Abiotic Factor Building Guide - Cover Image Bag Walls Outside of the Cafeteria Security Room

Abiotic Factor Building Guide - How to Stay Safe

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Published: August 19, 2024 12:30 PM

This Abiotic Factor Building Guide will tell you how building works and the location of the best place to build your base in the GATE facility.

Surviving in Abiotic Factor takes more than a loaded gun and a large supply of food — you'll also need a safe place where you can store your resources and go to sleep at night. You're going to have to build a base, and this guide will walk you through the basics. Read on to learn more!

Bag Walls Surrounding the Security Office in Abiotic Factor

How Abiotic Factor Building Works

Building in Abiotic Factor isn't about making freestanding structures in other survival games; rather, your job is to set up a series of barricades and traps within your chosen place in the facility. You need a Screwdriver to build or "package" (store) objects and a Hammer to repair or dismantle them.

You won't be able to craft many defensive structures at the start of the game. Instead, you'll have to "package" various office furniture and then redeploy it as a barricade. Most of these items aren't very strong, so you should focus on building as robust of a defense as you can.

You can build almost anywhere in Abiotic Factor, including within Portal Worlds. You can build a base at the very start of the game or you can have a massive camp in one of the long tunnels in Manufacturing West.

The barricades and crafting stations you build are, unfortunately, not indestructible. Everything has a health bar, and you will be vulnerable to base raids no matter where you are. Some areas have more enemies than elsewhere, and you might get attacked by Security Bots or enemies that normally occupy an area. Carefully scout any potential building areas first!

A Base Inside the Cafeteria Security Office in Abiotic Factor

Best Place to Build a Base

The best place to build a base in Abiotic Factor is in Office Sector Level 1 or Office Sector Level 2, although some portions of these sectors are safer than others.

All bases should have three things:

  1. At least one available Power Socket
  2. Ideally no more than 2 doors in and out of the area
  3. Easy access to the other sectors for looting more resources

The security office next to the Cafeteria and its adjoining rooms makes for an excellent base for one or two players. You'll have plenty of room for all of your equipment, storage, and furniture.

Larger groups of players may want to consider building out in the Cafeteria or Plaza. Be careful when building in the Plaza, though — any patrolling security bots that come across your barricades will try to destroy them every night. Eventually, they'll whittle down your defenses and destroy them if you don't maintain them and/or kill the security bots.

As you progress through the map, you'll discover alternate routes that you can open up to gain access back to Office Sector Level 1. Several Trams and multiple land routes connect all of the sectors to each other, and the Office Sector is the hub for all of these locations. That makes it the ideal place to build your base — as long as you avoid the security bots.

Finally, you can consider building within a Portal World. Although this can be slightly inconvenient depending on your Tram access, many Portal Worlds are totally safe and you'll be able to save yourself from the trouble of dealing with most enemies.

We've reached the end of our Abiotic Factor Building Guide. Check out our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Abiotic Factor
Deep Field Games
Release Date
May 2, 2024 (Calendar)
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