
1930's Cartoon-Inspired Cuphead Delayed to Mid-2017

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Published: October 11, 2016 8:49 PM

Cuphead, the 1930's cartoon inspired platformer has been delayed once again.

Earlier today indie developer Studio MDHR posted an update on their blog about the development and release of their upcoming game stating, "Throughout this year we discussed reducing the scope to make a 2016 release, but we made the difficult decision to delay the launch in order to ship with our vision intact." As games become bigger, delays, unfortunately, appear to be becoming a bigger and more normal occurrence in the gaming industry. However, it is always welcome when a studio is being transparent about their production hiccups and expectations for the title.

While this isn't the first time Cuphead has been delayed, its come a long way from its initial reveal at E3 2014 as a boss rush platformer with the animation style and presentation similar to Disney Silly Symphony cartoons of the 1930's.  In 2015 Studio MDHR revealed the addition of an additional character "Mugman" as well as Co-op gameplay and a more fleshed out platforming campaign alongside its Xbox One console exclusivity... as well as a delay to 2016.

One Bat, Two Bat, Three Bat...
One Bat, Two Bat, Three Bat...

As of this posting, Cuphead will be available Mid-2017 on the Xbox One, Windows 10, and Steam Platforms.

Quick Take

As someone who had the chance to play it this past E3, I was blown away by the staggering amount of visual detail Studio MDHR was able to achieve, but not very impressed with the gameplay itself.  While it surpassed any and all expectations visually and creatively, the platforming felt clunky and unnecessarily difficult. While waiting to get my hands on it, I watched many players ahead of me in line get increasingly frustrated by its willingness to kill you for the slightest mistake. All that aside, here's to hoping that this delay in development will improve the gameplay and Cuphead can become something more than just a visual novelty.


Are you still looking forward to Cuphead or has it been delayed one too many times?  Let us know in the comments below.

Nick Maillet TechRaptor
| Former Lead Video Editor

When im not playing games Im working on TV shows as a colorist. You can find me on twitter posting pictures of my rabbit and other useless junk.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Cuphead
Game Page Cuphead
Studio MDHR
Studio MDHR
Xbox One, PC
Release Date
September 29, 2017 (Calendar)
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