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Final Fantasy XV Director Announces Free Content Updates

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Published: December 7, 2016 6:55 PM

Final Fantasy XV will receive free gameplay and story updates throughout the next year, independent of the previously announced downloadable content, according to a translated post by the game's director on Square Enix's blog. After announcing that they shipped 5 million copies of Final Fantasy XV on launch day, Hajime Tabata stated that the team is looking to "enrich certain aspects of the game," and that he'd have more specific information later. All Tabata offered in the way of enrichments were "enhancements" coming to Chapter 13 in the game and buffs to ring magic.

After announcing plans for new story content, Tabata expressed interest in rollover stats for second playthroughs, low-level and God mode inducing items, new bosses, special limited time hunts and more:

After that, we’re hoping to delve deeper into the story, adding scenes that will give you new insight into character motivations, such as why Ravus walked the path he did. We will need a little time with these, as they’ll need to be localized and voiced in other languages, but we’ll let you know the details once everything is set.

For the long term, we are looking at making certain key characters playable, and even considering the possibility of customizable avatars, in addition to other features over time.

Additional scenes as a short term goal seem ambitious, but they could potentially be handled when cast members assemble to complete any work left unfinished in the DLC. Avatar customization follows as a logical goal for the game, considering the personalization options available for the appearance of the four main party members, the car, and the customization options available to your Chocobo, but to what extent players can expect it to be implemented remains to be seen. Many of the ideas are presented as hopes or goals and are clearly not meant to be taken as set in stone promises, and that leaves an air of mystery around the post as a whole.

The post is sandwiched by thank yous, probably because Final Fantasy XV is the fastest-selling game in the series' history, and ends with a list of tentative names for the previously announced Final Fantasy XV DLC packs players can pre-order by purchasing the season pass. The packs listed include the Holiday Pack, Booster Pack, an episode for Prompto, Gladiolus, and Ignis, and the Final Fantasy XV Expansion Pack: Comrades.

The Holiday Pack will be free for all players on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and it is expected to release by the end of the month. The DLC pack is rumored to include a special boss fight with Square Enix's CEO Yosuke Matsuda, new game plus, new boss fights, and more.

Are you already looking forward to more bro time in Final Fantasy XV? Let's talk about it in the comments below. 

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Learn More About Final Fantasy XV
Game Page Final Fantasy XV
Square Enix
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
October 21, 2016 (Calendar)
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