Abiotic Factor Farming Guide - Cover Image Foiur Garden Plots with Tomatoes

Abiotic Factor Farming Guide | How to Grow Food

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Published: October 11, 2024 7:23 AM

This Abiotic Factor Farming Guide will tell you how to get started with farming and how you can use it to grow food and crafting resources.

You'll need food and water to survive in Abiotic Factor, and farming is one of the best ways to get a renewable source of food. It requires a little setup to get started, though, but we've got you covered — keep reading to learn the basics of farming!

Three Garden Plots in Abiotic Factor
Crops that need watering will alert you with red lights.

How Abiotic Factor Farming Works

Farming in Abiotic Factor requires five things: a seed, clean water, light, a Garden Plot, and time. First, you'll need to get the items you need to make a Gardening Plot. Head up to Bio Lab D and you can get most of the items you need to make a Garden Plot.

Next, place one or more Garden Plots inside of your base. Place a source of light nearby; you can find a lot of lamps in the Data Farm. Then, fill up a Cooking Pot, Water Bottle, or any other container that can hold liquid with clean water. Plant the seed and water it.

It will take several in-game days for your first crop to grow. Once it's grown, you can harvest it and get a usable food item or resource depending on the crop.

It's important to ensure that your crops are watered. The amount of water in a Garden Plot is indicated by a blue bar on the interior side. If water gets low, a light on top will begin flashing red. Your crops can die if you fail to water them, so make sure to check on them regularly!

Fortunately, fully-grown crops do not need any water at all. You should therefore only harvest crops if you have a need for them in that moment so you can save on water in the long term.

How to Get Seeds

There are two ways to get Seeds in Abiotic Factor:

  1. Loot them from the world
  2. Scrap existing food and resources

Make sure to always save some of your crops for seeds!

Some seeds can only be acquired through Trading or by looting them from Portal Worlds. These are typically special alien plants that can unlock new cooking recipes with strange effects such as attracting more Leyaks.

It should be noted that some plants can't be scrapped at the Repair & Salvage Station. In those cases, the only way to get more seeds is to loot them from the Portal World where you found them after it resets.

How to Use Fertilizer

You can eventually unlock the ability to craft and use fertilizers on your farm. While these can be quite useful in a pinch, it's somewhat of a waste to spend your time crafting and using them. Crops tend to regrow pretty quickly after they're initially planted and there are plenty of other sources of food to be found in the world.

Bio Lab D in Abiotic Factor
Bio Lab D is the best place to go if you're looking for your first seeds.

Abiotic Factor Crops List

Here is a list of all of the crops we've discovered thus far as of the Crush Depth update.


Antelight is a placeable light source that you can grow. You get seeds for Antelight by scrapping Anteverse Wheat at a Repair & Salvage Station.

There are also green and blue versions of the Antelight plant that can be found in other areas such as The Mycofields.

Anteverse Wheat

Anteverse Wheat can be found in the Far Garden Portal World and areas that have been invaded by alien flora.

"Egg" Plant

The "Egg" Plant can only be found in the Rise Portal World. It can be eaten on its own and it's used in a few cooking recipes.


The Greyeb is an odd plant that looks like it has a bunch of eyes on it. You can find one or two lying around the Containment Labs, but it's much easier to use the Trading Kiosk in the Labs to get them.

Eating a Greyeb (or certain foods made with Greyeb, such as Greyeb Chowder) gives you a buff that makes Leyaks much more likely to spawn.


Potatoes are another basic crop that you can find pretty easily in early-game locations. Unlike other plants, the Potato itself is directly planted into the soil rather than scrapped for seeds.


Pumpkins are found in the Canaan Portal World; it's used to make a few decorative items and pumpkin-themed foods.

Rope Plant

The Rope Plant can only be found in The Mycofields Portal World. This is an upgraded version of the Cloth Rope that automatically can pull you up to a higher location.

A fully-grown Rope Plant seed will give you a placeable Rope Plant but no additional seeds. If you want additional Rope Plants, you'll have to gather more seeds from The Mycofields.

Snag Vine

The Snag Vine is a plant that spreads its vines on the ground wherever you place it. These vines will slow down any enemies that walk through them; fortunately, they do not slow down friendly players. You can find Snag Vine Seeds in The Night Realm Portal World.

As with the Rope Plant, a fully-grown Snag Vine will not give you any additional seeds. You'll have to travel back to The Night Realm to get more seeds if you want them.

Space Lettuce

Space Lettuce can be found in the cell marked "Ordo" on the top floor of the Cascade Laboratories Sector. You won't be able to get into this area until you've reset the security system and disabled the automated turrets.

If you run out of Space Lettuce seeds, you'll have to wait for the one in the Ordo cell to respawn or be lucky enough to find one randomly placed elsewhere. They're quite rare, so make sure that you always have spare Space Lettuce Seeds!

Super Tomato

You can craft a Super Tomato Seed with Enethiol, a Tomato Seed, and a piece of Anteverse Wheat. Super Tomatoes are one of the best food items in the game, so you'll definitely want to grow this crop as soon as you can.


Tomatoes are a decent basic food item at the start of the game. You can find Tomato Seeds in Bio Lab D on the second floor of the Office Sector.

Xanterium Rice

Xanterium Rice is a new plant added in the Crush Depth update. It can be found in the Mines of the Manufacturing West Sector, and you can get a renewable source of Xanterium Rice in the Voussoir Portal World.

Unfortunately, you cannot scrap Xanterium Rice to get more seeds as you can with some other plants; if you want to grow larger quantities of this plant, you'll have to clean out the Mines in Manufacturing West or make several trips to Voussoir after it resets.

Thanks for reading our Abiotic Factor Farming Guide. Check out our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Deep Field Games
Release Date
May 2, 2024 (Calendar)
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