Like its predecessor, mature puzzler HuniePop 2: Double Date is all about having successful dates with girls in order to harvest a mysterious energy known as "Hunie." Hunie is harvested by making girls happy and pleasing them - here's how to use Huniepop 2 Smoothies for maximum effect!
As is traditional in the HuniePop universe, Hunie is divided into four categories of Affection, each represented by a color. These are Flirtation (green), Romance (orange), Sexuality (red) and Talent (blue). Each dateable girl has a favorite and least favorite type of Hunie.
Unlike the previous game, HuniePop 2: Double Date allows you to level up how powerful each type of Affection is, making your character more powerful as you go on more and more dates and score more and more threesomes. The method of leveling up your stats involves buying smoothies and giving them to the right girls. This guide will explain how to use smoothies effectively in order to become the most skilled lover on the tropical paradise of Inna de Poona.
HuniePop 2 Smoothie - what are they
Smoothies are drinks representing the four types of Affection. They are sold in the Store for 5 Hunie Seeds of the relevant type. Hunie Seeds are earned by talking to girls and successfully completing dates.
The Store's stock rotates every morning, and there is a random chance for Smoothies to appear. Like all edible items, Smoothies will spoil if you keep them in your inventory for too long. Only buy a Smoothie if you are prepared to give it to a girl quickly.
How to Gift Smoothies in HuniePop 2
Gift a Smoothie to a girl by selecting it in your Gifts inventory and dragging it to the girl of choice. Giving a girl a Smoothie costs 1 Stamina, so make sure she has enough Stamina before giving it to her.
You can give a girl multiple Smoothies as long as she has the Stamina for it. Some food items purchasable in the store, such as the Candy Necklace and Chocolate Truffle, can partially or fully refill a girl's Stamina.
Feeding any Smoothie to a girl will give you 1 experience point in that Affection type. However, if you give a girl a Smoothie matching her favorite type of Affection, you will get 2 EXP instead.
Abia, Ashley, and Lillian prefer Sexuality smoothies.
Brook, Lola and Zoey prefer Talent smoothies.
Candy, Polly, and Sarah prefer Flirtation smoothies.
Jessie, Lailani and Nora prefer Romance smoothies.
How to Level Up Affection Stats in HuniePop 2
Every 6 EXP, you will level up the associated Affection stat. Levelling up an Affection stat means that it will be worth more Affection when going on dates.
Feed 6 random smoothies to girls or 3 smoothies to girls who prefer them in order to gain a level. Each stat has five levels. Once you have reached Level 5 in a stat, Smoothies are far less likely to appear in the Store.
Check out TechRaptor's other guides for even more tips on how to score some tropical threesomes in HuniePop 2: Double Date.