Cloud standing in front of the Card Carnival stand in Costa Del Sol in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

How To Complete Every Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Card Carnival Challenge

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Published: March 3, 2024 3:06 PM

In this Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Card Carnival Solutions Guide we will walk you through how to beat every challenge Card Carnival has for you. You'll want to complete Card Carnival if you want to obtain every Queen's Blood card.

Queen's Blood is an extremely fun and competitive card game added to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. While there's a full storyline linked to the different ranks you can obtain there are also a variety of tournaments and even a puzzle mode known as Card Carnival for you to engage with.

Where is The FF7 Rebirth Card Carnival?

To play Card Carnival travel to the docks of Costa Del Sol. You'll come here naturally as part of the Costa Del Sol storyline when you're in control of Cloud.

Gameplay of Queen's Blood Card Carnival Cards Del Amor Challenge 2
The solution for Cards Del Amor Challenge 2

Later in the game (Chapter 12), when you come back to Costa Del Sol, a series of harder challenges will have unlocked.

What is Card Carnival?

Card Carnival is a Queen's Blood challenge mode where a number of ally and enemy cards are placed on the board and you start with a static hand. Using just the cards available to you you need to win the game.

As you play no enemy cards will be added to the board so you just need to work to analyse how you can turn the tides of battle to your side with what you have in your hand.

All Final Fantasy VII Card Carnival Solutions

Here's every Card Carnival Solution, broken down by Easy, Advanced, Collection, and Skill Drill groups.

Costa Del Sol Card Carnival Easy Card Puzzles - Solutions

Three-Card Stud (Rank 1) - 023 Fleetwing (19 Mutants in the hold at 1:00)

  1. Play Fleetwing in the lower center space
  2. Play Zu in the top left
  3. Play Quetzalcoatl in the middle row
Gameplay of Queen's Blood Card Carnival Cards Del Amor Challenge 1
The solution for Three Card Stud

Go for Choco-Broke (Rank 2) - 109 Posh Chocobo (19 Mutants in the hold at 1:03)

  1. Play Fat Chocobo in the lower left location
  2. Play Post Chocobo on the bottom middle space (Two to the right of Fat Chocobo)
  3. Play Chocobo & Moogle to the left of Post Chocobo


Mischief-Making Moogles (Rank 3) - 110 Moogle Trio & Companion Card for Cloud (19 Mutants in the hold at 1:09)

  1. Play Moogle Trio on the middle lane on the left
  2. Play Moogle Mage on the bottom space that was created to destroy the cactuar
  3. Play Fleetwing above the Moogle Mage
  4. Play Moogle Bard in the Top Left corner
  5. Play Grasslands Wolf in the Lower Left corner


Costa Del Sol Card Carnival Advanced Card Puzzles - Solutions

Spears and Needles (Rank 4) - 031 Spearhawk (19 Mutants in the hold at 1:16)

  1. Play Spearhawk in the top center space
  2. Play another Spearhawk below the first
  3. Play Quetzzalcoatl below the second Spearhawk
  4. Place the Cactuar to the left of the first Speakhawk so that it powers up Quetzalcoatl


Sea Devil by Night (Rank 5) - 032 Sea Devil (19 Mutants in the hold at 1:21)

  1. Play the Soldier in the bottom row, second column from the left. It will be destroyed but will make the space above and to the left of it Rank 3
  2. Play a Sea Devil in the top 3-rank space
  3. Play a Sea Devil in the left 3-rank space
  4. Play a Mandragora in the top left available space
  5. Play the rest of the Mandragora and Mandragora Minons in either of the available spaces. They will be destroyed but the Sea Devil will be powered up with every summoned card.
Gameplay of Queen's Blood Card Carnival Sea Devil By Night Solution
Sea Devil By Night Solution

A Kingly Clash (Rank 6) - 035 Tonberry King

  1. Play the Zu in the top 2-rank space
  2. Play the Zu on the bottom 2-rank space
  3. Play Tomberry King in the middle row right column
  4. Play 1 Deathwheel in the top left to destroy the bottom row Zu and Flametrooper. Your Tonberry King should now have 5 power
  5. Play 1 Deathwheel in the bottom left to destroy the top row Zu and Flametrooper as well as the middle card
  6. Play the Mindflayer in the middle row left column to destroy both Deathwheels bringing the Tonberry King to 15 power


One Shot, One Kill (Rank 7) - 119: Dyne

  1. Play a bomb in the top right available space
  2. Play a bomb on the right most space in the middle lane
  3. Play the Bloatfloat directly below the Adjudicator
  4. Play the Scrutineye to the right of the Bloatfloat
  5. Play Dyne on the left-most middle-row space, the chain-reaction should leave only Dyne left on the board
Gameplay of Queen's Blood Card Carnival One Shot One Kill Solution
The final solution for One Shot One Kill

Curse of the Gi (Rank 8) - 123: Gi Nattak

  1. Play the Sandhog Pie in the bottom right space
  2. Play the Desert Sahagin in the top right space
  3. Play the Jabberwock in the center right space, this will destroy the Sandhog Pie and enfeeble the Desert Sahagin
  4. Play the Crystalline Crab below the Jabberwock
  5. Play the Riot Trooper in the bottom left space
  6. Play the Griffon over the Riot Trooper
  7. Play Gi Nattak over the Jabberwock


Costa Del Sol Card Carnival Collection Challenges - Solutions

Collector's Card: Cloud (Rank 4) - 086: Cloud

  1. Play the Security Officer in the only available spot on the bottom row
  2. Play Cloud above the Security Officer
  3. Play Sephiroth in the final available space to trigger Cloud's Limit Break


Collector's Card: Barret (Rank 4) - 087: Barret

  1. Play the Sandhog Pie in the second space from the left on the bottom row
  2. Play the Toxirat in the second space from the left on the top row
  3. Play the Bomb between Sandhog Pie and Toxirat
  4. Play Insectoid Chimera on top of the Bomb
  5. Play Barret to the right of the Insectoid Chimera
Gameplay of Queen's Blood Card Carnival Collector Cards Barret
The solution to Collector's Card: Barret in Card Carnival

Collector's Card: Tifa (Rank 4) - 088: Tifa

  1. Play Spearhawk underneath the enemies Elphadunk
  2. Play Tifa to the right of the Speakhawk
  3. Play Deathwheel under the Spearhawk
  4. Play Cactuar to the left of the Elphadunk
  5. Play Griffon over Deathwheel


Collector's Card: Aerith (Rank 4) - 089: Aerith

  1. Play Aerith in the top left available space
  2. Play Leviathan to the right of Aerith
  3. Play Mandragora two spaces below Aerith
  4. Play the Adjudicator one to the right of the Mandragora
  5. Play the Mandragora Minion in the top right space


Collector's Card: Red XIII (Rank 4) - 090: Red XIII

  1. Place Sandhog Pie on the available space in the middle row
  2. Place one Golem above the Sandhog Pie
  3. Place the other Golem to the right of the Sandhog Pie
  4. Place Red XIII in the available lower right space
  5. Place Gi Specter on top of the Sandhog Pie


Collector's Card: Yuffie (Rank 4) - 091: Yuffie

  1. Place the Crystalline Crab to the right of the Fat Chocobo
  2. Place the Spearhawk to the right of Shiva
  3. Place Bomb to the right of Dio
  4. Place the Skeskee in the top left and bottom left
  5. Place Yuffie on the Bomb


Collector's Card: Cait Sith (Rank 4) - 092: Cait Sith

  1. Play Cait Sith in the top left space
  2. Play Moogle under Cait Sith
  3. Play Space Ranger under Moogle
  4. Play Chocobo Jockey in the top space
  5. Play Dio in the bottom space
  6. Play LOVELESS in the remaining space


Collector's Card: Cid (Rank 4) - 093: Cid

  1. Play Cid in the bottom left
  2. Place Tiny Bronco in the top left
  3. Play Skywheel to the right of Cid
  4. Play Bomb to the left of the enemy's Jabberwock
  5. Play Insectoid Chimera over Bomb


Collector's Card: Vincent (Rank 4) - 094: Vincent

  1. Play Vincent in the only available space
  2. Play the Black Bat above Vincent
  3. Play Rictus to the left of the Black Bat
  4. Play Galian Beast on the available space


Costa Del Sol Card Carnival Skill Drills - Solutions

Power-Down Practice (Rank 3) - No Reward

  1. Play the Archdragon on the bottom row and second column from the left, this will destroy the card to its right
  2. Play the second Archdragon to the right of the first destroying another card
  3. Play the Quetzalcoatl above the first Archdragon


Chain Reactions (Rank 4) - No Reward

  1. Play the Amphidex to the right of the Chocobo
  2. Play Gagihandi above the Security Officer
  3. Play Cactuar in the top left
Gameplay of Queen's Blood Card Carnival Chain Reaction Puzzle
The solution to Chain Reactions

Major Power Outage (Rank 5) - No Reward

  1. Play Rictus in the top left
  2. Play Desert Sahagin to the right of Rictus
  3. Play Reapertail in the bottom row space
  4. Play the Jabberwock on the last remaining space


Back to Replace-ics (Rank 6) - No Reward

  1. Place Grandhown on Levrikon
  2. Place Quetzalcoatl in the middle
  3. Place Gigantoad on Sandhog Pie


Replacement Test (Rank 7) - No Reward

  1. Place Cactuar in the top left
  2. Place Spearhawk above Bloatfloat
  3. Place Griffon on Bloatfloat


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| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Learn More About Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Square Enix
Square Enix
PlayStation 5
Release Date
February 29, 2024 (Calendar)
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