An image of a hidden Lugloz in Zephyr Paradise in High on Life

High On Life Zephyr Paradise Luglox Collectible Guide

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Published: December 16, 2022 4:25 PM

At this point you're earned your Knife, have a second weapon at your disposal and have made it to Zephyr Paradise, a lush jungle area in High On Life. As you continue to explore this world there's one thing for certain and that's that there's a lot more Lublox for you to open in your path. In this High On Life Zephyr Paradise Luglox Collectible Guide we'll go over each of the Sub-Regions of Zephyr Paradise and how to find all of the Luglox.

How many Luglox are there in Zephyr Paradise in High On Life?

There is a total of 66 Luglox in the Zephyr Paradise are in High On Life. Unlike Blim City or the Slums, Zephyr Paradise is a bit difficult to locate all of the Luglox in as it's a dense and confusing jungle area split into two sub-regions. The Deep Jungle has 34 Luglox, the Upper Valley area has 32 Loglox, and Skrendle Labs has 28 Luglox. Each of these Sub-regions is home to a few different areas, and knowing these will make it easier to track down what luglox you might be missing as you explore the area:

  • Deep Jungle includes the Jungle Overlook, River Fork, Lower River Canyon, Furgle Warren, Moplet Village, Upper Falls, and Back Canyon
  • Upper Valley includes Upper Furgle Warren, Valley Bluff, Mine Outskirts, G3 Mine, Lower Mine Tunnels, Upper Mine Tunnels, Sacred Grounds, Lower Valley, and the Mushroom River

At the moment we've located 48 of the 66 Luglox in this area and we'll be updating it as we discover more. If you spot any that we have missed let us know in the comments!

High On Life Deep Jungle Collectible Locations

Jungle Overlook

Jungle Overlook Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Jungle Overlook area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

From where you spawn into the area head straight and over a rock ledge to find this Luglox (100 Pesos)


River Fork

River Fork Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the River Fork area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Immediately after entering the River Fork instead of walking up the ramp instead follow the cliff face to the left to find this Luglox (100 Pesos)


River Fork Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the River Fork area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Use the giant mushrooms to bounce a Goop Shot to lower the bridge. Then walk across the mushrooms to find an abandoned camp. Defeat the mites there and then you'll find this Luglox. (Trash Bag Babies #1 - Milk - Drinker Mikey)


River Fork Luglox #3

The 3rd Luglox of the River Fork Area

From where you hopped over the giant mushrooms into the camp look up and you'll find another Luglox. This one will require you to use the saw as a platform to reach. (1x Discbladder for Gus)


Lower River Canyon

Lower River Canyon Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Lower River Canyon area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After going down the zipline this Luglox will be directly in front of you. (100 Pesos)


Lower River Canyon Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Lower River Canyon area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After hopping over a few platforms, but before you use the wasp in this region turn around and see an expanded platform. Shoot the switch it's connected to to close it and reveal this Luglox (100 Pesos)


Lower River Canyon Luglox #3

The 3rd Luglox of the Lower River Canyon area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Use the Wasp towards the three expanding platforms. Instead of continuing forward to the second wasp use the bridge to cross the river and double back to find another Luglox. (100 Pesos)


.The 4th and 5th Luglox of the Lower River Canyon area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Lower River Canyon Luglox #4 (Listed as 8)

After fighting the three waves of G3 enemies you'll see a Luglox on the river to the left (100 Pesos)

Lower River Canyon Luglox #5 (Listed as 9)

After fighting the three waves of G3 enemies you'll see a Luglox on a platform to the right. Shoot the expanding platform switch to get over to it. (100 Pesos)


Lower River Canyon Luglox #6

The 6th Luglox of the Lower River Canyon area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After where you speak with the little bear and get the air-dash tutorial there's a Luglox directly under you. You can get to it by jumping off the cliff backwards and dashing into the gap. (1 Warp Crystal)


Lower River Canyon Luglox #7

The 7th Luglox of the Lower River Canyon area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After the Air-Dash tutorial you'll be headed down a hill towards the Moplet Village. To your left there's a lower area with a Luglox on it. (100 Pesos)


Furgle Warren

Furgle Warren Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Furgle Warren area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

As soon as you enter the Furgle Warren head straight, you'll find this Luglox tucked away just out of sight.(100 Pesos)


Furgle Warren Luglox #2

Return with the ability to climb the glowing red surfaces and once inside the first Furgle Warren look up.


Moplet Village

The 1st and 2nd Luglox of the Moplet Village area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Moplet Village Luglox #1 (Listed as 12)

As soon as you enter the village look towards the river bank to your left for a Luglox (100 Pesos)

Moplet Village Luglox #2 (Listed as 13)

From the entrance of the village, this Luglox is visible on a raised part of the village (100 Pesos)


Moplet Village Luglox #3

The 3rd Luglox of the Moplet Village area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

There is a grapple line that leads to a lava wall with a Luglox on top of it.


Moplet Village Luglox #4

The 4th Luglox of the Moplet Village area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Use the zipline to go up towards the top of a tree, then use the Wasp to grapple into the platforms in the trees. There's a Loglox up here. (100 Pesos)


Upper Falls

Upper Falls Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Upper Falls area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

When you get to the Upper Falls from the Moplet Village you'll see two catapult in front of you but one has already been triggered. Reset it by Goop Shotting the bottom of it and it will reveal a Luglox (100 Pesos)


Upper Falls Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Upper Falls area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After Catapulting yourself to the little island instead of heading to the left turn right and look for the yellow platform on the floor. Shoot the switch and fire a goop shot at the mushroom to drop the platform and reveal a wasp to grapple on. Climb up all of the structures to the right to be led to a Luglox. (200 Pesos)


Upper Falls Luglox #3

The 3rd Luglox of the Upper Falls area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After Catapulting yourself to the little island instead of heading to the left turn right and look for the yellow platform on the floor. Shoot the switch and fire a goop shot at the mushroom to drop the platform and reveal a wasp to grapple on. Make your way across the zipline to the right and use Magnet Boots to get on top of the building.


Upper Falls Luglox #4

The 4th Luglox of the Upper Falls area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After Catapulting yourself to the little island instead of heading to the left turn right and look for the yellow platform on the floor. Shoot the switch and fire a goop shot at the mushroom to drop the platform and reveal a wasp to grapple on. Use the rail to the left and jump off part way to find a Luglox. (200 Pesos)


Upper Falls Luglox #5

The 5th Luglox of the Upper Falls area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Just after the Valley Shop you'll see a technicolor shifting bridge. There is a Luglox under it with a machine for Creature to disable giving you access to the Luglox.


Upper Falls Luglox #6

The 6th Luglox of the Upper Falls area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

In the downstairs area of the shop walk under the stairs for this Luglox (100 Pesos)


Upper Falls Luglox #7

The 7th Luglox of the Upper Falls area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Towards the structures from the two ziplines in this area you'll see spinning blades that you can freeze with a time bubble (Ammo Sac)


Back Canyon

Back Canyon Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Back Canyon area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

As you walk down the hill at the start of the Back Canyon head through the tunnel to the left. There's a Luglox directly to your right. (100 Pesos)


Back Canyon Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Back Canyon area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

This Luglox is on top of a cliff way above the player on the right side. You'll need the wallrun/climb ability to reach it.


High On Life Upper Valley Collectible Locations

Upper Furgle Warren

Upper Furgle Warren Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Upper Furgle Warren area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

From the TBB #3 Luglox head into the Upper Furgle Warren and keep to the right wall. Climb up the rock to the glowing blue area and head into one of the Furgle houses for another Luglox. (100 Pesos)


Upper Furgle Warren Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Upper Furgle Warren area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

From the wasp that you use to get from the warped bridge up to the Upper Furgle Warren turn around to see a switch you can shoot. Use the two expanding ledges and the rock fact to climb up the slime waterfall for another Luglox (200 Pesos)



Valley Bluff

Valley Bluff Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Valley Bluff area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After the Mansion head down the hill keeping an eye on the righ face to your right. You'll see a Luglox in plain view. (100 Pesos)


Valley Bluff Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Valley Bluff area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

From the Mansion plateau follow the right cliff face to a large gap and a Luglox in the distance. Walk as far as you can to the left of the cliff to shoot the switch and run over to it. (Trash Bag Babies #3 - R - Word Reece)


Mine Outskirts

Mine Outskirts Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Mine Outskirts area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

As you step into the outskirts from the Moplet Village this Luglox will be hidden behind a shipping container to the right (100 Pesos)


Mine Outskirts Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Mine Outskirts area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

From where the mine path starts to veer left climb up the hill to the right past the barricades. Here you'll find a shipping container with a forcefield around it and a Luglox inside. 


Mine Outskirts Luglox #3

The 3rd Luglox of the Mine Outskirts area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Walk to the very back of this area following the green river to your left and you'll reach a large cliff. Continue to follow this cliff path and you'll find the Luglox. (100 Pesos)


Mine Outskirts Luglox #4

The 4th Luglox of the Mine Outskirts area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

This Luglox is in plain view next to the green river at the back of the area. (100 Pesos)


Mine Outskirts Luglox #5

The 5th Luglox of the Mine Outskirts area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After jumping up and over the green river at the back of the Mine Outskirts area to the right there will be a shipping container with a fan. Get inside to get this Luglox.


Mine Outskirts Luglox #6

The 6th Luglox of the Mine Outskirts area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Before jumping across the gap and leaving the Mine Outskirts area look over the ledge to your right for another Luglox.(1 Warp Crystal)


G3 Mine

G3 Mine Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the G3 Mine area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

As soon as you enter the G3 Mine look to your right and you'll see this Luglox.(100 Pesos)


The 2nd and 3rd Luglox of the G3 Mine area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

G3 Mine Luglox #2

As you're dropping into the Mine itself you'll see this Luglox on a platform hovering over the abyss. You can get to this by landing on the bridge, going through the hallway to the left past the shop, shooting down the bridge, and using the catapult to fling yourself over. (300 Pesos)

G3 Mine Luglox #3

Inside the Mine this Luglox will be on top of one of the large digging machines. Continue through the level until you're past the claw of the digging machine and to the Lower Mine Tunnel Area. Then turn around and jump onlo the light, and then up higher onto the cliff. 


G3 Mine Luglox #4

The 4th Luglox of the G3 Mine area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

When you land on the bridge in the Mines take the door to your left. Kill some enemies and follow the signs towards the Breakroom and Dorms. Walk up the ramp and into the door to your left and you'll find a control room. In this room is a Luglox. (100 Pesos)


G3 Mine Luglox #5

The 5th Luglox of the G3 Mine area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

From where you land on the bridge look towards the Luglox on the hanging platform, and then look down and to the left to see a lower platform with a Luglox on it. Drop down to get it. (100 Pesos)


G3 Mine Luglox #6

The 6th Luglox of the G3 Mine area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After dropping the security shield this Luglox is directly in front of you to the top-left. (100 Pesos)


G3 Mine Luglox #7

The 7th Luglox of the G3 Mine area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

As you're looking at the administrative building look over the right of the ledge to see a lower platform. Jump down and head towards the cave with the expanded platforms, crouch and shoot the switch to find the Luglox inside. (1 Warp Crystal)


G3 Mine Luglox #8

The 8th Luglox of the G3 Mine area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After making your way through the Administrative Building, and through the grabber of the machinery turn around and look down to see a Luglox behind a spinning fan. (Trash Bag Babies #4 - Muscular Matty)


G3 Mine Luglox #9

Continue through the level until you're past the claw of the digging machine and to the Lower Mine Tunnel Area. Then turn around and jump onlo the light, and then up higher onto the cliff. Climb across to the top of the Administrative Building and you'll find this Luglox (1x Glob Kidney)


Lower Mine Tunnels

Lower Mine Tunnels Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Lower Mine Tunnels area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Head into the Lower Mines until you see the Wasp and the fan blades. Turn around and jump on the red machine and you'll be able to hop into a hovel in the roof with a Luglox (200 Pesos)


Lower Mine Tunnels Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Lower Mine Tunnels area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Use the Wasp and freeze the fan to find this Luglox. (Summoning Portal Mod for Sweezy)


Upper Mine Tunnels

Upper Mine Tunnels Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Upper Mine Tunnels area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

As you enter this area there will be three Moplets calling for help. On the same platform that they're on you can see a Luglox beneath you. Head under the platform to unlock it. (1 Warp Crystal)


Upper Mine Tunnels Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Upper Mine Tunnels area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

As you reach the exit of the mines after being told to rescue the Prince there's a storage container suspended in the air. Use the containers to the left to climb up and reach this Luglox. (200 Pesos)


Mushroom River

Mushroom River Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Mushroom River area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

After bringing back the Sacred Lands for the Moplets use the new mushrooms to cross Mushroom river. Along the way there will be a Luglox to your left. (100 Pesos)


Mushroom River Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Mushroom River area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Once you've left the Mushroom River via the grapple line turn around and you'll be able to see the Luglox on top of the Mushroom. You'll need to return here with a jetpack later to get it.


Lower Valley

Lower Valley Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox of the Lower Valley area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Enter the Lower Valley from the Mushroom River. You'll need Gus and the Jetpack to get here. As soon as you enter the region look to your left over a gap for this Luglox (100 Pesos)


Lower Valley Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox of the Lower Valley area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

From the first Luglox use the saw to stand behind the slime waterfall and climb higher. Turn around to see a Luglow high up above you.


Lower Valley Luglox #3

The 3rd Luglox of the Lower Valley area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

As you reach the shop at the end of the Lower Valley keep an eye out to the bottom left for a cave you can use the magnet boots in to reach another Luglox. (Ammo Sac)


Lower Valley Luglox #4

At the very end of the valley is a locked Security Checkpoint that's part of the 4th Bounty Missions. Enter this room and change all of the computer monitors to have a screen showing a Luglox and the door will open. (Beyond The Stars II #1 - The Adventure Begins)


Lower Valley Luglox #5

The 5th Luglox of the Lower Valley area in Zephyr Paradise of High on Life

Directly to the right of the zipline to the Mushroom River, on the lower plateau from the mansion, use the fire wall to climb the cliff for this Luglox.

High On Life Skrendle Labs Collectible Locations

Skrendle Labs

The 1st and 2nd Luglox location in Skrendle Labs in High On Life

Skrendle Pass Luglox #1

Immediately after entering Skrendle Labs as part of the 4th Bounty, this one will be directly in front of you behind a few canisters.

Skrendle Pass Luglox #2

Immediately after entering Skrendle Labs as part of the 4th Bounty, this one will be directly in front of you up on a cliff. Use the catapult to your right to reach it.


Skrendle Pass Luglox #3

The 3rd Luglox location in Skrendle Labs in High On Life

Make your way to the bridge that's using the giant tree root for stability. Jump down and look where the edge of the cliff and the root meet for this Luglox. (100 Pesos)


Skrendle Pass Luglox #4

The 4th Luglox location in Skrendle Labs in High On Life

After making your way across the large force where you see a number of mushrooms the Luglox will be over the edge ahead of you. (Beyond The Stars II #2 - "I'll be a space captain!")


Loading Dock

Loading Lock Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox location in Loading Dock in High On Life

After going down the zipline into the Loading Dock area the Luglox will be in the building on your right. You need Creature to open the door and get it.


Loading Dock Luglox #2

The 1st Luglox location in Loading Dock in High On Life

Drop beneath the Loading Dock platform to find this Luglox


Loading Dock Luglox #3

The 1st Luglox location in Loading Dock in High On Life

Walk to the left side of the Loading Dock and use the zipline to climb, hit a switch, and them climb higher on the new Zipline. Cross the waterfall to get this Luglox. (Ammo Sac)


Sector A - Hybridization

Sector A - Hybridization Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox location in Sector A - Hybridization in High On Life

In the hallway immediately across from Creature's room this Luglox will be on the left.


Sector A - Hybridization Luglox #2

The 1st Luglox location in Sector A - Hybridization in High On Life

To the left of where you first use Creature's children in the vent there's another protected room with a Luglox in it.


Sector A - Hybridization Luglox #3, #4, and #5

The 3rd, 4th, and 5th Luglox location in Sector A - Hybridization in High On Life

In the hallway to the left of Luglox #2 you'll see a fan near the roof. Follow this path to find a room where three Luglox are being held.


Sector A - Hybridization #6

The 6th Luglox location in Sector A - Hybridization in High On Life

In the surgery room where mercs are being equipt with Gattlians there's a Luglox on a light fixture in the middle of the room.


Specimen Holding

Specimen Holding Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox location in Specimen Holding in High On Life

After the Creature Hookhive tutorial turn around to see that there's a Luglox on top of the structure.


Specimen Holding #2

The 2nd Luglox location in Specimen Holding area in High On Life

After reaching the large area with crates and locked up headcrabs look for the large red shipping container suspended in the air. The Luglox is on top of the container to find it. (100 Pesos)


Laboratory Crossroads

Laboratory Crossroads #1

The 1st Luglox location in Laboratory Crossroads area in High On Life

From where you enter the Laboratory Crossroads follow the left wall until you reach the green lake. Continue following the left cliff face to find a Luglox on a ledge. (100 Pesos)


Laboratory Crossroads #2

The 2nd Luglox location in Laboratory Crossroads area in High On Life

Look behind the Laboratory Crossroads and follow the river. You'll see a small cave opening that you can use your magnet boots on to reach this Luglox. (Flak Mod)


Root Route

Root Route Luglox #1

The 1st Luglox location in Root Route area in High On Life

Once you enter Root Route follow the path all the way up to the opposite side of the area to find a Luglox. (Beyond the Stars II #3 - Jazz Skabbit Works Alone)


Root Route Luglox #2

The 2nd Luglox location in Root Route area in High On Life

On your way up the hill when you get to the red bridge over the green river look under it to find this Luglox. (100 Pesos)

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| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Squanch Games
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Release Date
December 13, 2022 (Calendar)
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