Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are now out and while many of you are just setting out on your Pokemon adventures it's always good to know what lies ahead of you. Through your adventure you'll encounter all kinds of interesting pokemon, new (well at least they used to be) ways of evolving your pokemon, and plenty of Legendary Pokemon in Ramanas Park. In this Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Ramanas Park Guide we'll not only go over Ramanas Park and all of the Legendary Pokemon you can gather there, but also all the other Pokemon you might be gifted along the way.
What is Ramanas Park?
Ramanas Park is the new location that replaces Pal Park from the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. To get to Ramanas Park you need to surf south from Sandgem Town, where Professor Rowan's lab is. Head South and then East to find the location. In order to get into Ramanas Park you need to have completed the Sinnoh Pokedex and have obtained your National Dex.
What Legendary Pokemon are in Ramanas Park?
Ramanas Park is filled with a number of different rooms, once you enter each room with a corresponding plate you can summon a Legendary Pokemon to battle and catch. Listed below are all of the Pokemon you can catch in Ramanas Park with what Slate is required for each. To obtain a plate you need to purchase it from the Ramanas Park shop. You can purchase a slate for 3x Mysterious Shard S or 1x Mysterious Shard L. You can find Mysterious Shards by mining for them after completing the National Dex.
Ramanas Park Pokemon Available in both Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Required Slate: Genome Slate
Latios and Latias
Required Slate: Soul Slate
Regirock, Regice, Registeel
Required Slate: Discovery Slate
Required Slate: Oceanic Slate
Required Slate: Tectonic Slate
Required Slate: Stratospheric Slate
Giratina Origin Forme
Required Slate: Distortion Slate
Reward: Griseous Orb
Extra Notes: This Giratina is a shadowy version of the real Giratina Origin Forme. This Pokemon is also level 100 and is uncatchable. While this is disappointing it's the first time Pokemon has introduced a concept of a Superboss.
Ramanas Park Pokemon Available exclusively in Shining Pearl
Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres
Required Slate: Kanto Slate
Required Slate: Squall Slate
Ramanas Park Pokemon Available exclusively in Brilliant Diamond
Raikou, Entei, Suicune
Required Slate: Johto Slate
Required Slate: Rainbow
Where else can I find Legendary Pokemon?
Legendary Pokemon
- Uxie - After completing the event with Dialga/Palkia return to the lake next to Snowpoint City to battle a Lv 50 Uxie
- Mespirit - After completing the event with Dialga/Palkia return to the lake next to your hometown. Mespirit will run from you but you can use the Pokemon Marking app to track it.
- Azelf - After completing the event with Dialga/Palkia return to the lake next to the resort to battle a Lv 50 Azelf
- Dialga (Diamond Only) - Encountered through the story
- Palkia (Pearl Only) - Encountered through the story
- Heatran - Can be obtained after traveling through Stark Mountain after defeating the Elite 4 and completing the National Dex
- Regigigas - Interact with the Regigigas statue in the Snowpoint Temple while you have a Regirock, Regice, and Registeel in your party
- Giratina Altered Forme - Can be obtained in the TurnBack cave that is East of Route 214 after acquiring the National Dex
- Cresselia - After obtaining the National Dex speak with the family in the house next to the boat in Canalave to hear about a new island. Travel to it and Cresselia will fly off like Mespirit.
Special Gifts
- Jirachi - If you have saved data from Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield on your Nintendo Switch you'll be able to obtain this Pokemon from the old man in the flower field in Floaroma Town
- Mew - If you have saved data from Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu or Let's Go Eevee on your Nintendo Switch you'll be able to obtain this Pokemon from the old woman in the flower field in Floaroma Town
- Manaphy - Purchase Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl and play it before Feb 21st, 2022 to be given a Manaphy egg
- Phione - Breed a Manaphy
Currently Unobtainable Pokemon
- Arceus - This Pokemon is currently locked in the game. As with the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl there will likely be a future event where players can obtain this pokemon.
- Darkrai - This Pokemon is currently locked in the game. As with the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl there will likely be a future event where players can obtain this pokemon.
- Shaymin - Information for this Pokemon is in the game but currently unavailable, this Pokemon will become available at a later time. While Shaymin isn't available through normal play there is a glitch currently available in the 1.1.0 version of the game that allows you to reach this pokemon.
Note: When Shaymin does become available you can talk to a woman in front of the Pokemon Center in Floaroma Town to receive the Gracedia Flower that allows Shaymin to transform into his dog-like Sky Forme
What other Pokemon can I encounter or be gifted?
Normal Pokemon
There are a number of interesting pokemon to encounter in SInnoh. While the majority you'll find through random encounters there are also plenty of Pokemon that you need to know have to come across. We've listed some of them below.
- Happiny - At the Hearthome City southeast exit there's a hiker with a Happiny egg
- Spiritomb - To have Spiritomb appear at the Hollowed Tower you'll need to dive into the Underground and talk to 32 different NPCs, not including the hikers that sell you things. After talking to 32 NPS return to the Hollowed Tower south of Solaceon town on route 209 with the Odd Keystone.
- Riolu - Take the ferry from Canalave City to Iron Island. There head into the tunnels and meet Riley, a Lucario trainer. Get through this area and defeat the Galactic Grunts at the end and Riley will give you a Riolu Egg. You will get the option to put it in your party or in your box so don't worry about needing a free party spot.
- Rotom - At night time visit the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest. There will be an active TV. Interact with it to encounter Rotom.
- Drifloon - Visit the Valley Windworks to the East of Floaroma Town on a Friday to find a Drifloon floating out front.
Evolution Pokemon
Sinnoh introduced a few new ways to evolve pokemon, while there are alternatives that have been created for future games we've listed the ways to activate those special evolutions below.
- Eevee -> Leafeon - Have an Eevee in your party and level it up near the Mossy Rock in the Top-Left of Eterna Forest
- Eevee -> Glaceon - Have an Eevee in your party and level it up near the Frozen Rock to the south of Snowpoint Town
- Magneton -> Magnezone - Level up your Magneton while at Mt. Coronet
- Nosepass -> Probopass - Level up your Nosepass while at Mt. Coronet
- Mantyke -> Mantine - Level up your Mantyke while you have a Remoraid in your party