In our Bear and Breakfast basic crafting guide, we will teach you exactly how crafting works, and how to unlock new crafting blueprints for your BnB.
Bear and Breakfast Basic Crafting Guide
Crafting in Bear and Breakfast can only be done at a crafting table located directly outside each of your resorts. The crafting table must be rebuilt before use, which only takes a few wood planks and nails; nothing too hard to find in the world. The lands and cities are filled to the brim with resources for you to use at your crafting table.
How to Unlock Crafting Blueprints in Bear and Breakfast
There are only three ways to unlock new blueprints to use at your crafting table:
- Progressing in the Storyline
- Purchasing blueprints from the "Pawn Voyage" truck
- Completing side quests and tasks from the NPCs in each area
List of Blueprints in Bear and Breakfast
Here is a detailed list of each of the blueprints available for the crafting table and how to unlock each one.
Level One Crafting Blueprints
Front Desk
- Unlocked by rebuilding your first crafting table in Timber Crossing.
- Crafting Materials: x4 Pinewood Planks
The Front Desk must be placed in every BnB you create, as it is used to book guests, check reviews, and see all of the details of each resort including Prestige level and active guests.
Simple Wooden Wardrobe
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in Timber Crossing.
- Crafting Materials: x4 Plywood Planks, x4 Pinewood Planks, x4 Iron Nails
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your BnB. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Shabby Wooden Bed
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in Timber Crossing.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x2 Cotton Sheet
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your BnB. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Shabby Pallet Bed
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in Timber Crossing.
- Crafting Materials: x1 Plywood Planks, x1 Cotton Sheet
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your BnB. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Wooden Footrest
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in Timber Crossing.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x1 Iron Nails
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your BnB. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Crappy Toilet
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in A24.
- Crafting Materials: x1 Plywood Planks, x1 Plastic Board, x1 Copper Plate
Used to add Hygiene points to your BnB. Only usable in bathrooms.
Wooden Shower
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in A24.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x2 Copper Plate, x1 Rubber Slab
Used to add Hygiene points to your BnB. Only usable in bathrooms.
Rusted Bathroom Sink
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in A24.
- Crafting Materials: x3 Copper Plate
Used to add Hygiene points to your BnB. Only usable in bathrooms.
Tiny Buffet
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in Highlake.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks
Used to add Food points and serve food to your guests in your BnB. Only usable in dining rooms.
Small Plywood Table
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in Highlake.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x1 Iron Nails
Used to give your guests a place to sit and eat in your BnB. Only usable in dining rooms.
Little Dinner Stool
- Unlocked by purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in Highlake.
- Crafting Materials: x1 Plywood Planks
Used to give your guests a place to sit and eat in your BnB. Only usable in dining rooms.
Puny Cutting Board
- Unlocked by completing Julia's Cooking quest in Highlake.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Pinewood Planks, x2 Copper Plate
Used to add cook food for NPCs and guests at your BnB. Only usable in kitchens.
Cast Iron Stove
- Unlocked by completing Julia's Cooking quest in Highlake.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Pinewood Planks, x3 Copper Plate
Used to add cook food for NPCs and guests at your BnB. Only usable in kitchens.
Small Refrigerator
- Unlocked by completing Julia's Cooking quest in Highlake.
- Crafting Materials: x5 Copper Plate, x2 Plastic Board
Used to add store food for NPCs and guests at your BnB. Only usable in kitchens.
Ol' Grandma Boiler
- Unlocked by completing Jax's Fireplace quest in Winterberry, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x5 Copper Plate
Used to heat your BnB in Winterberry. Requires Fuel that can be purchased at Jax's Burnables Shop, or found randomly around Winterberry and Highlake. Only usable in utility rooms.
Tiny Fuel Chest
- Unlocked by completing Jax's Fireplace quest and purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van in Winterberry.
- Crafting Materials: x1 Plywood Planks, x5 Copper Plate, x1 Plastic Board
Used to heat your BnB in Winterberry. Requires Fuel that can be purchased at Jax's Burnables Shop or found randomly around Winterberry and Highlake. Only usable in utility rooms.
Scratchy Armchair
- Unlocked by rebuilding the first resort in Winterberry, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Pinewood Planks, x2 Synthetic Sheets
Used to furnish a Lounge Room at your BnB. Adds Decoration points. Only usable in a lounge room.
Compact Sofa
- Unlocked by rebuilding the first resort in Winterberry, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x3 Synthetic Sheets, x3 Cotton Sheets, x2 Iron Nails
Used to furnish a Lounge Room at your BnB. Adds Decoration points. Only usable in a lounge room.
Sensible Book Case
- Unlocked by rebuilding the first resort in Winterberry, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x3 Plywood Planks, x5 Pinewood Planks, x4 Iron Nails
Used to furnish a Lounge Room at your BnB. Adds Decoration points. Only usable in a lounge room.
Sturdy Wooden Bar
- Unlocked by rebuilding the first resort in A24, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x4 Pinewood Planks, x4 Iron Nails
Used to furnish your bar. Adds Decoration points. Only usable in a Distillery room.
Wood Barstool
- Unlocked by rebuilding the first resort in A24, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Pinewood Planks
Used to furnish your bar. Adds Decoration points. Only usable in a Distillery room.
Basic Beer Tap
- Unlocked by rebuilding the first resort in A24, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Pinewood Planks, x2 Iron Plate, x1 Copper Plate
Used to furnish your bar. Adds Decoration points. Only usable in a Distillery room.
Small Campfire
- Unlocked by completing Beanie's Campground quest in Highlake, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x1 Stone Brick
Used inside of a Campsite in Highlake. Adds Decoration points. Only usable on Campsites.
Sitting Log
- Unlocked by completing Beanie's Campground quest in Highlake, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x1 Pinewood Planks
Used inside of a Campsite in Highlake. Adds Decoration points. Only usable on Campsites.
Smore Station
- Unlocked by completing Beanie's Campground quest in Highlake, then must be purchased from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x4 Pinewood Planks, x1 Iron Plate, x1 Plastic Board
Used inside of a Campsite in Highlake. Adds Decoration points. Only usable on Campsites.
Level Two Crafting Blueprints
Modest Toilet
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x3 Porcelain Chunk, x2 Copper Plate
Used to add Hygiene points to your BnB. Only usable in bathrooms.
Simple Bathtub
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x5 Porcelain Chunk, x2 Copper Plate, x1 Rubber Slab
Used to add Hygiene points to your BnB. Only usable in bathrooms.
Basic Bathroom Sink
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x3 Porcelain Chunk, x1 Copper Plate
Used to add Hygiene points to your BnB. Only usable in bathrooms.
Rustic Delight Bed
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x2 Pinewood Planks, x2 Cotton Sheets, x1 Iron Nails
Used to add Comfort and decor points to your resort's bedrooms. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Small Vanity Table
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x1 Pinewood Planks, x3 Plywood Planks, x1 Glass Panel
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your resort's bedrooms. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Cushioned Footrest
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Pinewood Planks, x1 Cotton Sheets
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your resort's bedrooms. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Small Buffet
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x2 Pinewood Planks, x4 Iron Plate
Used to add Food points and serve food to your guests in your BnB. Only usable in dining rooms.
Sturdy Oak Table
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Pinewood Planks, x2 Plywood Planks, x2 Iron Nails
Used to give your guests a place to sit and eat in your BnB. Only usable in dining rooms.
Rounded Chair
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Pinewood Planks
Used to give your guests a place to sit and eat in your BnB. Only usable in dining rooms.
Level Three Crafting Blueprints
Luxurious Throne
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x3 Iron Plate, x2 Copper Plate, x1 Rubber Slab, x1 Plastic Board
Used to add Hygiene points to your BnB. Only usable in bathrooms.
Lavish Standing Tub
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x5 Iron Plate, x3 Copper Plate, x1 Rubber Slab
Used to add Hygiene points to your BnB. Only usable in bathrooms.
Ornate Bathroom Sink
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Iron Plate, x2 Copper Plate, x2 Mahogany Planks
Used to add Hygiene points to your BnB. Only usable in bathrooms.
Cozy Butterscotch Bed
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x3 Pinewood Planks, x3 Plywood Planks, x2 Cotton Sheets, x1 Synthetic Sheets
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your resort's bedrooms. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Lovely Lavender Bed
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x6 Pinewood Planks, x6 Plywood Planks, x4 Cotton Sheets, x2 Synthetic Sheets
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your resort's bedrooms. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Cute Comfy Footrest
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x4 Pinewood Planks, x2 Cotton Sheets
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your resort's bedrooms. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Hot and Cold Buffet
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x8 Iron Plate, x2 Glass Panel
Used to add Food points and serve food to your guests in your BnB. Only usable in dining rooms.
Long Walnut Table
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Mohogany Planks, x2 Iron Nails
Used to give your guests a place to sit and eat in your BnB. Only usable in dining rooms.
Solid Walnut Chair
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Mahogany Planks, x1 Cotton Sheets
Used to give your guests a place to sit and eat in your BnB. Only usable in dining rooms.
Elegant Wardrobe
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x8 Pinewood Planks, x4 Iron Nails
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your BnB. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Level Four Crafting Blueprints
Cute Vanity Table
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x2 Plywood Planks, x3 Pinewood Planks, x1 Glass Panel
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your BnB. Only useable in Bedrooms.
Divine Dijon Bed
- Unlocked by completing storyline quests, and then purchasing the blueprint from the Pawn Voyage van.
- Crafting Materials: x4 Plywood Planks, x8 Pinewood Planks, x4 Cotton Sheets, x2 Synthetic Sheets
Used to add Comfort and Decor points to your BnB. Only useable in Bedrooms.
How to Unlock Build Mode
Once you have progressed a decent bit into the storyline, and end up in Highlake, you will notice a little sign that has an exclamation point on top of it. This is where you are able to accept Management quests. The Management quests allow you to take on higher-paying clients, as the quests ask you to do tasks that will make your BnB more comfy and efficient in the long run. About mid-way through the management quests, there will be a quest that asks you to build five level three bedrooms in Highlake. Once you have completed that quest, Build Mode will be unlocked, which allows you to edit your cabins and craft items from anywhere, rather than only at the crafting table.
These management quests are available in each city with a cabin and unlock some pretty neat things, such as collectibles, trinkets, and even coins.