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Epic Games Lawyers Up Against Fake Fortnite Merchandise

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Published: October 30, 2019 12:02 PM

Fortnite is one of the biggest games in the world right now, so its only natural that companies looking to make a quick buck by producing knockoff merchandise. With that in mind, Epic Games, the developer behind Fortnite and operators of the Epic Game Store, have filed a lawsuit in an Illinois court against an unnamed group of Chinese counterfeiters who operate under the guise of their goods being authentic and thus "deceiving unknowing consumers by using the Fortnite trademarks.”

For their trouble, Epic Games is looking forbid counterfeiters from selling Fortnite goods and using related trademarked imagery without permission. Epic also hopes to have the court force Amazon and other sites shut down those found to be selling fake Fortnite merchandise. Also included in the list of demands is a crackdown on fakes sold through social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook. For each illegal use of their trademarks, Epic Games hopes to collect 2 million dollars from the lawsuit's defendants.

Epic games vs alleged count... by Polygondotcom on Scribd


According to Epic's lawyer, it has been something of an issue getting takedowns of counterfeiters to stick. As they often operate while hiding their identities and. once a lawsuit is filed, they will simply register a new domain and move to a new hosting service. You can read the nitty-gritty of the lawsuit below as provided by Polygon.This is not the first such lawsuit that Epic over fake goods, as of last April a suit similar to this above-mentioned one had been settled or dismissed against a number of defendants. In July, a judge ruled in favor of Epic against that suits remaining defendants.

What do you think of Epic's desire to crack on a fake Fortnite Merchandise, and have you seen any such items in person? Let us know your feelings on the issue in the comments below.


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I've been gaming since the days of the NES and spend most of my time with the hobby playing RPGs and fighting games. Besides gaming, I also enjoy table top… More about Nicole

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