Combiner teams. They have been a staple of Transformers since they arrived in the 1980s. Since then, there have been many interpretations of characters that combine. Big, small, many, few, alien, and human alike. Transformers Enigma of Combination helps to bring some of that gestalt action into the roleplaying game, and all of the roleplaying and action that such concepts invite.
What is Transformers Enigma of Combination?
Transformers Enigma of Combination is a 127-page Essence20 supplement for the Transformers Roleplaying Game. It contains new player options, including new Perks, Influences, Origins, and Role Focuses all focused on creating combiner PCs. For GMs, it contains rules for handling combined gestalt forms, a collection of Threats and Contacts based on combiner teams from the Transformers franchise, as well as tips and recommendations for introducing combiners into a campaign.

How Do Combiner Teams Work in Transformers Enigma of Combination?
As mentioned before, combiner teams are a staple of Transformers. Everyone knows of at least one Gestalt character. The Constructicon team that forms Devastator. The Protectobot group creates Defensor when the chips are down. The gestalt form of Omega Prime, formed by Optimus and Ultra Magnus from Transformers: Robots In Disguise. The list goes on.
As most TTRPG groups know, the logistics of handling combined beings can be a nightmare. Not just from a system's perspective – health, movement, defenses, calculating size – it can be not easy to parse from a roleplaying and story perspective. How exactly do you roleplay someone who is, by fundamental design, just one piece of a greater whole? The existential crisis is baked right in.
In this regard, Transformers Enigma of Combination takes a broad approach to combiners. In addition to classic multibot teams that just have the function built into their cogs, the book introduces rules and lore from more obscure sources. These include the robotic partnering of Headmasters, the alien partner bonding of the Targetmasters, and a less invasive version of Powermasters with their sentient power batteries.

Overall, the book does a great job illustrating some of the potential story avenues for playing a combiner. There are passages about personal identity over the collective whole, elements of platonic relationships and mutual trust, and even some philosophical musings about how it feels to be in a combined form. It is great for both Transformers veterans as well as players that may not be as versed in this part of the setting.
As for how this is represented in-game, the book does a solid job expressing it both for players and GMs. There are brand new combiner-focused Influences like Binary Bonded. This lets your bot have a symbiotic relationship with an alien being. It is perfect for roleplaying any of the above-mentioned Masters, but has the potential drawback of Co-Dependent. In addition, there are new general perks players can take to get similar benefits like Gestalt Combiner or Matched Combiner.
Finally, the titular Enigma of Combination itself is in the book as an artifact that can grant PCs combiner perks if they spend enough time with it. This perfect story fuel for a table that wants to try out the new combiner rules without respecc'ing their characters.
On the GM side of things, the one word to the tools in Transformers Enigma of Combination is scale. The book understands that combining multiple giant robots to create an even bigger giant robot is going to lead to headaches. Thankfully, the development team did its research when it came to calculating gestalt forms.

Generally, the combined form operates similarly to how megazords are handled in the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game, but with some extra twists. For example, Essence pools for the combined form are determined by whoever has the highest score. That player can then determine what points go where. Do you have the highest Strength Essence? Congratulations, you can determine if you have more health or hit extra hard with Might.
But the smartest edition is the introduction of weapon upscaling. Once a bot PC grows to a certain size category, this affects the stats on their weapons: effective range, damage, traits, etc.. It's a handy chart when determining a combined form's combat options since it makes even a simple sidearm have a meaty punch. It is so useful it can easily be used as a reference in other Essence20 games with suitably large scale, perfect for size-changing shenanigans or Gurren Lagann-esque acts of one-upsmanship.
In fact, the book provides examples of how this upscaling can apply witg brand-new weapons designed with Huge or Gigantic characters. The result is some of the most powerful weapons for players in any Essence20 book by far.

What new player options are available in Transformers Enigma of Combination?
Outside of combiner rules, Transformers Enigma of Combination is packed with imaginative player options. The new Titanspark Influence just increases your character's starting size and grants bonus health, but naturally makes you a bigger target. Morale Booster lets you end certain conditions on allies that can hear you. As for General Perks, there are a few that draw from the more cosmic side of the lore. A personal favorite is the Voice of Primus, which lets you assist allies at a distance and inflict psychic damage on enemies from your godlike oratory performance.
Then there are the new seven new Role Focuses; one for each core role. Canonneer Gunners get access to giant siege weaponry capable of blasting cover. Team Leader Commanders are all about leading their team by example in the field, providing free re-rolls to certain skill tests. Pugilist Warriors gain bonuses to pummeling enemies with your fists in bot mode or with your fender in alt-mode. Counselor Scientists focus more on culture and therapy for their teammates, as well as introduce psychological warfare to the table. Surveyor Scouts can weaponize the very environment given enough time, perfect for ambushes.

As for Modemasters, they get two Focuses centered on combining. Bonded Master provides extra bonuses to defense and skill rolls for you and your binary-bonded ally. Alternatively, Component Ace is all about forming a gestalt form fast, and with extra power added on top.
But the personal standout by far is the Hub Analysts. They turn themselves into walking data bridges and tactical networks for their team. Not only does it let you buff allies in key areas across wide distances, and you can spend Energon to allow teammates to use each others' skill specializations in the field. It's IT support on steroids and it is awesome.
Even if you have no interest in doing any kind of combining at your table, these new focuses bring so much fun to the table it is worth the purchase alone.

Should I pick up Transformers Enigma of Combination?
Transformers Enigma of Combination manages to bring the complex mechanics of combiner teams to the Essence20 system in an accessible manor without sacrificing diverse character builds or player options. It does all of this while being a great player option supplement in its own right. It is well worth a purchase if you want to bring some larger-than-life fun to your Transformers game.
The copy of Transformers Enigma of Combination used in this review was provided by Renegade Game Studios. All photographs were taken by the author.