Dying Light 2 Houndfield Collectibles

Dying Light 2 Houndfield Collectibles Guide

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Published: February 9, 2022 6:58 PM

Dying Light 2 Stay Human continues the story of a world plagued by the THV Virus that turned the majority of the population into the walking dead. In the new setting of Villedor players must seek to avoid zombies as Aiden, there's plenty to be on the lookout for such as Notes, Recordings, and Graffiti. In this Dying Light 2 Houndfield Collectibles Guide we'll go over where to find the different collectibles we've found in the Houndfield region of Old Villedor.

A tricky part about Dying Light 2 Stay Human Collectibles isn't just how many of them, but how there are no indicators of how many are present in each region. We here at TechRaptor have combed the region from top to bottom and have collected everything we can find, unfortunately, there's no way to know if we've collected everything though. If you find something that we missed feel free to drop it in the comments below!

Dying Light 2 Houndfield Collectibles Map

Dying Light 2 Houndfield Collectibles Map

Dying Light 2 Houndfield - Notes

N1. Safe Code (Hideout)
At the Nightrunner Hideout immediately North-West of the Center for Stave IV THV Study in East Houndfield you'll find this note in a lockbox next to the generator and bed.

Answer: [1][0][1]

N2. Newspaper Article - October 11th, 2015
Just to the East of GRE Anomaly C-A-22 in the Southern area of Houndfield there's a small building that stands on its own. You can find this note on one of the coffee tables inside.

N3. Nightrunner's Journal
Travel to the Settlement North-East of the Metro: Hayward Square and partake in the Nightrunner Challenge missions. Earn at least bronze to get this item.

N4. An old Villedor tourist map annotated by someone
This note can be found by completing the quest at the Northmost Settlement. After earning at least a bronze medal in this parkour challenge you'll get this note.

Dying Light 2 Houndfield - Recordings

At the moment we have found no recordings in Houndfield

Dying Light 2 Houndfield - Graffiti

G1. Bzyk
Head to the North side of the Hospital in Houndfield. On the side of one of the buildings, you'll find this graffiti facing towards the Hospital.

G2. The 80s Are Back, Babe
From the Metro Station follow the roads West, South, and West again. This graffiti will be on a building to your north. If you get to the next street you'll have gone too far

G3. Hellgate
In the far North-West of Houndfield you'll find a reading spot. Travel North along the roof from here. When you get to the next corner turn around and look from where you came and you should see this graffiti.

G4. South Fish
Head North from the Center for Stage IV THV Study marker in East Houndfield towards the Dark Hollow Loot Source. Once there continue along the roof North for a bit and then turn around. You should see the South Fish here.

G5. Tick Tock
Directly West of Cherry Windmill you should see this graffiti on a large billboard.

G6. Peace of Mind
From the Cherry Windmill head directly south. This graffiti will be displaying on the West facing wall of the building directly South.

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Learn More About Dying Light 2 Stay Human
Release Date
February 4, 2022 (Calendar)
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