Our Wizard with a Gun Enchanting Guide will tell you how to unlock Enchanting, how Enchanting works, and the best Enchantments in the game!
You'll encounter lots of creatures as you explore the Map in Wizard with a Gun. You'll gradually get access to new Guns and Potions as you play, but there's another way you can increase your power: you can Enchant your clothes with permanent buffs. Read on to learn all about Enchanting!
How to Unlock Wizard with a Gun Enchanting
You can unlock Wizard with a Gun Enchanting by finding the Sewing Machina in the world and scanning it with the First Edition. You'll need to collect some Gears and expand the Map first, but you should be able to get access to Enchanting before fighting the first Rider (Boss).
After scanning the Sewing Machina with the First Edition, you'll be able to build one in the Tower and use it whenever you like. You can add Enchantments or replace existing Enchantments for the cost of some Resources.
How to Unlock More Enchantments in Wizard with a Gun
You can unlock more Enchantments in Wizard with a Gun by scanning creatures with the First Edition. For example, scanning a Phrogg in The Fell will unlock the "Increase Dodge Distance" Enchantment.
How to Increase Your Backpack Size in Wizard with a Gun
You can increase your Backpack Size in Wizard with a Gun by scanning the following creatures with the First Edition:
- Bigger Backpack I (+3 slots) - Scavenger in The Imperium
- Bigger Backpack II (+6 slots) - Swamp Scavenger in The Fell
- Bigger Backpack III (+9 slots) - Snow Scavenger in The Frozen Wastes
- Bigger Backpack IV (+12 slots) - Barnacle Scavenger in The Barren Sea
Scavengers are the large creatures running around with a sack over their shoulder. They also tend to protect a hoard of treasure, so it's always a good idea to look for them!
How Wizard with a Gun Enchanting Works
Wizard with a Gun Enchanting requires you to spend Resources to enhance your clothing at a Sewing Machina. You'll have to discover the Sewing Machina in The Imperium and scan it with the First Edition before you can build a Sewing Machina in the Tower.
Here's how to Enchant your clothing in Wizard with a Gun:
- Interact with a Sewing Machina.
- Select the piece of clothing you would like to Enchant.
- Select the Enchantment.
- Click "Enchant" to apply the Enchantment to your clothing.
You can also apply "Glamours" to your clothing; this changes its cosmetic appearance with no effect on stats.
Best Enchantments in Wizard with a Gun
Here are the best Enchantments in Wizard with a Gun:
- Heart - Health Regeneration
- Hat - Increased Damage
- Robes - Increase Max Health
- Gloves - Reduce Gun Cooldowns or Faster Reloads
- Backpack - Bigger Backpack
- Boots - Increase Dodge Distance
Of course, one or more of these Enchantments may not fit your playstyle -- don't be afraid to experiment with different choices!
Thanks for reading our Wizard with a Gun Enchanting Guide. Make sure to check out our other guides below!