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Tower of Fantasy Currency Guide

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Published: August 11, 2022 4:59 PM

Tower of Fantasy is a new epic free-to-play JRPG adventure where players can explore a wide-open world filled with all kinds of quests, places to explore, and enemies to fight. Completing these tasks will generate for you all kinds of different currencies, and while some of them are pretty easy to understand it's hard to know with so many places to spend them where you'll actually want to be buying with them. In this Tower of Fantasy Currency Guide, we'll go over what each currency in Tower of Fantasy is and what the best way to spend it is!

Tower of Fantasy Currency - Gold

Gold is the most standard of all currencies that you'll be acquiring in Tower of Fantasy. You'll get it for pretty much everything you do. Unlocking different chests in the world, completing quests, defeating enemies, and more. 

Gold can be used to purchase different consumable items for your adventure or for purchasing ingredients that will go towards cooking. The most important thing that you'll use Gold for is in paying to upgrade your arsenal of weapons. Early on this won't make much of a dent but as you level up and require a weapon that hits even harder it's going to become very important. The necessity for a lot of Gold will be a long and slow burn in Tower of Fantasy so be sure to be doing all you can to acquire it where you're able to best position yourself for the late game.

Gold can be purchased in bundles of 10k at a time in the Tower of Fantasy shop for 100 Dark Crystals


Tower of Fantasy Currency - Nucleus

The Nucleus is the items that you'll use for performing Gatcha Pulls, in Tower of Fantasy these are called Special Order. There are three different types of Special Orders, each with its own currency and conditions. You'll be wanting to complete these Special Orders to obtain SR and SSR weapons which also bring with them a Simulacrum, an AI representative of the weapon. The types of Special Order and their currencies are as follows:

  • Special Order - Black Nucleus
  • Named Special Order - Gold Nucleus
    Note: This will be a Special Order that also has a title or tagline associated with it
  • Limited Order - Red Nucleus


How to obtain Black Nucleus in Tower of Fantasy?

This is the Gatcha currency that you'll run into most often. You can acquire this currency by completing story and side quests, by completing achievements, and from finding them in the open world. There are a number of different interactable items/locations in the overworld that you'll be able to earn these Black Nucleus from so if you see anything suspicious in the overworld be sure to interact with it.

How to get Black Nucleus in the Overworld

  • When you spot what looks like an Anenome sitting on the ground look for a Water Core nearby. Approach the Water Orb and pick it up, then throw it into the Anenome and it will spit out a Black Nucleus.
  • You'll come across dandelions as ingredients for cooking but every now and then of the three stalks of the dandelion, one of them will contain a Black Nucleus that you can see externally. Attack the main stalk to separate the dandelion and then attack the puff that has the Black Nucleus in it to collect it
  • You'll see small mounds with an opening covered in tar in the overworld. If you attack this tar with a fire element weapon it will slowly drain, once the tar has been drained away you'll be able to collect the Black nucleus

With a Black Nucleus you can perform a regular Special Order. These pulls have a chance of getting a SR or SSR weapon, but there is no pity system involved so the odds of you earning an SR or SSR character will remain consistent. 

Tower of Fantasy Purple Nucleus


How to obtain Gold Nucleus in Tower of Fantasy?

The Gold Nucleus can be found via the following methods:

  • Can be purchased in the shop for 150 Dark Crystal
  • Can be collected through achievements 
  • Can be collected through chests
  • Can be collected through story quests
  • Can be collected by killing bosses in the Ruins

With a Gold Nucleus you can perform a named Special Order. These pulls are the first level of pull that include a pity system. For this system you're guaranteed a SR or SSR weapon for every 10 pulls you perform, with a higher likelihood that you'll obtain a SR weapon. There's a second level to the pity system wherein every 90 pulls you will have a guaranteed SSR weapon pull. This ensures that there's no way you can use a more rare currency like Dark Crystals and not get anything at all from it.

You can view your pull history at any time and number of pulls you've made. You can use this to be aware of how long until your next guaranteed pull. 


How to obtain Red Nucleus in Tower of Fantasy?

The Red Nucleus in Tower of Fantasy so far is only known to be purchased from the shop for 150 Dark Crystals, it's likely that down the road there will be more ways to obtain these items.

During our time playing the game there wasn't a Limited Special Order event so we're not too sure of the details and why it's different but we'll be sure to update this as we find out.


Tower of Fantasy Currency - Dark Crystals

Dark Crystals are the first currency that allows you to purchase items directly from the in-game shop.

You can acquire Dark Crystals via the following methods:

  • Completing Story Quests/Side Quests
  • Earning Achievements by exploring the world, defeating bosses, and more
  • Trading Tanium in the in-game store at a 1:1 ratio

Dark Crystals can be used to purchase items like Black and Gold Nucleus in the store, it can also be used to buy gold if you ever find you're running short. It's not advised that you use it to purchase Gold as10k gold is far easier to come by that the equivalent about of Dark Crystals.

For the early game as Black and Gold Nucleus are so affluent in the world it's recommended that you don't spend any Dark Crystals. These will become much more important when it's harder to find any spare Black Nucleus around the world and there's a new banner that you want to pull for.


Tower of Fantasy Currency - Tanium

Tanium is the completely Premium Currency of Tower of Fantasy. You can purchase bundles of Tanium in different amounts from the store. The current breakdown of real-world dollars (in USD) to Tanium in-game are as follows:

Tanium Amount $USD Spend Tanium per $USD Spent
60 $0.99 60
300 $4.99 60
980 $14.99 65.33
1980 $29.99 66
3280 $49.99 65.60
6780 $99.99 67.80

The best deal of the bundle is obviously the highest one whereby paying $99.99 you earn about $12-14 extra Tanium. The worst deal in this bundle is the $49.99 as it isn't as efficient as the $99.99 or the $29.99 bundle, and you aren't earning any extra 'bundled' Tanium until you reach the $14.99 tier.

Tanium can be spent in a number of ways:

  • You can trade these 1:1 with Dark Crystals, after they become Dark Crystals you'll be able to start spending them on pretty much any other item in the in-game store
  • You can purchase Daily Supply Boxes. These are extra daily rewards that you need to claim each and every day, if you know that you'll be playing every day for the next week then these boxes can have a lot of rewards in them such as rare items and materials, and Gold and Red Nucleus for Gatcha pulls


Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Game Page Tower of Fantasy
Hotta Studio
IOS, Android, PC
Release Date
August 11, 2022 (Calendar)
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