Survivors fighting off zombies in Dying Light 2 with melee weapons and firearms

Dying Light 2 Firearms Update Finally Lets You Blast the Undead to Kingdom Come

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Published: February 22, 2024 9:55 AM

Techland has released the Dying Light 2 Firearms Update, and it's being touted as the zombie-slaying open-world parkour game's biggest update to date.

Previous Dying Light 2 updates have added seasonal content and crossovers with other major franchises, but this one is bringing a pretty big new gameplay mechanic in the form of - you guessed it - firearms.

Now, you'll be able to take down the undead from afar by using four new kinds of guns: pistols, SMGs, rifles, and shotguns. They all work pretty much exactly as you'd expect them to.

The player aiming a pistol at a bad guy in a mask in Dying Light 2
No more getting up close and personal for you in Dying Light 2...well, unless you're this unfortunate fellow, of course.

Even though firearms are pretty powerful, Techland does want to stress that they'll be quite rare, so you won't be stumbling across them all the time while you explore Villedor.

The studio says that the new firearms are "an enhancement rather than a complete change of genre", and that they don't compromise the core of Dying Light 2's DNA, which you'll be happy to hear if you're a melee specialist.

It's not just the firearms, though. This anniversary update is also bringing brand new board quests, including one that reintroduces Tolga and Fatin from the first Dying Light game.

You can also look forward to new co-op missions that can be used to buy exclusive items, as well as anniversary bounties that "honor the whole history of the Dying Light franchise". If you're a fan of the series, this update is aimed squarely at you.

Alongside this update, Techland is also releasing something it's calling the Reloaded Edition of Dying Light 2, which appears to constitute the base game, all previously-released updates, and the Bloody Ties DLC, which was previously on sale for $9.99.

If you already own Dying Light 2, you'll be upgraded for free, but if you don't, Techland is holding a free weekend for the game, which kicks off later today and runs until February 26th.

Make sure to read the full Dying Light 2 Firearms Update patch notes for a comprehensive list of everything that's changed. 

Dying Light 2 is available right now for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. Make sure to check out our very own Andrew Stretch's review of the game to see what he thought of it, and be sure to give our Dying Light 2 guides a look to help you kick off your free weekend right.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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February 4, 2022 (Calendar)
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