During an event in Japan, Bandai Namco revealed a collaboration between its upcoming JRPG Sword Art Online Last Recollection and the popular Hololive Vtuber Minato Aqua.
According to the announcement, Minato Aqua will serve as the game's official cheerleader and will participate in its promotion in various ways. At the moment, it isn't known whether she will also appear in any form in the game or not. The announcement doesn't mention that.
This is fairly appropriate since the Hololive Vtuber is known to be a big Sword Art Online fan. The announcement was accompanied by a short video message that you can see below.
On top of that, the publisher also released a gameplay segment, providing a fairly extensive look at the game, including exploration, menus, and combat. You can watch it below.
Sword Art Online Last Recollection is coming for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC on October 6, 2023. If you want to see more, you can take a look at the previous story trailer, another video focusing on the comparison with the previous title, another providing an overview of the game, one showing the difficulty modes, one showing an event scene, and more featuring story, characters, and weapons. The game will feature over 40 playable characters and promises "MMO-like multiplayer" and "the largest number of unique endings" ever featured in the long-running Sword Art Online series.
If you missed the original announcement made back in November, the game is a retelling of the Sword Art Online Alicization: War of Underworld arc of the anime and is set in the Dark Territory of Underworld. It will also serve as a sequel to Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris.
Speaking of Minato Aqua, we recently learned that her own visual novel Aquarium will be released on PC following the PS4 and Nintendo Switch launch last year. Notably, the PC version will include an English localization.