Where to Find Azure Tree Bark in The Cycle: Frontier - cover

Where to Find Azure Tree Bark in The Cycle: Frontier

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Published: June 10, 2022 3:59 PM

Our guide will tell you where to find Azure Tree Bark in The Cycle: Frontier, an item that you need to complete the ICA Mission "Your Civic Duty Part 5" (along with shooting a few nasty creatures, too).

Jobs and Missions in The Cycle: Frontier will occasionally send you out into the world to find specific items. Some of these items are standard drops that you've encountered before, but other items will very likely be things that you've never seen before. Azure Tree Bark is one of these items -- and we know where to find it.

Where to Find Azure Tree Bark in The Cycle: Frontier - Map

Where to Find Azure Tree Bark in The Cycle: Frontier

You can find Azure Tree Bark in The Cycle: Frontier in the buildings around the Woodcutting Camp, located on the northeastern part of Bright Sands in grids F2 and F3. You can also find it on the ground and as drops from enemies. As G.I. Joe used to say, though, knowing is half the battle. (The other half involves guns.)

Firstly, you can find Azure Tree Bark inside of "Cooler" containers like the one seen in our header image, and sometimes it will also spawn at waterfall labs too. You can also find it strewn about the Woodcutter camp on top of tables or stumps. There's a low chance to find it in other areas within coolers, as well, but your best bet is always Woodcutting Camp.

Secondly, you can find pieces of Azure Tree Bark on the ground or on tree stumps. The silhouette for the item is pretty easy to see even at a distance, so it shouldn't be too hard to find it if any is sitting around the area.

Where to Find Azure Tree Bark in The Cycle Frontier - Drop

It may also be possible to get Azure Tree Bark as drops from enemies. I believe I saw it drop from a Strider in the area after I killed one, but I can't be 100% certain.

Finally, don't forget two key points about Loot in this game: Loot is randomized to a degree and another player may have gotten there first. If you search all four buildings and don't find enough Azure Tree Bark, you may have to come back in another Raid.

An important note: although you can smash all kinds of rocks with your Pickaxe, you can't smack the blue trees to get Azure Tree Bark. It won't do anything, sadly -- the only way to find it is to look around the Woodcutting Camp.

You've reached the end of our Where to Find Azure Tree Bark in The Cycle: Frontier Guide, but that's not the end of our knowledge! Go ahead and take a gander at some of our other guides below:

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Release Date
June 8, 2022 (Calendar)
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