A LEGO Cow, Pig, and Chicken with a grassland backdrop.

LEGO Fortnite Animal Taming Guide

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Published: April 23, 2024 3:54 PM

Our LEGO Fortnite Animal Taming Guide will go over how to find and tame each type of animal in the game and what items they will give you.

Selecting the Barn building.

How to Tame Animals

Taming animals in LEGO Fortnite only requires a few steps, though you'll need to build up a village first.

Having one village at level 2 will unlock the Barn recipe, which takes 10 Planks to build. This is where you'll keep the animals you tame.

Furthermore, placing a Barn will unlock the Animal Treat recipe, which can be make by combining five Vines and 3 Corn at a Grill.

Feeding a cow in the grasslands.

Make at least one Animal Treat (though we'd recommend taking a few extras), then find the animal you want to tame. Simply interact with the animal while holding a treat and it'll start to follow you.

LEGO Fortnite animals are pretty simplistic, following you in a straight path once tamed. To speed things up, you can make use of a fishing rod to pull them along, or build a vehicle with a cage or box to carry them in.

Animals can get hurt by aggressive mobs like normal, but you now have the ability to heal them by using Animal Treats. Just make sure to kill whatever is attacking the tamed animal beforehand.

Bringing the animal back to a Barn will let you assign it to the building, similar to assigning beds to villagers. You even have the option to name them.

Feeding corn to a tamed cow named Bruno.

Keeping Animals Happy

Animals in LEGO Fortnite have a happiness meter, which can be viewed via the Residents tab of the Village Square. If this drops too low, the animal will eventually leave your village.

To keep them around, you can pet them like untamed animals (this also gives you item drops), place food in their Animal House (e.g. corn, raspberries) , or assign a villager to look after the animals. If they're happy, they will leave produce inside their Barn.

You're also limited on how many animals you can keep in a Village, determined by Village level. The Residents tab will show you which resident slots can be used for animals, villagers, or either.

While animals will stick around as long as they are happy, we'd still recommend making a pen or walled area to keep them in. While they will respawn a little while after death, this makes them easier to keep track of.

All Tameable Animals

 Animal  Types  Drops
Cow White and Black, White and Brown (Grasslands) Milk, Fertilizer
Chicken White and Yellow (Grasslands), Brown and Tan (Dry Valley) Feathers, Fertilizer
Sheep White (Grasslands) Milk, Fertilizer
Pig Pink (Grasslands) Mushrooms, Fertilizer

That's all for our LEGO Fortnite Animal Taming Guide! Make sure to check out more of our guides below.

| Staff Writer

Isaac is a Staff Writer at TechRaptor, handling guides — and the occasional review — for games throughout many genres. Some of his more extensive work at… More about Isaac

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