The player with Kenny talking to two ants in High On Life

High On Life Guide Hub

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Published: December 12, 2022 9:11 PM

High On Life is the new game from Squanch Games bringing its Rick and Morty personality into a brand new world. You play as a human who has somehow ended up fighting a war against an alien cartel that plans to sell humans as a type of drug. In it, you'll find crass jokes, gunplay, platforming, and a healthy amount of items to interact with and collect. In this High On Life Guide Hub, we'll show you all of the guides we've created, as well as give you a heads-up on all the information you might want to know before you start.

Quicklinks: All High On Life Guides | High On Life Starter Guide | High On Life Upgrades | High On Life FAQ

All High On Life Guides

High On Life Starter Guide

How many guns are in the High On Life?

There are four different guns in the game, each has a different primary fire as well as a secondary fire. There is also Knifey the Knife. The weapons are as follows:

  • Kenny the pistol
  • Gus the shotgun
  • Sweezy the super combine
  • Creature the creature
  • Knifey the knife

Each gun has a different ability that will assist with the exploration of the world as well as in combat. These abilities will allow you to flip platforms, create platforms in glowing red walls, create Time Bubbles to slow momentum, and travel through tunnels/tamper with electronics. Knifey can also be used as a whip/grappling hook to navigate the world.

What do I do with the Purple Chests?

Chests in High On Life are called Luglox. Each area of the game has a certain number of Luglox that can be opened when you get access to Knifey. The Luglox can contain inside them Pesos, gun upgrades, or other collectibles such as the Collectible Cards. 

A Luglox from High On Life

How many Luglox are there in each region?

The game breaks up the Loglox not just by major region, such as what planet they're on, but also divides them by the different sections on each planet. For example Blim City might have 15 Luglox, but they're separated between Downtown and Blorto's. This is easy enough at the start of the game but as regions become larger like Zephyr Paradise it can be difficult to keep track of what you found where. At any time you can check how many of each Luglox you have per region by accessing your Bounty Hunting Warp Door in your house. The totals for each region are as follows:

All regions

  • Nova Sanctus
    • Blim City - 15
    • Slums - 26
  • Zephyr Paradise
    • Deep Jungle - 34
    • Upper Valley - 32
  • Port Terrene
    • Dreg Town - 36
    • Old Town - 27
    • Outskirts - 9
  • Unknown Sector


What do you use Warp Crystals for?

After defeating the third bounty you'll gain access to Blorto's shop. You can come here and trade in your Warp Crustals for Warp Discs. The Warp Discs for sale and their prices are:

  • Cutie Town Warp Disc - 0 Warp Crystals
  • Movie Theater Warp Disc - 3 Warp Crystals
  • Skate Park Warp Disc - 8 Warp Crystals
  • Trolley Tracks Warp Disc - 5 Warp Crystals
  • Toilet Warp Disc - 5 Warp Crystals
  • Quiet Cottage Warp Disc - 10 Warp Crystals

Once you have purchased the Warp Discs you can travel to the Outskirts of Port Terrene to activate these Warp Discs. Each is something to experience for fun, or contains a small minigame to play.


The Sand Worm from High On Life Eating the Player

High On Life Upgrades

Suit Updates

Upgrade Name: Dodge Unit
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1000 Pesos
What does it do?: Allows you to dodge, this will also allow for a mid-air dodge allowing you to reach further locations but uses up fuel. The fuel automatically recharges.

Upgrade Name: Slide Bash Unit
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1400 Pesos
What does it do?: This gives you a speedy slide bash move to use in combat

Upgrade Name: Durahealth Tank x3
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1000 Pesos
What does it do?: This raises your health

Upgrade Name: Gatterall Compartment
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 800 Pesos
What does it do?: Lets you store more Gatterall for activating your special attacks

Upgrade Name: Durahealth Tank x3
Where to Obtain: Valley Shop in Zephyr Paradise
Price: 1000 Pesos
What does it do?: This raises your health

Upgrade Name: Jetpack
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop after defeating the third bounty
Price: 999 Pesos
What does it do? It allows you to Jetpack


Kenny Upgrades

Upgrade Name: Reload Tract
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1000 Pesos
What does it do?: Allows you to reload faster

Upgrade Name: Glob Kidney
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 500 Pesos
What does it do?: This increases the recharge rate of Kenny's Glob Shot

Upgrade Name: Ammo Sac
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 800 Pesos
What does it do?: This increases the number of bullets you can fire with Kenny before you need to reload

Upgrade Name: Bounceflector Mod
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 600 Pesos
What does it do?: This allows Kenny's primary shots to bounce off enemies you're juggling in the air

Upgrade Name: Ammo Sac
Where to Obtain: Valley Shop in Zephyr Paradise
Price: 800 Pesos
What does it do?: This increases the number of bullets you can fire with Kenny before you need to reload

Upgrade Name: Glob Kidney
Where to Obtain: G3 Mines Quartermaster
Price: 800 Pesos
What does it do?: This increases the recharge rate of Kenny's Glob Shot

Upgrade Name: Muscle Implant
Where to Obtain: Dreg Stop
Price: 1500 Pesos
What does it do?: Makes the regular Kenny shot more powerful

Upgrade Name: Multiglob Mod
Where to Obtain: Dreg Shop
Price: 500 Pesos
What does it do?: This allows Kenny's Glob Shotto fire multiple


Gus Upgrades

Upgrade Name: Discbladder
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 800 Pesos
What does it do?: Lowers the cooldown between uses of the disc

Upgrade Name: Ammo Sac
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1200 Pesos
What does it do?: Increases the number of shots you can fire before needing to reload

Upgrade Name: Reload Tract
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1500 Pesos
What does it do?: Allows you to reload Gus faster

Upgrade Name: Goopsuck Mod
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1500 Pesos
What does it do?: Allows you to suck Goop Armor off G3 agents and apply it to your own armor


Sweezy Upgrades

Upgrade Name: Ammo Sac
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1000 Pesos
What does it do?: Lets you fire more shots before needing to reload

Upgrade Name: Chronoliver
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 800 Pesos
What does it do?:Lets you use Tiem Bubbles more frequently 

Upgrade Name: Remote Detonator Mod
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1500 Pesos
What does it do?: Lets you remotely blow up Sweezy's large crystals

Upgrade Name: Reload Tract
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps Pawnshop
Price: 1000 Pesos
What does it do?: Lets you reload faster


Creature Upgrades

Looks like we're still working on this section


Knifey Upgrades

Upgrade Name: Stagger
Where to Obtain: Big Deal Emporium in Dreg Town
Price: 1000
What does it do?: Allows Knifey's attacks to stun


Miscelaneous items

Name: Volleyball
Where to Obtain: G3 Mines Quartermaster
Price: 80 Pesos

Name: Drum
Where to Obtain: Mr Keeps
Price: 78 Pesos
What to do with it? Give it to the boy just to the left of the passageway towards Mr Keeps.


High On Life FAQ

How long does it take to beat High On Life?

If you're just aiming to complete the game with minimal sidequests the game should take about 6-8 hours. If you're going to be hunting all collectibles with the backtracking needed it will likely bring you up to 16-20 hours.


Is High On Life on Game Pass?

Yes, High On Life is a day one Game Pass title for Console, PC, and Cloud.

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

More Info About This Game
Learn More About High on Life
Game Page High on Life
Squanch Games
Squanch Games
Release Date
December 13, 2022 (Calendar)
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