A new Atlas Fallen trailer is out there, but this one isn't like the rest.
Where previous trailers have zeroed in on combat or revealed more about Deck13's creative process, the new Atlas Fallen trailer takes a different approach.
It's mostly live-action, to begin with, and it's got a decidedly sillier slant than previous trailers have had.
The new trailer revolves around an old man playing into the classic "wizard prophet" archetype; suffice it to be said that there is some serious orb-pondering going on in this trailer.
As the old man gazes into his prophetic orb, he spies a "timeless land filled with dangers", referring to Atlas Fallen's sand-filled setting.
Dramatically, he describes people "suffering from the oppression of an ancient evil", as well as a hero "with the power to liberate mankind from the gods". It's all very typical fantasy stuff, until it isn't.
In his next breath, the old man builds to a crescendo: "I see...I see...surfing!".
He then irreverently looks into the camera, utters an expletive, and says "surfing?" incredulously.
I realize I'm describing the joke in the trailer here, so hopefully you've watched it before reading this breakdown.
We then cut to some pretty fun-looking Atlas Fallen gameplay in which the player is indeed surfing across the sands, as well as battling enemies, using traversal abilities, and more.
All the while, trad 60s surf-rock is playing, so it's pretty clear what kind of message the trailer wants to bring across.
The wizard-like old man is then seen dressed rather differently and lounging next to his orb, reiterating the Atlas Fallen release date of August 10th.
You'll be able to check out Atlas Fallen on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S when it lands.
Let's hope the old man in the above trailer makes an appearance in the game too, as it'd be a shame to waste his talent on just one trailer.