Ring Console Puzzle Guide Key Art

Scars Above Ring Console Puzzle Guide

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Published: February 28, 2023 9:14 AM

Once again, a console lies in the way of your path during the narrative of Scars Above. If you've been confronted by this console supposedly controlling giant rings that have something to do with the planet's transit system, then you've come to the right place. This Scars Above Ring Console Puzzle Guide will show you how to get the console running, and what you'll need to do with it to continue on your way. 

Scars Above Ring Console Puzzle Guide

Scars Above Ring Console Puzzle Guide - Power Source Location
You can see the power source you crave hiding at the end of an icy chasm. 

Check out the path to the left of the console while facing it. Instead of taking the path up and to the right (this leads back to the top of the chasm), head down and to the left and you'll come across a decently-sized group of enemies. Your new friends can be taken out immediately if you shoot a hole in the ice they're standing on, causing them to freeze to death. You can collect an XP cube down the little fork to the left behind an ice wall, then run back to the right and destroy the ice wall ahead of you to progress in your mission.

Head forward and scan the device for some XP and information, then grab the energy source inside. Head back down the path the same way you came, and you'll be confronted by a new kind of enemy. You can try and take him out normally if you're interested in learning more about how it fights, but you'll see plenty of these dudes later on anyway, so just shoot him through the ice and be on your way. Just don't forget to scan him for his data, then run the rest of the way back to the console and use your new power source to get the rings up and running.

How to Make The Bridge

Scars Above Ring Console Puzzle Guide - Bridge Incomplete
This bridge feels like a lot of effort to go to if it's only going to cause the main character more misery in the long run. 

Now that you've finally freed the rings from the ice that was keeping them trapped, you'll have to figure out how to make the ring into a bridge for you to cross. This can easily be accomplished by using the pool of blood that sits below the spinning ring. Walk up to the pool and blast it with your ice gun to freeze it, then go back to the console and turn it on. The spinning slab will get stuck, and the slab behind it will crash into it. You can then go and freeze the pool again a few more times until you have all of the different pieces connected into a single long piece. 

With that accomplished, head back to the console and pull out the power source when the bridge you've made is at the top of the cycle. If you miss and the bridge doesn't stop in the right place, just put the power source back in place and try again. You have an infinite number of tries to get it right. Once you've successfully done that, it's advisable to head back to the checkpoint up the hill, as you will probably want a safe haven to try again from if things go awry. 

Thanks for reading our Scars Above Ring Console Puzzle Guide. If you're enjoying the game, you should check out our other guides too: 

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Will has been writing about video games professionally since 2016 and has covered everything from AAA game reviews to industry events and everything in… More about William

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Scars Above
Game Page Scars Above
Mad Head Games
Prime Matter
Release Date
February 27, 2023 (Calendar)
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