A thief character standing in a forge in Enshrouded

Huge Enshrouded Patch 2 Live Now, Includes Big Balance Changes and More

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Published: February 26, 2024 8:39 AM

The second major patch for open-world survival RPG Enshrouded has arrived, and it contains some fairly major changes that are likely to make a significant difference to your gameplay experience.

Earlier this month, Enshrouded received its first big update, which came with a ton of bug fixes and performance improvements, as well as balance changes to skills and more.

This update includes a number of balance changes as well, including redistribution of roaming enemies in certain areas, as well as several points of interest across the board being "polished".

A player looking at some ruins amid sandy outcroppings in Enshrouded
Enshrouded's second major patch is here.

Fixes for this patch include crops not saving when quitting, players glitching out when climbing on ladders or walls together (although Keen Games does acknowledge this problem was "funny"), and open doors blocking projectiles.

You'll also notice that you can no longer use your construction hammer to break holes in the bottom of the world, as amusing as that issue might have been.

On the performance side, you should notice smoother performance in areas with a large player base, and the saving process has had its "security" increased, so saving your game should be a safer procedure now. No pun intended.

A magic-using player overlooking an enemy camp in Enshrouded
Hopefully, your Enshrouded gameplay experience should be smoother with this new patch.

If you want to see the full changelog for this patch, you can check out the Enshrouded patch notes for Patch 2 right here via Steam.

Enshrouded is an open-world survival action-RPG with a voxel-based world and an emphasis on exploration. It allows you (and, optionally, your friends) to explore a vast voxel world, mine for resources, and venture into the corrupted Shroud for a chance to battle powerful enemies and secure legendary treasure.

The game has barely been out for a month, but developer and publisher Keen Games says it's already crossed the 2 million player threshold, which isn't bad going at all.

You can check out Enshrouded right now on PC via Steam Early Access. Just getting started in the game? Make sure to give our guides a look!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Keen Games
Keen Games
Release Date
January 24, 2024 (Calendar)
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