WoT Spoils of War

World of Tanks Receives Free War Story Trilogy, "Spoils of War"

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Published: April 6, 2018 9:13 AM

World of Tanks, a free to play game where you can take command of one of over 660 different tanks to duke it out in 15 vs. 15 multiplayer matches, is offering console players a brand new PvE experience. Dubbed the "Spoils of War" War Stories trilogy, this recently released set of missions will give you a chance to explore an alternate history where World War II never ended from the perspective of American, German, and Soviet tank crews.

Split into three different parts, Spoils of War starts off with "Sieben Ritter." In this chapter, you are Captain Karl Staupe and you have wound up in a small town on the German-Polish border. As the world descends into further chaos, you will be forced to choose between duty, answering the call to make a final stand in Berlin, and morality, where you will disregard your orders to try and defend the town.

The next chapter, "The Connoisseur," switches to a more American perspective where Sergeant Frank Martinez has to destroy a priceless cache of stolen art. Unfortunately, no small number of German soldiers have also set their sights on this expensive collection of historical items and are trying to do their duty to "preserve" this art. Seeing as how this practice was historically seen as no different from looting, you and your tank crew will have to chase down and recover these treasures.

World of Tanks' Spoils of War trilogy concludes with "Potemkin," taking place on the battlefields of the Soviet-German front. This time, as Captain Anatoly Petrov, you have noticed that a fellow artillery commander has defied Soviet high command by selling food on the black market in an attempt to keep people from starving. Once again, you will have to make a choice between following orders and defending the defenseless as an armored NKVD unit has been dispatched to "restore order and bring justice" to the region.

Combined with World of Tanks' previous two War Stories chapters, Spoils of War gives players over 15 hours of free PvE content starting on April 3, 2018, exclusively for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. If you want to try World of Tanks on PC, you can sign up here and get in the action for free (affiliate link).

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| Staff Writer

Anson is a Writer at TechRaptor and has been playing games for as long as he can remember. As far as he's concerned, games are one of the greatest forms of… More about Anson

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Release Date
August 12, 2010 (Calendar)
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