Today Colossal Order released a new video focusing on essential services in the upcoming city-builder Cities: Skylines 2.
Following another video on the same topics earlier this week, today we get one going more in-depth with plenty of commentary from the developers.
We learn right off the bat that now high voltage cables can be either put over ground or underground, which many fans of the franchise will appreciate.
We then get to see groundwater pumps and emergency battery stations that let you accumulate surplus energy to use when you may need it, especially with solar stations that work only during the day.
The video then showcases the difference between high-voltage and low-voltage cables, which are built under the roads. Cables have a limit to the energy they can carry, so bottlenecks can be created, but these can be solved with more cables or transformer stations.
All the power stations we remember from the original game return in the sequel, but now they can be upgraded, so you don't necessarily need to build a bunch to power a big city.
Finally, we learn that next week's videos will be about maps and themes. You can check out today's video below.
Cities: Skylines 2 releases on October 24, 2023, for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5. It'll also come to Xbox Game Pass on day one.
If you'd like to see more, you can enjoy the original reveal from March and a brand new trailer shared at the Xbox Games Showcase, where the release date was also announced, a video on roads and traffic, another deep dive on the same topic like today's video, one on cargo transportation and its own deep dive, one on zoning and its own developer commentary, and one on city services alongside its developer diary.