The Calamity’s power is growing, and nobody can save the world now. Good thing you’re a nobody!
Complete Quests to discover and swap between many varied and distinct Forms. Mix and match abilities in unexpected ways to unlock and complete even MORE challenging Quests. Join a friend to explore a vast overworld filled with misfits and monsters, while clearing shape-shifting dungeons in an effort to beat back the CALAMITY and Save the World!
Questing, not grinding
Player progression and new abilities are obtained exclusively by completing quests, not by defeating monsters. Quests range from “Complete a Dungeon”, to “Poison Baddies”, to “Cheer up a fellow rabbit-lover”.
Quests unlock new forms
Level up and unlock new Forms by completing quests. Each new Form has specific strengths and weaknesses and new abilities to experiment with.
Combine Form abilities
Customize your Forms by equipping abilities from other Forms: Mix and Match abilities in fun and unexpected ways!
Evolving dungeons
As you become stronger, procedurally generated dungeons will increase in difficulty and complexity to keep you on your toes!
Online Multiplayer
Want some company on your adventure? Use Xbox Live to invite a friend to your game and Save the World together!