Huniepop 2 Baggage Feature

HuniePop 2 Baggage Guide

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Published: January 10, 2022 3:27 PM

Perverted puzzler HuniePop 2: Double Date's protagonist wants nothing more than to score those sweet, sweet threesomes. Unfortunately, the lovely ladies the player pursues have some Baggage that keeps getting in the way. Our Huniepop 2 Baggage guide starts below!

What is HuniePop 2 Baggage?

Baggage is a new gameplay mechanic introduced in HuniePop 2: Double Date. It refers to issues which the characters have that make dating or having sex with them more difficult. They range from mildly inconvenient to potentially date-ruining, and are different for each girl.

When using the "Talk" prompt with a girl, you have a chance of uncovering her Baggage. As you get to know each girl better, the chance of revealing Baggage becomes higher. Each girl has three different types of Baggage which you can discover.

Baggage is a special condition which will make the match-three "Date" more difficult. In Normal - aka "Average Guy/Girl" - mode, only one of each girl's baggage will be active at a time, and it will vary depending on which girl she's paired with. However, in difficult - "Incel" - mode, all revealed baggage will be active at once.

Huniepop 2 Baggage Jessie
Jessie's "Depression" is one example of Baggage in the game

Abia's Baggage

One-Pump Chump - A four of a kind match for any token except Sentiment will cause Abia to lose half her Sentiment

Self-Effacing - Abia will refuse to accept gifts unless her date has been given one before her

Sex Addict - Abia will absorb all Sexuality token messages unless she is Upset or Exhausted. Additionally, she will consume one Sexuality token every time a move is made on her

Ashley's Baggage

Allergies - Ashley will not allow any Flower or Candle gifts unless she is Upset or Exhausted

Commitment Issues - Ashley will become Uncomfy if four or more consecutive matches are directed at her. When Uncomfy, she will not receive affection from matches

Easily Bored - Two consecutive moves including the same kind of token will cost one extra Move. Moves with multiple matches do not count.

Brooke's Baggage

Expensive Tastes - Brooke will not allow any Plushie or Souvenir gifts unless she is Upset or Exhausted

Gold Digger - Giving a gift to the other girl will cost 1 Move unless Brooke is Upset or Exhausted

Unsentimental - 20% fewer Sentiment tokens will appear during the date

Candy's Baggage

Forgetful - 5% chance that a date gift will lose its effectiveness due to Candy forgetting about it

Hypersensitive - If Candy becomes Upset, she will drain 30% Passion from both herself and the other girl

Intellectually Challenged - A four of a kind match used on Candy will cost 1 Move instead of extra Stamina

Huniepop 2 Baggage Match
A match with "Emphysema" and "Sex Addict" active

Jessie's Baggage

Busted Vadge - Sexuality matches won't work on Jessie unless they are four of a kind or better

Depression - Jessie will lose one Sentiment every five moves

Emphysema - 20% chance that Jessie will fail to recover Stamina when a move is made on the other girl

Lailani's Baggage

Low Self Esteem - Power Token matches won't work on Lailani, unless the Power Token is a Romance token

Old-Fashioned - For the first fifteen moves, Sexuality matches will not work on Lailani

Sheepish - Lailani will not allow any Hygiene or Sex Toy gifts unless she is Upset or Exhausted

Lillian's Baggage

Asthma - Four-of-a-kind matches or multiple matches used on Lillian will cost one extra Stamina

Teen Angst - Joy token moves used on Lillian will subtract Moves instead of adding them

The Darkness - The effects of Broken Heart and Passion tokens are switched (Broken Heart tokens cause Lillian to gain Passion, while Passion tokens make her Upset)

Lola's Baggage

Busy Schedule - Lola will take away one additional move every 10 moves

Caffeine Junkie - Lola will absorb all Stamina matches made on the other girl unless she is Upset or Exhausted

Miss Independent - Lola will refuse to accept gifts unless she has at least 30% passion

Huniepop 2 Baggage Sarah
Sarah took a while to reveal her final Baggage

Nora's Baggage

Abandonment Issues - Each time you switch focus away from Nora, she will drain 5% of the Affection Meter

Emotionally Guarded - Broken Heart tokens appear twice as frequently, but do not affect Nora

Vindictive - If Nora becomes Upset, she will throw away one gift received by both her and the other girl

Polly's Baggage

Brand Loyalist - Polly will not allow any Cosmetic or Jewelry gifts unless she is Upset or Exhausted

Drama Queen - If Polly becomes Upset, she will drain four Sentiment from both herself and the other girl

Jealousy - Polly will drain 5% of the Affection Meter each time the other girl receives a gift unless she is Upset or Exhausted

Sarah's Baggage

Annoying as Heck - Each time a move is made on Sarah, there is a 15% chance an extra Broken Heart token will appear

Attention Whore - There is a 15% chance that Sarah will steal focus away from the other girl unless she is Upset or Exhausted

Smelly Pussy - 20% fewer Passion tokens will appear during the date

Zoe's Baggage

Aquaphobic - The effects of Broken Heart and Sentiment tokens are switched (Broken Heart tokens cause Zoe to gain Sentiment, while Sentiment tokens make her Upset)

Kinda Crazy - Every time a move is made on Zoe, a random row of tokens will shatter

Tinnitus - No Joy tokens will fall while your focus is on Zoe

Huniepop 2 Baggage Pad
The baggage-blocking Sanitary Pad item

Can You Block Baggage?

The Sanitary Pad date gift will remove the effects of a character's Baggage for 8 turns. This gift costs 3 Sentiment to give to a girl. Keep in mind that it is considered a Hygiene item, so it cannot be given when Leilani's "Old Fashioned" Baggage is active unless she is Upset or Exhausted. It is recommended that you use this item if you find that a particular Baggage is causing you to fail dates. As well as this, the Tampon blocks baggage for 16 turns

Make sure to check out TechRaptor's other HuniePop 2 guides in order to help your character score as many hot threesomes as possible. After all, threesomes are the way to save the world!

| Former Staff Writer

Kate is a lifelong writer, reader and gamer with a fondness for mysteries, open world exploration and farming / crafting sims. The "Kate" route in a… More about Kate

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Release Date
February 9, 2021 (Calendar)
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