Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition

[Updated] Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Announced, Coming Soon

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Published: November 21, 2017 3:36 PM

Update: Beamdog's livestream has now concluded giving us a bit more information about their upcoming remaster. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition will be available for pre-order on the Beamdog website and Steam shortly. As soon as tomorrow select players who pre-order will be allowed into the "Head Start Program" allowing them to begin playing almost immediately getting to test out the new changes, import modules, and prepare world servers.


Canada based development studio/publisher Beamdog announced that their new project would be an Enhanced Edition of the classic Neverwinter Nights. For those unfamiliar with Beamdog and their studio Overhaul Games, they have been remaking games that ran on the Infinity Engine such as Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, and most recently Planetscape. Neverwinter Nights was originally released over 15 years ago back in early 2002 for PC with versions for Linux and Mac being released a year later and made use of Bioware's Aurora Engine.

Beamdog started hinting at an announcement yesterday when a countdown timer appeared on their website which was set to expire on the 21st of November at 12 pm PST. It wasn't too long after that though that word got out that their announcement was a return to Neverwinter Nights. Even though the surprise has been ruined Beamdog still plan to host a livestream to show off to fans some of the enhancements that they can expect to see. A trailer showing off some of those changes has already been posted.

The list of enhancements that new players and returning fans can look forward to are as follows:

  • Advanced graphical options allowing the player to change settings such as pixel shaders, contrast, and depth of field
  • Updated UI with support for up to 4K resolution displays
  • Support for save games and mods from the original 2002 release

The description of the video states that this is covering the Diamond edition of the game, meaning all three expansions for Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide, Hordes of the Underdark and Kingmaker will be included. The first two formed a separate campaign that presumes a different character than the main campaign telling of their story from the apprentice of a retired adventurer to going through the depths of the underdark under Waterdeep. Kingmaker was a pack of three premium modules created using the extensive creation kit for the game and many of them were made by the community.

At the moment information is still scarce as we don't even have a release window other than the "Coming Soon" at the end of the trailer but expect plenty more information to be shared via the announcement livestream on the Beamdog Twitch page.

What do you think of Neverwinter Nights getting remastered? Were you a fan of the game when it originally came out? What kinds of improvements would you like to see come to the game?

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
Release Date
December 3, 2019 (Calendar)
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