Sea of Thieves Ships of Fortune Patch Notes cover

Sea of Thieves Ships of Fortune Patch Notes Debut The Reapers

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Published: April 22, 2020 3:05 PM

The Sea of Thieves Ships of Fortune patch notes are here after being announced earlier this month! This brand-new update is bringing a lot of fun new things to buy and sell, the most prominent of which is The Reaper's Hideout finally making its debut!

Check out the trailer for the Sea of Thieves Ships of Fortune update to see some of this new content in motion!

If you haven't been keeping up with Sea of Thieves, the fine folks at Rare have been hard at work cranking out new content. Several new updates have arrived over the last couple of years, each of which added a little more content for players to enjoy.

Now, this newest Ships of Fortune update is bringing with it some particularly powerful trading options for the wheelers and dealers out there! Let's get to it!

Sea of Thieves Ships of Fortune Patch Notes slice

What's New in the Sea of Thieves Ships of Fortune Patch Notes?

The first major highlight in the Sea of Thieves Ships of Fortune patch notes is undeniably the debut of The Reaper's Hideout. This special location has been under construction for some time and it's now finally complete!

Reapers will accept any form of loot, including:

  • Chests
  • Skulls
  • Cargo

As you turn in more loot, you'll progress the Reaper's Bones on the Reputation screen. Advancing your reputation with The Reaper's Bones Trading Company will unlock new Titles and ship cosmetics. As a bonus, the hideout also has boxes of cannonballs and ammo spread out throughout the complex.

Players can get even more involved in trading by becoming an Emissary of an Outpost Trading Company. You can rep either the Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, or Merchant Alliance after reaching Rank 15 and purchasing their associated flag. From there, Emissaries can receive ever-greater rewards by turning in treasure in the name of their respective companies.

Arena contests are getting some pretty serious changes, too. Contests will now last only 15 minutes instead of 24 minutes. Crews can earn more silver by damaging an opponent's ship and some of the other rewards have been rebalanced. Leavers will now also face a penalty — anyone who leaves these Contests too often will be temporarily suspended from participating in the  Arena.

The Pirate Emporium and Black Market also have some new stock as they tend to do. These are far from the only changes coming to the game; make sure to read the full Sea of Thieves Ships of Fortune patch notes for all the fine details.

What do you think of the new content in the Ships of Fortune update? Are you happy with how quickly new content has been coming out for Sea of Thieves? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Sea of Thieves
Microsoft Studios
Release Date
March 20, 2018 (Calendar)
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