your base.

How to Get Empty Mug


You can get an Empty Mug by buying Coffee from a Coffee Machine. These machines can be found throughout the facility in kitchen areas and break rooms; the earliest Coffee Machine can be found in the breakroom behind the security station right outside of the cafeteria.

How to Get Enethiol

A bottle of Enethiol in Abiotic Factor

You can find Enethiol in Manufacturing West and in Bio Lab D in the Office Sector. Enethiol is somewhat rare in the early game, so you'll want to grab it whenever you see it. Generally speaking, you can find it in industrial and laboratory settings.

The Flathill Portal World is an early source of renewable Enethiol, although you'll only be able to grab a few bottles per trip.

How to Get Exor Quill


You can get an Exor Quill by killing the tougher green versions of the Exor aliens found in the Cascade Laboratories. These Exors have a faster ranged attack and are substantially tougher, so make sure to keep moving while you're attacking and bring some Bandages with you to patch up any bleeding.

How to Get Exquisite Chain


You can get an Exquisite Chain by scrapping a Pocket Watch at a Repair Bench. Pocket Watches can be found in The Train Portal World.

How to Get Fibre Optic Cable


You can get Fibre Optic Cable by trading Solder to the Blacksmith in Manufacturing West. Fibre Optic Cable is only used for a handful of crafting recipes, so don't buy too many unless you really need them.

How to Get Fire Extinguisher


You can find a Fire Extinguisher in Manufacturing West, The Labs, and other later areas of the game. The number of Fire Extinguishers increases as you get deeper into the facility. As you might expect, most Fire Extinguishers will be mounted on the wall, although a handful can be found on the floor.

The Train Portal World is your best source of renewable Fire Extinguishers.

How to Get Fish Bones


You can get Fish Bones by butchering a Fish at a Chef's Counter.

How to Get Fish Oil


You can get Fish Oil by butchering a Fish at a Chef's Counter.

How to Get Frying Pan

A Frying Pan on a kitchen counter in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Frying Pan in kitchens. Kitchens will usually have at least one Frying Pan, but you may be able to find more in the same area. You can also find a Frying Pan that respawns in the office of the grocery store in the Flathill Portal World.

How to Get Giga Glue

Giga Glue on the ground next to a screwdriver and a toolbox in Abiotic Factor

Giga Glue can be found by destroying crates in most areas throughout the GATE Facility. Giga Glue can be used to make Duct Tape in a pinch if you've run out and it's also essential for making Paint.

How to Get Glass Scrap


You can get Glass Scrap by destroying computer monitors. As you might expect, you can also get Glass Scrap by destroying breakable windows in certain areas such as the second level of the Office Sector and later areas of the GATE Facility.

How to Get Hexwood

A Hexwood Tree illiminated by a flashlight in Abiotic Factor's Canaan Portal World

You can get Hexwood by killing the sapient trees in the Canaan Portal World. You can also get Hexwood by scrapping certain items such as the Woodsman's Axe which can be dropped by the Canaanites who wield them.

How to Get Hose

Two Hoses, a Test Tube, and a Screwdriver on shelves in Abiotic Factor

You can find a Hose in Bio Lab D on the second floor of the Office Sector. You can also find Hoses in various other industrial settings such as Manufacturing West, especially in the crates marked with orange and black stripes. A Hose is one of the items that you'll get from scrapping a Fire Extinguisher.

Hoses are required to complete some of the objectives in Manufacturing West. You'll also need these for farming.

How to Get Human Arm (Military)


You can get a Human Arm (Military) by killing an Order soldier and chopping up their corpse with a Knife or any other suitable Sharp Melee weapon such as the Makeshift Spear. You are not guaranteed to get one as a drop.

How to Get Human Brain


You can get a Human Brain by scrapping a Human Skull at a Repair & Salvage Station. Human Brains can spoil, so it's best to leave them as Human Skulls until you need them for crafting or other weird purposes.

How to Get Human Skull


You can get a Human Skull by killing a human enemy and dismembering them with a Sharp Weapon such as a Kitchen Knife or spear.

How to Get Hydrochloric Acid

A bottle of Hydrochloric Acid on a counter in Abiotic Factor

Hydrochloric Acid can be found in Bio Lab D and in Manufacturing West. It can occasionally be found in storage areas and crates. A small quantity of renewable Hydrochloric Acid can be found in the Flathill Portal World, and you can also trade with The Blacksmith to get more.

How to Get Jailbroken CPU


You can get a Jailbroken CPU by killing a Containment Robot, the tougher version of Security Robots that are found in the Labs Sector. Jailbroken CPUs are critical for more complex electronics and certain weapons, so you want to get this item at every opportunity.

How to Get Kevlar Scrap


You can find large quantities of Kevlar Scrap in Storage Unit C of the Security Sector, just past the second locked door. You can also get a renewable source of Kevlar Scrap by killing Order soldiers in the Voussoir Portal World.

How to Get Keyboard

A lone Keyboard on a desk in an office in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Keyboard near most computers in offices throughout the entire world GATE Facility. Renewable sources of Keyboards include the Portal Worlds Flathill and Rise.

How to Get Leather Scrap


You can get Leather Scraps by scrapping a Briefcase, Radio Pack, Rat Suit, or Rat Pack at a Repair & Salvage Station.

How to Get Leyak Essence

A Leyak Essence on the Plaza Floor in Abiotic Factor

You can get Leyak Essence by killing a Leyak. You can also find a single Leyak Essence at the start of the Cascade Laboratories Sector.

Take great care with Leyak Essence; it is highly radioactive and you can quickly get radiation poisoning if you don't protect yourself!

How to Get Liquid Crystal


You can get Liquid Crystal at a Trading Kiosk in the Adjustment Wing of the Labs Sector. You must trade one Anteverse Gem to get one Liquid Crystal.

How to Get Lodestone Fragment


You can get Lodestone Fragments by scrapping the Lodestone found in the witch's hut in the Swamp of the Canaan Portal World. There is apparently a creature that you can kill to get Lodestone Fragments after you first complete this Portal World.

How to Get Magazine

Magazines on a coffee table in Abiotic Factor

You can find Magazine in office settings in the Office Sector Level 2 and beyond. Magazines are essential for making (and repairing) early-game armor, so you'll want to pick these up whenever you see them.

The Flathill Portal World is an excellent source of Magazines; you can find several copies in the Magazine Stands spread throughout the streets of that town.

How to Get Magnetic Alloy


You can find Magnetic Alloy on the second floor of Storage Unit C in the Security Sector, just past the second locked door. You can also trade Night Essence to Warren the Security Guard in the Offices Plaza. Finally, you can get Magnetic Alloy by killing certain Order soldiers in the Voussoir Portal World.

How to Get Metal Pipe

Two bundles of Metal Pipes with Pressure Gauges on a wall in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Metal Pipe by dismantling pipes found on the wall in backrooms and other industrial areas. A few renewable Metal Pipes can be found throughout the Flathill Portal World.

How to Get Metal Scrap


You can get Metal Scrap by dismantling vent grates. You can also get Metal Scrap by dismantling a variety of other resources (such as Metal Pipes) or by destroying certain pieces of furniture. Drinking a can of soda will automatically give you 1 Metal Scrap.

A single Anvil can be scrapped at a Repair & Salvage Station for 20 Metal Scrap, making it an excellent source of large quantities of Metal Scrap.

How to Get Military Electronics


You can get Military Electronics by killing Order soldiers throughout the GATE Facility once you've opened up access to the Manufacturing West sector. You can also get Military Electronics by scrapping Radio Packs or destroying field radios.

How to Get Money

Two bundles of Money and a Cafeteria Tray on a table in Abiotic Factor

You can find Money in filing cabinets and desks. Occasionally, you can find Money lying around out in the open. Money is primarily used to purchase food and drinks from Vending Machines around the facility. The arcade in the Flathill Portal World is an excellent source of Money that respawns on Portal World resets.

How to Get Motor

Motor from a Blue Cylinder Machine in Abiotic Factor

You can get Motor by destroying the blue mechanical cylinders in the Hydroplant. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a renewable source of this item as of yet.

How to Get Murkweed

Murkweed on the Reservoir Floor in Abiotic Factor

You can get Murkweed on the underwater floor of the reservoir in the Hydroplant. There is a large amount of it to be found all around the area.

How to Get Neutrino Mapper


You can get a Neutrino Mapper in the Voussoir Portal World. There are usually only 1–3 available throughout Voussoir in my experience, so don't expect to find very many of them.

How to Get Night Essence

Getting a Night Essence from the IS-0059 Reaper with an X-Ray Lamp in Abiotic Factor

You can get Night Essence by firing an X-Ray Lamp beam onto IS-0059 in the Security Sector. Note that this won't harm or kill IS-0059, so you'll have to continually run backward while using the X-Ray Lamp. Night Essence can also occasionally be found in The Night Realm Portal World, and you can catch fish in here that will yield it as well.

How to Get Oil

A can of Oil in Bio Lab D in Abiotic Factor

You can find Oil in Bio Lab D on the second floor of the Office Sector. You can also find it in Manufacturing West and later areas of the game. Flathill is an early renewable source of Oil, although there are only two or three cans at most.

Oil is an essential item for crafting a heater that keeps an area warm, so you'll want to get some Oil as soon as you can.

How to Get Optic Lens


You can get an Optic Lens by trading a Reinforced Hose to the Blacksmith in Manufacturing West. Optic Lenses are used for several weapons and pieces of equipment, so you'll want at least 10 or so of these.

How to Get Organ


You have a chance to get an Organ by killing a Symphonist. You can also find Organs in Cacophonous Crates.

How to Get Paper Scrap

A pile of Paper Scrap on a coffee table in Abiotic Factor

You can find Paper Scrap by collecting papers in offices. You can also occasionally find Paper Scrap in trash cans and filing cabinets. Paper Scrap is used to make ammo for the makeshift guns, among other things.

How to Get Pens

Pens next to an e-mail terminal in Abiotic Factor

You can get Pens in most office areas; it's usually sitting on top of a desk. Pens are used to make ammo for the Makeshift Crossbow, so it's always a good idea to grab these whenever you see them in the early game.

How to Get Photon Receptor

A Photon Receptor in the Neutrino Mapper in Abiotic Factor

You can get Photon Receptor by breaking the glass spheres in the interior wall of the Neutrino Detector in the Hydroplant. You can also find a smaller amount of renewable Photon Receptors within the Voussoir Portal World.

How to Get Plastic Scrap

Plastic Scrap on the floor next to the security bot statue in Abiotic Factor

You can get Plastic Scrap by picking up Binders or destroying certain pieces of furniture. Plastic Scrap is used to make water bottles and storage boxes, so you'll definitely need a lot of it if you're playing in multiplayer.

How to Get Plastic Bucket

A Plastic Bucket next to a wet floor sign in Abiotic Factor

Plastic Buckets can be found in janitorial closets, storage rooms, and near spills on the ground. They're quite rare items in my experience. You can use one to craft a Makeshift Toilet.

How to Get Pocket Watch


You can find a Pocket Watch in The Train Portal World that you can enter toward the end of the Manufacturing West Sector. Several Pocket Watches are available after each reset.

How to Get a Porcelain Shard

Getting a Porcelain Shard from a Symphonist in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Porcelain Shard by killing a Symphonist. They can be found in Flathill after your second visit and in the GATE Facility during Fog Weather Events.

How to Get Power Supply Unit


You can get a Power Supply Unit by destroying a computer tower and other electronic devices found throughout the GATE Facility.

How to Get Pressure Gauge


You can get a Pressure Gauge by dismantling the pipes found in backrooms and industrial areas. A Pressure Gauge is one of the items you'll get from scrapping a Fire Extinguisher.

How to Get Pumpkin


You can get a Pumpkin by harvesting it from the ground in the farming area of the Canaan Portal World. Note that you cannot pick up the green Pumpkins; you can only pick up the ripe orange Pumpkins.

How to Get Rebar

Rebar sitting atop broken crates in Abiotic Factor

You can find Rebar in Manufacturing West; you can most easily get it by breaking open the crates with the black and orange stripes on them. Rebar is essential for crafting bigger storage and better armor once you've reached Manufacturing West, so you should always grab it whenever you can.

The Train Portal World is the best renewable source of Rebar; you can usually find at least 4 or 5 pieces in the cargo car every time that Portal World respawns. You can also find 3 or so pieces on the rooftop of Rise. Finally, you can trade an Anomaly to The Blacksmith to get 1 Rebar.

How to Get Refined Carbon


Refined Carbon can be found throughout the Labs Sector in special white containment boxes that must be broken open. You can also find smaller quantities in the Rise Portal World and the Security Sector.

There is a Trading Kiosk for Refined Carbon in the Cellular Lab in the Adjustment Wing of the Labs Sector; you can use this kiosk to trade 1 Silver Scrap for 1 Refined Carbon. As Silver Scrap is renewable (via The Train Portal World), this also makes Refined Carbon a renewable resource.

How to Get Reinforced CPU


You can get a Reinforced CPU by destroying a G.A.D.D. Defense Bot in the Hydroplant Sector.

How to Get Reservoir Growth

A Reservoir Growth Underwater in the Hydroplant Sector in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Reservoir Growth by grabbing the red cubes in the underwater areas of the Hydroplant Sector's reservoir.

How to Get Rubber Band Ball


You can find a Rubber Band Ball in offices, either in filing cabinets or on top of desks.

How to Get Security Bot CPU

A Security Bot CPU on the floor in Abiotic Factor

You can only get a Security Bot CPU by killing a Security Bot. This item is critical for escaping the Office Sector and it's used to craft many high-end items; you should always kill Security Bots when you see them if you have the ability to do so safely.

How to Get Silver Scrap

Various silverware on the bar in the train in Abiotic Factor

You can get Silver Scrap in the dining car of the train in The Train Portal World by picking up the forks and spoons found in the dining car. You'll get access to this Portal World toward the end of the Manufacturing West. Silver is used to make Solder, which is used to make some pretty useful items.

Silver Scrap can also be found throughout the Canaan portal world. You can get small quantities by killing the Canaanites (villagers) as a random drop, so Canaan is probably the best place to farm for it as long as you can kill the villagers cheaply and reliably.

How to Get Soil Bag

A Soil Bag on a counter in Abiotic Factor

You can find a Soil Bag in Bio Lab D on the second floor of the Office Sector. Soil Bags are essential for farming, so you'll want to grab these whenever you see them. Soil Bags can also be crafted from Bio Scrap and Poop.

How to Get Stapler

A Stapler on a desk in Abiotic Factor

You can find a Stapler in most office settings. It's usually on top of a desk or in filing cabinets. Staplers are used to craft the Makeshift Crossbow and important cooking items (among other things), so you'll always want to grab them. They're especially essential once you get to the Labs Sector.

The Flathill Portal World is one of the best renewable sources of Staplers in the early game; you can usually get around 10 Staplers every time that Portal World resets. Finally, you can trade Antefish Filets to Warren for Staplers in the Offices Sector Plaza. Make sure to visit it regularly if you're running low on Staplers!

How to Get Steel Cable


You can find Steel Cable in Manufacturing West, although you'll only find small amounts in the early portions of that zone. It will be easier to get Steel Cable as you head deeper into Manufacturing West.

Steel Cable can also drop from the crates with black and orange stripes, one of which will always spawn in The Train Portal World. You can also trade for Steel Cable with The Blacksmith.

How to Get Symphonist Head


As you might expect, you can get a Symphonist Head by killing a Symphonist. Although Symphonists can spawn in the GATE Facility during a Fog Event, it's easiest to travel to Flathill (after you've visited it at least once) to hunt for them there.

How to Get Tarasque Ichor


You can get Tarasque Ichor by killing the Tarasque in the Containment Wing of the Labs Sector.

How to Get Tech Scrap


You can get Tech Scrap by picking up calculators in office areas. You can also get Tech Scrap by dismantling certain technological components such as a Circuiit Board.

How to Get Test Tube

A Test Tube on a counter in Bio Lab D in Abiotic Factor

You can find a Test Tube in laboratory settings, such as Bio Lab D on the second floor of the Office Sector. Test Tubes are used to make certain medications, so you'll want to pick these up whenever you see them. You can also craft them, if needed.

How to Get Tiny Gears


You can get Tiny Gears by dismantling a Pocket Watch at the Repair & Salvage Station.

How to Get Tomato Seed

A Tomato Seed packet on top of some papers in Abiotic Factor

You can find a Tomato Seed in bio labs and gardens, such as Bio Lab D on the second floor of the Office Sector. The grocery store in the Flathill Portal World is an excellent renewable source of Tomato Seeds. Naturally, you can also scrap a Tomato at the Repair & Salvage Station to get a Tomato Seed.

How to Get Toroidal Power Transformer

A Toroidal Power Transformer in the grey Transformers in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Toroidal Power Transformer by destroying the grey transformers found throughout the Hydroplant Sector and the Voussoir Portal World.

How to Get Transformer Bushing

A Transformer Bushing found in the Grey Transformers in Abiotic Factor

You can get a Transformer Bushing by destroying the grey transformers found throughout the Hydroplant and Voussoir. You can also get a Transformer Bushing by killing a G.A.D.D. Defense Bot in the Hydroplant.

How to Get Wood Plank


You can get a Wood Plank by destroying pieces of furniture such as desks, couches, or trash bins. Pretty much every wooden crate you smash will also drop Wood Planks.

That's the end of our Abiotic Factor Resources Guide. Make sure to check out our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Deep Field Games
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May 2, 2024 (Calendar)
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