Flexispot BS9 Chair Review

The Flexispot BS9 is bright, small and orange but does the chair live up to that standout look? Read our review to find out

Published: January 31, 2022 12:00 PM /

Reviewed By:

Flexispot BS9

Flexispot are a company I've become oddly fond of over the last year. Outside of a pretty flashy desk, they seem rather understated, but the level of comfort and ease of use has left them a regular facet of my setup. The Flexispot BS9 bridges that gap between what I wanted in the Flexispot BS8 and what I got, and manages to do it surprisingly well. 

Flexispot BS9 - the set up

Like the last chair, this was an incredibly easy build. Parts just sort of connected together and tightened into place. It is quite heavy and lifting it upside down to build it can be a bit uncomfortable so make sure you have a friend or enough confidence to try it anyway. 

Flexispot BS9

If you've put together a chair before, there's a good chance you can just figure this out from how it looks. This being said, the instructions could be a little bit clearer. I certainly didn't mind them due to how easy it is to put together, but I could see first time builders making small mistakes. 

Flexispot BS9 Design

This chair is a decent bit more noticeable than the previous, showing a bright orange base and a rather circular design. The cushion of the chair is very large and the back is arched in a way to keep your back straight. It's rather striking upon first look and oddly cute. If this were offered in different colors, I could see it being a rather niche chair for a certain cutesy kind of game player. 

Flexispot BS9 chair

Alongside this size comes the consideration of where it has to go. It has a decent range of heights to it but the big base needs some room to the side of it. If you can fit it in, it can look pretty great in the right environment. 

How comfortable is the Flexispot BS9?

This chair is, by far, the comfiest Flexispot chair I've used so far. The cushion is big and comfortable, working well without feeling overbearing. The arms on the side feel sturdy but could possibly benefit from an extra mechanism, allowing it to change height or direction. They fit in at the side and hold the chair well, allowing you to comfortably lie back. 

In this same vein, it fixes one of the only real nitpicks I had for the BS8 - the recline. The Flexispot BS9 can go back much further than the previous model, allowing a very satisfying lean. There's a certain point it goes to where it stops and you can essentially lock yourself in position, a nice feature. 

The back support feels great, providing a comfortable experience that doesn't feel like it's slouching too much. Unfortunately, when you do lean back, the lack of a headrest is noticeable. The BS8 had a good sturdy headrest that made you feel secure in your seat and its absence is very noticeable here. This is a shame as the base chair feels much better to use than the BS8 

Flexispot BS9 chair

Positioned on wheels, it has a decent ability to move around without ever feeling weak. It's a sturdy chair that triumphs in its best aspects. It is simply a good chair without central gimmicks and while the lack of headrest can be annoying and the fairly bright orange color may put off some, these downsides are easy to get over.

Flexispot BS9 Review | Verdict

The Flexispot BS9 is a very well-built, sturdy chair that fixes enough of my nitpicks of the BS8 to justify the replacement. It opts for an entirely new design and build, giving up a headrest and changeable armrests to do so.  If you don't mind being fairly locked into the design of the chair, it's an excellent addition to a gaming space that provides enough comfort to really get use out of it. It's lacking some central gimmick like the previous chair, but it's an excellent all-rounder. 

The Flexispot BS9 Office chair was provided to us by Flexispot

You can buy the BS9 from the site now. You can also avail of a discount from their site from now until February 10th

Review Summary

The Flexispot BS9 is a great improvement on the previous model with better movement, more comfortable cushions and a better look, even if the lack of head and arm rests may let it down somewhat (Review Policy)

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| Former Staff Writer

James Bentley is a freelance writer / editor / musician who has had a deep love of games ever since his childhood. This love had led him to chase a career… More about James