The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator Puzzle Guide Loot Inside - cover

The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator Puzzle Guide

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Published: June 10, 2022 7:15 PM

Our The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator Puzzle Guide will tell you how to open locked doors and hidden areas by powering up the generators.

How to Solve The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator Puzzles

Solving The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator puzzle isn't all that difficult to solve. However, you're going to have to do some searching to get the pieces you need to solve it.

In every case I've seen, you'll see a number of generators lined up next to each other like this:

The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator Puzzle Guide Loot Inside - Generators

As you can clearly see, some of the generators are clearly lacking a power cell. That means you're going to have to find them.

Typically, power cells are usually hooked up to other generators in the area. The clue is in the cables -- for example, take a look at the water tower in the Water Facility on Bright Sands:

The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator Puzzle Guide Loot Inside - Water Tower

See that cable running up there? If you climb up the tower, you'll find another power cell. A second one can be found by tracking down another generator in the general area.

A word of caution: you have to carry these massive power cells by hand. That means that you won't have a gun up -- it will be much easier for someone to ambush you. Make sure to look around the area carefully before you move. You can quickly drop the power cell by jumping if you need to bring up a gun in a hurry.

Other iterations of The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator work in a similar fashion. If you stumble onto a set of generators, look around for cables and then try to track down the other power cells. It's almost always worth it to find a loot inside.

The Cycle Power Puzzle Locations - Bright Sands

There are three main locations you'll find Bright Sands Power Puzzles:

  • East Collection (2 iterations)
  • Water Facility (2 iterations)
  • Dig Site (2 iterations)

The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator Puzzle Guide Loot Inside - Loot Inside

Where to Find the 'Loot Inside' Building in The Cycle: Frontier?

You can find the "Loot Inside" building in The Cycle: Frontier in the Water Facility on the southern part of Bright Sands, located in grid square D6.

Do You Need a Key For the 'Loot Inside' Building in The Cycle: Frontier?

No, you don't need a key for the "Loot Inside" building. However, you will need to activate the power generators before the door will open.

What's Inside the 'Loot Inside' Building in The Cycle: Frontier?

The Loot Inside building loot is somewhat randomized. Naturally, there's always the chance that someone has looted the building before you got there, too.

In my experience, I've found a large amount of healing items and some other loot in this particular building. Other locations locked by the Power Generator Puzzle, though, will likely have different kinds of loot.

We've reached the end of our The Cycle: Frontier Power Generator Puzzle Guide! You can learn more about this game by having a look at our other guides below:

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page The Cycle Frontier
Release Date
June 8, 2022 (Calendar)
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