This morning David D'Angelo, a developer at Yacht Club Games, announced via a Gamasutra blog post that their game Shovel Knight has just passed 1 million in digital sales. The physical release of Shovel Knight last October pushed overall sales past 1 million back in December, but it was only in February that this goal was reached on digital titles alone. Since its release Shovel Knight is now available on Wii U, 3DS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Steam, GOG, Humble Store, and even Amazon Fire TV.
Continuing in the blog post, D'Angelo breaks down the sales even further. The total sales of Shovel Knight are now at 1.2 million units with 200,000 of those being physical sales of the game. The game originally released on PC storefronts and Nintendo consoles nine months before they came out on Sony and Microsoft's platforms and should be taken into account when viewing these figures. D'Angelo also explained the belief that Yacht Club Games had in ensuring that even when on sale their game never was more than 33% off as they hoped players would "enjoy it more if it isn't bought at bargain bin price."

With the release of the retail version of Shovel Knight last year the Wii U and 3DS titles have sold 38% of the 200k copies each. While the tracking of physical sales is a lot harder to follow it seems that for North America Gamestop has sold the lion's share with 36% of sales, the next re-seller after that is Wal-Mart with 15%.
Breaking down the sales by region it's understandable that North America has the highest percentage. The game is currently available in English, German, Spanish, Italian, and French with a Japanese version of the game coming out in a couple of months. Here are the Steam sales of Shovel Knight by region.
The blog post ends by reassuring fans that work is still being put into the last of the Kickstarter Stretch goals including a campaign for King Knight and Specter Knight, Body Swap, and even a four player Battle Mode. In terms of Physical Rewards the Shovel knight art book is also in production. Yacht Club Games is hoping to have development of Shovel Knight done by the end of this year.
For more information on Amiibo sales and the Plague of Shadows DLC, be sure to check out the full blog post. For those who don't wanna read through a full blog post but would rather read an infographic, Yacht Club Games has just posted one on Twitter.
What do you think of Yacht Club Games selling so many copies of Shovel Knight? Did you buy the game? What campaign are you looking forward to in the future? Let us know in the comments below.