Going Medieval How to Build Underground Guide - cover

Going Medieval How to Build Underground Guide

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Published: January 8, 2022 2:21 PM

If you want to know how to build underground in Going Medieval, you're in the right place! This Going Medieval How to Build Underground Guide will tell you what you need to know to build underground and what mistakes to avoid.

How to Build Underground in Going Medieval

The first step in our Going Medieval How to Build Underground Guide is to dig out some space! Click the pickaxe icon on the bottom right of the screen; you can use this to designate a section of land to dig out. Once that's done, your Settlers will get to digging!

Going Medieval How to Build Underground Guide - digging
Once you've designed an area to be dug out, your Settlers will get to work. Make sure to build Stairs so you can actually get down there!

Keep in mind, however, that digging a hole doesn't mean you can reach it. You're going to need to build a staircase to actually get down there. I'm guessing you might want to use this fresh new hole for a basement — keep in mind that you'll need to build walls or other objects to support the floor!

Why You Should Build Underground in Going Medieval

Building underground in Going Medieval brings several benefits. One major plus is that it's cooler underground — it's a great place for letting your Settlers get out of the heat. You could even build beds there if you wanted.

A much more important factor, however, is food spoilage. Storing your food underground will make it last much longer, saving your Settlers from running out of food (or other materials) due to spoilage and rot.

Going Medieval How to Build Underground Guide - house
Once your basement is dug and the flooring is in, you can build whatever you'd like on top. Just be careful to not accidentally destroy the supports holding the floor up!

Going Medieval Underground Building Guide – Mistakes to Watch Out For

The final part of our Going Medieval How to Build Underground Guide will cover some mistakes that you might make. Making an early mistake in this game could kill your chances of long-term success, so you'll have to be especially careful.

To start, keep in mind that any underground construction will have to be supported if it's larger than 3 tiles wide. You can build pillars to hold up any flooring above; a similar principle applies when you're building a second or third floor in a building.

Also keep in mind that it's colder underground. This might be great when it's hot outside, but Winter will eventually come, too — if you're planning on staying underground for the long term, you may want to install a heat source such as a fireplace to keep your Settlers warm.

The final (and perhaps most critical) part of our Going Medieval How to Build Underground Guide is this: don't forget about the game's "stability" system! A structure will collapse in this game if it loses its support — if a pillar is destroyed (or you try to dig underneath an existing building), you may soon find pieces of it falling on your Settlers' heads!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Foxy Voxel
Release Date
June 1, 2021 (Calendar)
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