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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion is the remaster of the iconic Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, where players will follow along with the tale of Zack Fair, who just so happens to be Cloud's Mentor. The story revolves around Zack's dreams and his connection to Cloud, giving players more insight as to how Cloud became destined to save the world from the darkness that threatens to overtake it. 

Throughout the gameplay, players will learn that all is not what it seems, and Shinra had previously conducted dark experiments. The remaster is teeming with captivating and in-depth storytelling, all the characters players have come to know and love, and enhanced combat systems and graphics. 

The remaster comes equipped with a new quick-access bar that is easily accessed by players during battle, meaning the most necessary items are always within reach. In the original, getting to items and Materia Slots during intense combat was both tedious and difficult. MP and AP are also still vital components of the remaster, staying true to the original combat mechanics. 

The game originally launched back in 2008 on the PSP, PlayStation Portable, but came back in full swing when Final Fantasy 7 featured scenes from the game that featured Zack. During the Final Fantasy VII 25th Anniversary Celebration, Square Enix announced that the remake was officially in the works, and would be headed to the masses later down the line in the Winter of 2022. The release date was officially revealed at the 2022 September Nintendo Direct to be December 13, 2022. 

The changes to the game are minimal, as Square Enix wanted to keep the game as true to the original as possible. Though the graphic quality has been upgraded and combat sequences made more fluid, the gameplay itself remains the same, as players learn more about Zack Fair’s mission to find the missing SOLDIER Genesis Rhapsodos.